
Before everything get started, the world was empty. There was a creature called Mat. Mat is not a thing, but everything. He is everywhere in the world. Mat separates him-self in to three forms, Nia, Jon, and Mike. They are the gods who created the world.

Nia, is the goddess of solid. She is smart and beautiful, but also dangerous and mighty. Her charm is irresistible, no one can stop noticing her when she is coming. She is full of talent, but she is also mean and strict. She is the queen of everything, she controls over all the mountains, rocks, blocks in the world.

Jon is the god of liquid. He is cool and full of humor, but he is also as cunning as a fox. He can accomplish whatever things he wanted, even if the things looked impossible for him. He can even fight against Nia if he wanted because he is more flexible, and has the patient to bend himself until the best moment for firing on all cylinders. He controls over all the oceans and seas, lakes and streams, brooks and creeks, every drop of water has to listen to him.

Mike, is the god of gas. He is almost invisible in all of the occasions. He is the sense of lonely, failure, and neglected. He is not smart nor confident nor successful nor talented, He brings all the passive feelings to the world. He controls over the air and the atmosphere of the world, which seemed as unimportant as him. Nia and Jon both shows disdain to him, because they think comparing to them, Mike is such an ordinary god.

The three gods worked together to creates the world. Jon made the ocean and seas, Nia made the mountain and valleys, Jon made another sea on the heaven, which he called it the “sky”, Mike puts white clouds on the sky, which will help transferring waters from the sky to the water on earth. Nia created a moving orange ball that can always give warmth and light, she puts it on the sky once a day, and she call that a “sun”. The other two gods thought this idea was brilliant. “You, help create more ‘suns’ for the world!” said Jon to Mike. However, Mike’s product was such a failure. His “sun” was full of bumps and hollows, and it is cold and gloomy. The only thing that it can give is a small amount of light, poor and little. “We can’t call this a ‘sun’!” despised Nia. “Let’s called a ‘Moon’ then.” adjusted Jon. And that is how the moon was created, it will always come after the sunset, because Mike has no confidence to put it at the first. Because the warmth and light that the sun and moon can gave was different, so it was much colder and darker when the moon is coming out. Therefore, Nia decided to call these two periods “day” and “night”.

After a period of time, the gods get bored. They wanted to create some creature who can drink and sleep and eat and jump as they could. So, they started to create animals. At first, the gods created animals by them self. Nia created animals as aggressive as her, like lions and tigers, they are usually on top of all the other animals. Jon created animals as smart as him, like foxes, and owls, they are usually full of intelligence, and knows to disguise themselves. Animals that Mike has created was always small, sensitive, and benign, like rabbits and sheep, they’re always being teased by the animals that Nia and Jon has created.

“I think we needs to worked together and create something!” recommended Nia, so the three gods worked together to create a creature that is better than anybody else. Nia gave him strength and muscles, so they could fight with the animals and beasts, and Jon give him strategy and creativity, so that they could always improve themselves. It’s the turn for Mike to give some gifts, but the only thing that he gives out to the creature is failure. The gods called this creature the “men”.

The gods were satisfied with this creature. “Let’s make a counterpart for him!” asserted Jon, so they made another creature that is similar but different from the men. Nia gave her charm and beauty, and Jon give her brain and intelligence, while Mike gave her fear. The gods called this creature “women”, and tell her to always help and take care of the men.

The men and women lived happily on the earth, but they soon found out that things do not go as what they want for many times. The men will fail in making the tools and hunting the animals, and the women will always fear about survival, cold, and beasts.

“Mike is such is bad god!” they complained to the other two gods, “we can’t make successful tools because of him, we can’t hunt for our food because of him, we never can be relieved and always had to fear because of him!” “I think it’s the time to get rid of him.” said Jon.

The two gods created a place called the “Vacuum” in the corner of the world, and then they locked Mike into that place. Mike cannot use his power in that place so that he will stay forever, and the world will be just happiness.

After Mike’s departure, all of his creations disappeared. There will only be sun on the sky, aggressive tigers and intelligent foxes, and perfect men and women, there will not be failure, pain, poverty, disease in the world anymore.

However, the gods and the men and women does not feel good...

Without the foil of the moon, the sun does not look as light and warm as before; Without the failure, the men do not feel that happy when he met a success; Without the fear, women do not feel that safe and satisfied when she lays in the warm cave with a bunch of soft straws.

“WHAT IS GOING ON?” shrieked Nia, “I think I’m not as successful talented as before!” “I think we cannot be without Mike,” said Jon speculatively, “he served as a foil for us.”

After, a long time of reflecting on themselves, Nia and Jon released Mike and asked for forgiveness. “We are so sorry that we were too stupid and does not understand you,” said Nia, “now we found out our world will not be perfect without you!” “Please come back!” cried Jon. Therefore, Mike came out from the Vacuum and brings back all of his creations.

The world is full of good and bad, pleasant and unpleasant, black and white again, but that is what an integrity will look like. Because of the failure, people will be more cherish to the success, because of the fear, people will be more willing to hard work and trail them self to be stronger...

So, my friend, whenever you complained about the misfortune of yourself, remind yourself this myth and god Mike.

When having a hard time with the failure, do not quit you self—

The time that you finally stand on the stage and show others your success, you will appreciate all of them.

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