班级:level3-c 姓名:罗佩莹学号:20193000501 日期:2020/4/1作业序号:Writing Assignment No:003

题目:The disadvantages of single-sex school

Sing-sex school no help to produce better students because there are little chance of contact.But in society.It’s the opposite sex.First,single-sex schools don’t have access to more of the opposite to more of the co-ed schools,making them uncomfortable communicating with the opposite sex.The second aspect does not interact more with thinking a opposite sex,and rational and perceptual thinking is not balanced.Which leads to considering only unilateral effects when doing things and about problems.Finally,the single-sex schools carried out activities,education ideas are more on-sided,students can not experience more fun.So I think the co-ed school better than single-sex school.(108 words))

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