P103- p173
Tango technique in the Golden Age 黄金时代的探戈技术
P105- p106 The Essence of Tango Technique 探戈技术的精髓
P107- p110 Posture 身姿
P107图bringing the weight towards the front of the foot while keeping the torso upright brings the hearts as close together as possible 两颗心尽可能地贴近时,保持躯干挺直,并用脚的前部承重
P108- p110表格
Technical skill技术要领
How this skill keeps the two hearts together此技术是如何让两颗心在一起的
P110- p116 Extending the Foot Back脚向后延展
P111 图Extending the foot back脚向后延展
P111- 115表格
Technical skill 技术要领
How this skill keeps the two hearts together此技术是如何让两颗心在一起的
P116- p118 Transferring the Weight Back向后换重心
P116 图Transferring the weight back向后换重心
P117- p118表格
Technical skill 技术要领
How this skill keeps the two hearts together 此技术是如何让两颗心在一起的
P118- p120
Stepping Forwards for the Leader引带者向前
P119- p120
Technical skill 技术要领
How this skill keeps the two hearts together此技术是如何让两颗心在一起的
P120- p121
Stepping Forwards for the Follower被引带者前进步
Technical skill 技术要领
How this skill keeps the two hearts together此技术是如何让两颗心在一起的
P121- p122
Stepping to the Side侧行步
P122 图
A side step functions in the same way as a step forwards for the leader and back for the follower. The movement of the leader' s heart leads the follower' s extension, the leader transfers the follower' s weight, and the leader' s feet arrive last. This ensure that at the end of the side step the hearts remain together . 引带侧行步的原理与引带女士后退步一样。引带者的心先让她延展,引带者让她换重心,而他自己的脚则最后到达。这样才能保证两个人的心在做侧行步的时候始终在一起。
P121- p122
Technical skill 技术要领
How this skill keeps the two hearts together此技术是如何让两颗心在一起的
P123- p125
Transferring the follower' s Weight from One Foot to the Other in the Standing Position 保持站姿时引带被引带者的重心从同一只脚换到另一只脚上
Moving the follower' s weight from one foot to the other involves moving the follower' s heart a distance approximately equal to the width of a foot. 引带被引带者的换重心,她的心移动的距离与脚几乎等距离。
P124- p125表格
Technique skill 技术要领
How this skill keeps the two hearts together此技术是如何让两颗心在一起的
P125- p131
The hold 拥
The leader' s right arm extends directly forwards so that the line of the leader' s upper arm makes a 90- degree angle with the line of the leader' s shoulders when viewed from above . ( The leader' s hand MAY be lower than the leader' s shoulder to allow the leader' s arm to fit under the follower' s shoulder. If the follower is taller than the leader, the leader' s arm will be horizontal . ) This keep the follower directly in front of the leader at all times. The leader does not attempt to put the hand ON the follower' s as this would pull the leader' s ahoulder forwards. The extent to which the arm bends around the follower will depend ON how the two bodies fit together and close the couple chooses to dance.
P128- p131
Technical skill 技术要领
How this skill keeps the two hearts together此技术是如何让两颗心在一起的
P132- p134
Turning 旋转
Technical skill 技术要领
How this skill keeps the two hearts together此技术是如何让两颗心在一起的
P132- p137
The turning Walk - the True Basic of Golden Age黄金时代的基本步――旋转走路
The cycle of the turning walk - forwards, side , back , side , forwards
P138- p139
Leading the turning walk 旋转走路的引带
Throughout the turning walk the hearts remain together 在旋转走路过程中两颗心至始至终都在一起
P139- p141
The forwards Step for the Follower while Turning 被引带者在做旋转时的前进步
P141 图示
A turning forwards step happens because the leader turns while leading the follower to take a step forwards. The degree of turn depends on how the step is led and how the bodies move together. 因为引带她前进步,所以产生了旋转前进步,旋转的角度由如何引带和两个身体是如何在一起决定的
p141- p144
The Forwards Ocho 前进八字步
图143 图示
A forwards ocho happens when a leader leads a turning forwards step in one direction followed by a turning forwards step in the opposite direction . 引带者引带一个方向上的转动前进步,然后在相反方向上再做另一个转动前进步,从而产生了前进八字步。
P144- p148
The Cross 交叉步
The cross happens when the leader turns the follower during the transfer of a step back with follower' s right foot. If the turn happened too late, after the transfer had been completed, the leader would find he or she had led the extension of a turning back step instead . 引带者在被引带者后退右腿换重心时而产生交叉步,如果太晚转动的话,在换重心完成之后,就只是简单的延展后退步。
P146- p147表格
Technical skill 技术要领
How this skill allows the cross to be led and followed如何产生交叉步的引带和跟随技巧
P148- p149
The Back Step for the Follower while Turning 被引带者在转动时的后退步
P149- p150
The Timing of the Turning Walk 旋转走的节奏把握
P150- p151
The Backwards Ocho 后退八字步
A backwards ocho is a turning back step in one direction followed by a turning back step in the opposite direction. 后退八字步是一个方向上旋转后退步接着是另一个反方向的旋转后退步
P151- p152
What is the leader Doing with his or her Own Feet During Turning Steps ? 在旋转步中引带者自己的脚在做什么?
