[paper] 00035 Synthetic Depth-of-Field with a Single-Camera Mobile Phone

Google Research

Paper name aimed two point:   1. Synthetic Depth-of-Field

                                                  2. Single-Camera Mobile Phone

Key Words:

Shallow depth-of-field: When the depth of field is small, or shallow, the image background and foreground are blurred, with only a small area in focus


 Dual pixel technology effectively divides every single pixel into two separate photo sites. Each pixel consists of two photodiodes that sit side by side next to each other under a micro lens.

alpha matte:

matte is a layer (or any of its channels) that defines the transparent areas of that layer or another layer.

Bayer plane:

[paper] 00035 Synthetic Depth-of-Field with a Single-Camera Mobile Phone_第1张图片


cell phone's carema is all-in-focus images.


We present a system to computationally synthesize shallow depth-of-field images with a single mobile camera and a single button press.


    Our system can process a 5.4 megapixel image in 4 seconds on a mobile phone, is fully automatic, and is robust enough to be used by non-experts.

1. Introduction

Some methods:
