c++ mupdf 提取pdf文件里面图片


// TestPdf2png.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。

#include "stdafx.h"

* pdfextract -- the ultimate way to extract images and fonts from pdfs

#include "mupdf/fitz.h"
#include "mupdf/pdf.h"


static pdf_document *doc = NULL;
static fz_context *ctx = NULL;
static int dorgb = 0;

static void usage(void)
    fprintf(stderr, "usage: mutool extract [options] file.pdf [object numbers]\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\t-p\tpassword\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\t-r\tconvert images to rgb\n");

static int isimage(pdf_obj *obj)
    pdf_obj *type = pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME(Subtype));
    return pdf_name_eq(ctx, type, PDF_NAME(Image));

static int isfontdesc(pdf_obj *obj)
    pdf_obj *type = pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME(Type));
    return pdf_name_eq(ctx, type, PDF_NAME(FontDescriptor));

static void writepixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix, char *file, int dorgb)
    char buf[1024];
    fz_pixmap *rgb = NULL;

    if (!pix)

    if (dorgb && pix->colorspace && pix->colorspace != fz_device_rgb(ctx))
        rgb = fz_convert_pixmap(ctx, pix, fz_device_rgb(ctx), NULL, NULL, NULL /* FIXME */, 1);
        pix = rgb;

    if (pix->n - pix->alpha <= 3)
        fz_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.png", file);
        printf("extracting image %s\n", buf);
        fz_save_pixmap_as_png(ctx, pix, buf);
        fz_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.pam", file);
        printf("extracting image %s\n", buf);
        fz_save_pixmap_as_pam(ctx, pix, buf);

    fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, rgb);

static void
writejpeg(fz_context *ctx, const unsigned char *data, size_t len, const char *file)
    char buf[1024];
    fz_output *out;

    fz_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.jpg", file);

    out = fz_new_output_with_path(ctx, buf, 0);
        printf("extracting image %s\n", buf);
        fz_write_data(ctx, out, data, len);
        fz_close_output(ctx, out);
        fz_drop_output(ctx, out);

static void saveimage(pdf_obj *ref)
    fz_image *image = NULL;
    fz_pixmap *pix = NULL;
    char buf[32];
    fz_compressed_buffer *cbuf;
    int type;


        image = pdf_load_image(ctx, doc, ref);
        cbuf = fz_compressed_image_buffer(ctx, image);
        fz_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "img-%04d", pdf_to_num(ctx, ref));
        type = cbuf == NULL ? FZ_IMAGE_UNKNOWN : cbuf->params.type;

        if (image->use_colorkey)
            type = FZ_IMAGE_UNKNOWN;
        if (image->use_decode)
            type = FZ_IMAGE_UNKNOWN;
        if (image->mask)
            type = FZ_IMAGE_UNKNOWN;
        if (dorgb)
            enum fz_colorspace_type ctype = fz_colorspace_type(ctx, image->colorspace);
            if (ctype != FZ_COLORSPACE_RGB && ctype != FZ_COLORSPACE_GRAY)
                type = FZ_IMAGE_UNKNOWN;

        if (type == FZ_IMAGE_JPEG)
            unsigned char *data;
            size_t len = fz_buffer_storage(ctx, cbuf->buffer, &data);
            writejpeg(ctx, data, len, buf);
            pix = fz_get_pixmap_from_image(ctx, image, NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
            writepixmap(ctx, pix, buf, dorgb);
        fz_drop_image(ctx, image);
        fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pix);

static void savefont(pdf_obj *dict)
    char namebuf[1024];
    fz_buffer *buf;
    pdf_obj *stream = NULL;
    pdf_obj *obj;
    char *ext = "";
    fz_output *out;
    const char *fontname = "font";
    size_t len;
    unsigned char *data;

    obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME(FontName));
    if (obj)
        fontname = pdf_to_name(ctx, obj);

    obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME(FontFile));
    if (obj)
        stream = obj;
        ext = "pfa";

    obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME(FontFile2));
    if (obj)
        stream = obj;
        ext = "ttf";

    obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, dict, PDF_NAME(FontFile3));
    if (obj)
        stream = obj;

        obj = pdf_dict_get(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME(Subtype));
        if (obj && !pdf_is_name(ctx, obj))
            fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "invalid font descriptor subtype");

        if (pdf_name_eq(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME(Type1C)))
            ext = "cff";
        else if (pdf_name_eq(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME(CIDFontType0C)))
            ext = "cid";
        else if (pdf_name_eq(ctx, obj, PDF_NAME(OpenType)))
            ext = "otf";
            fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "unhandled font type '%s'", pdf_to_name(ctx, obj));

    if (!stream)
        fz_warn(ctx, "unhandled font type");

    buf = pdf_load_stream(ctx, stream);
    len = fz_buffer_storage(ctx, buf, &data);
        fz_snprintf(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "%s-%04d.%s", fontname, pdf_to_num(ctx, dict), ext);
        printf("extracting font %s\n", namebuf);
        out = fz_new_output_with_path(ctx, namebuf, 0);
            fz_write_data(ctx, out, data, len);
            fz_close_output(ctx, out);
            fz_drop_output(ctx, out);
        fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);

static void extractobject(int num)
    pdf_obj *ref;

    if (!doc)
        fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "no file specified");

        ref = pdf_new_indirect(ctx, doc, num, 0);
        if (isimage(ref))
        if (isfontdesc(ref))
        pdf_drop_obj(ctx, ref);
        fz_warn(ctx, "ignoring object %d", num);

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    char *infile;
    char *password = "";
    int c, o;
    infile = "C:\\Users\\14713\\Desktop\\1.pdf";

    ctx = fz_new_context(NULL, NULL, FZ_STORE_UNLIMITED);
    if (!ctx)
        fprintf(stderr, "cannot initialise context\n");

    doc = pdf_open_document(ctx, infile);
    if (pdf_needs_password(ctx, doc))
        if (!pdf_authenticate_password(ctx, doc, password))
            fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_GENERIC, "cannot authenticate password: %s", infile);

    int len = pdf_count_objects(ctx, doc);
    for (o = 1; o < len; o++)

    pdf_drop_document(ctx, doc);

    return 0;