P152- p153
Advanced techniques高阶技术
P153- p154
Sacada 置换步
The extra force of the leader ' s movement through the follower heart lifts the follower' s free leg from the floor. 引带者附带的力作用到被引带者的心,把她的自由腿抬离地板。
P154- p155
The Back Sacada后退置换步
The leader turns away from the follower in order to step back between the follower' s legs. The additional force of the leader ' s body through the follower' s heart lift the follower' s foot from the ground. 引带者先转身,后腿放在被引带者的两腿之间,由此带来的附加力使得引带者的身体穿过了被引带者的心,并把她的脚提起离开地面。
P155- p158
Boleos ( Voleos ) 甩腿(落地前的截击)鞭子
The leader Interrupts the extension of the follower' s turning back step, and reverses the turn sharply enough to make the follower' s foot fly. The turn winds the follower' s free leg in, so that the knee of moving leg is inside the knee of the supporting leg. The free leg naturally falls back into the correct place as the leader leads a turning step forwards. 引带者打断被引带者旋转后退步的延展,足够快的快速地转动使被引带者的脚飞起来,转动的效果与上发条类似,把被引带者的自由腿的膝盖紧贴支撑腿膝盖的内侧,自由腿自然地向后回落在正确的位置,引带者引带一个旋转前进步结束。
P159- p160
Forwards Boleos前鞭子
The leader changes the direction of the follower' s turn before completing a turning forwards step. The follower' s free leg wraps around the supporting leg, and then naturally falls back into the correct position as the leader leads a turning back step. 引带者在被引带者完成旋转前进步之前转换方向,被引带者的自由腿缠绕其支撑腿,然后向后自然而然回落到准确的位置,再由引带者引带旋转后退步结束。
P161- p163
In this case the leader has reversed the direction of motion of a turning forwards step, changing it into a turning back step , and has created a barrier round which the follower' s leg will fly to create the gancho. The barrier must be created in the right direction, as the follower' s knee only bends one way. The loose the follower' s leg, the sharper the gancho. The follower' s leg then naturally falls under the action of gravity, and the leader leads it into a turning forwards step to finish the movement. 此动作时,引带者改变旋转前进步的方向,变成旋转后退步,制造出一个阻碍使得被引带者的腿在空中画弧做钩子。此阻碍必须方向准确,正好对着被引带者的膝盖后面,被引带者的腿越放松,钩子效果越好,之后,靠重力自然地落地,被引带以旋转前进步结束。
P163- p165
P165- p167
Dancing in a Close Hold持闭式拥抱舞姿跳舞
If the torso are completely vertical then the force between the two bodies are completely horizontal , and even If the two dancers are actually leaning on each other the position remains comfortable. If one dancer slumps the shoulders even slightly this introduces a downward component of the force between the two bodies, and the relationship can become almost intolerable to the other dancer. This is true whether the slumped person is the leader or the follower. The person slumping will almost certainly be completely unaware that they are becoming heavy and uncomfortable to dance with. 两人都保持自己躯干垂直的才能够真正的使两人身体保持在一个水平面上,在此情况下即使都有向前倾,这个位置仍让人感到非常舒服。如果有一人哪怕只是有一点点双肩下榻,结果破坏了两个人之间的平衡,对另一方来说都要承受难以忍受的重量,无论下榻双肩的人是引带者还是被引带者,双肩下塌的人还没有完全意识到自己已经变得让对方感到非常沉重和不舒服与之共舞。
P167- p169
Everything Is Possible But Not Everything Should Be Done存在各种各样的可能性,但也不是都必须要做
P170- p172
P172- p173
The Difference Between Social Dance and Stage Dance社交舞与舞台舞之间的不同之处