imx VPU解码分析4-抽丝剥茧wrap与hantro的关系


imx VPU解码分析1-wrap-CSDN博客

imx VPU解码分析2-hantro_huntenganw的博客-CSDN博客

imx VPU解码分析3-wrap的示例-CSDN博客




#include "codec.h"

#include "codec_h264.h"

#include "codec_jpeg.h"

#include "codec_mpeg4.h"

#include "codec_vc1.h"

#include "codec_rv.h"

#include "codec_mpeg2.h"

#include "codec_vp6.h"

#include "codec_avs.h"

#include "codec_vp8.h"

#include "codec_webp.h"

#include "codec_hevc.h"

#include "codec_vp9.h"



typedef enum












typedef struct


  /* open parameters */

  VpuCodStd CodecFormat;

  const void *pdwl;

  /* hantro decoder */



  /* decode parameters */

  int iframeSearchEnable;

  int skipFrameMode;

  int skipFrameNum;

  int inputType; /*normal, kick, drain(EOS)*/

  int streamBufDelaySize; /*unit: bytes. used in stream mode:  valid data size should reach the threshold before decoding*/

  int initDataCountThd;

  VpuDecErrInfo nLastErrorInfo;  /*it record the last error info*/

  /*resolution for some special formats, such as package VC1 header,...*/

  int picWidth;

  int picHeight;

  /* init info */

  VpuDecInitInfo initInfo;

  /* out frame info */

  VpuDecOutFrameInfo frameInfo;

  /*used to store extended frame info*/

  VpuFrameExtInfo frmExtInfo;

  /* frame buffer management */

  int frameNum;

  VpuFrameBuffer frameBuf[VPU_MAX_FRAME_INDEX];  /*buffer node*/

  int frameBufState[VPU_MAX_FRAME_INDEX];  /*record frame state for clearing display frame(if user forgot to clear them)*/

  /* bitstream buffer pointer info */

  unsigned char* pBsBufVirtStart;

  unsigned char* pBsBufPhyStart;

  unsigned char* pBsBufPhyEnd;

  int nBsBufLen;

  int nBsBufOffset;

  /* state */

  VpuDecState state;

  /*management of consumed bytes: used to sync with frame boundary*/

  int nDecFrameRptEnabled; /*1:support frame reported; 0: not support*/

  int nAccumulatedConsumedStufferBytes;/*stuffer size between frames: if it <0, indicate that some frames are contained in config data*/

  int nAccumulatedConsumedFrmBytes; /*frame size: >=0*/

  int nAccumulatedConsumedBytes; /*it should match with the input data size == nAccumulatedConsumedStufferBytes+nAccumulatedConsumedFrmBytes*/

  VpuFrameBuffer* pLastDecodedFrm; /*the nearest decoded frame*/

  int nAdditionalSeqBytes; /*seq header inserted by wrapper itself , or config data */

  int nAdditionalFrmHeaderBytes; /*frame header inserted by wrapper itself */

  unsigned int nLastFrameEndPosPhy; /*point to the previous frame tail: used to compute the stuff data length between frames*/

  int nDecResolutionChangeEnabled; /*1: support resolution change notification; 0: not support*/

  int nPrivateSeqHeaderInserted;

  int nIsAvcc; /*for H.264/HEVC format*/

  int nNalSizeLen;

  int nNalNum; /*added for nal_size_length = 1 or 2*/

  bool eosing;

  bool ringbuffer;

  bool config_tile;

  int nFrameSize;

  int nOutFrameCount;

  int total_frames;

  long long total_time;

  int slice_info_num;

  RvDecSliceInfo slice_info[128];

  int frame_size;

  bool bSecureMode;

  bool bConsumeInputLater;

  int nSecureBufferAllocSize;



typedef struct


  VpuDecObj obj;






static void VpuPutInBuf(VpuDecObj* pObj, unsigned char *pIn, unsigned int len, bool useRingBuffer);

//解码器对不同格式进行解析,通过pInData->pVirAddr == (unsigned char *)0x01 && pInData->nSize //== 0来判断数据读完,这里读完解码器中还有几帧数据待解

static VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecProcessInBuf(VpuDecObj* pObj, VpuBufferNode* pInData);


static int VpuSearchFrameIndex(VpuDecObj* pObj, unsigned char *pInPhysY);


static VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecGetFrame(VpuDecObj* pObj, int* pOutBufRetCode);


static VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecDecode(VpuDecObj* pObj, int* pOutBufRetCode);

下面是对外的函数,所有函数的返回值都是VpuDecRetCode :


VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecLoad()


VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecQueryMem(VpuMemInfo* pOutMemInfo)


VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecOpen(VpuDecHandle *pOutHandle, VpuDecOpenParam * pInParam,VpuMemInfo* pInMemInfo)


VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecGetCapability(VpuDecHandle InHandle,VpuDecCapability eInCapability, int* pOutCapbility)


VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecDisCapability(VpuDecHandle InHandle,VpuDecCapability eInCapability)


VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecConfig(VpuDecHandle InHandle, VpuDecConfig InDecConf, void* pInParam)


VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecDecodeBuf(VpuDecHandle InHandle, VpuBufferNode* pInData,

    int* pOutBufRetCode)


VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecGetInitialInfo(VpuDecHandle InHandle, VpuDecInitInfo * pOutInitInfo)


VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecRegisterFrameBuffer(VpuDecHandle InHandle,VpuFrameBuffer *pInFrameBufArray, int nNum)


VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecGetOutputFrame(VpuDecHandle InHandle, VpuDecOutFrameInfo * pOutFrameInfo)


VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecGetConsumedFrameInfo(VpuDecHandle InHandle,VpuDecFrameLengthInfo* pOutFrameLengthInfo)


VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecOutFrameDisplayed(VpuDecHandle InHandle, VpuFrameBuffer* pInFrameBuf)


VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecFlushAll(VpuDecHandle InHandle)


VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecClose(VpuDecHandle InHandle)


VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecUnLoad()


VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecReset(VpuDecHandle InHandle)


VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecGetMem(VpuMemDesc* pInOutMem)


VpuDecRetCode VPU_DecFreeMem(VpuMemDesc* pInMem)















imx VPU解码分析4-抽丝剥茧wrap与hantro的关系_第1张图片


// Decode n bytes of data given in the stream buffer object.

// On return consumed should indicate how many bytes were consumed from the buffer.


// The function should return one of following:


//    CODEC_NEED_MORE  - nothing happened, codec needs more data.

//    CODEC_HAS_INFO   - headers were parsed and information about stream is ready.

//    CODEC_HAS_FRAME  - codec has one or more headers ready

//    less than zero   - one of the enumerated error values


// Parameters:


//    CODEC_PROTOTYPE  - this codec instance

//    STREAM_BUFFER    - data to be decoded

//    OMX_U32          - pointer to an integer that should on return indicate how many bytes were used from the input buffer

//    FRAME            - where to store any frames that are ready immediately



