一起背单词 4-25~5-15


  • eliminate poverty
  • retain == keep/hold
  • intense competition
  • phantom
  • exacting == demanding
  • preliminary examination 预备的,初步的
  • synthetic 合成的 (photosynthesis)
  • prompt v.(n.)提示,促使,鼓励 / a.(adv.)迅速的(地)
  • Many factors underlie my decision.
  • intoxicate 迷倒 (toxic
  • derive a conclusion from facts
    • derive 得到
  • stem from == derive from
  • syllabus 教学大纲
  • syllable 音节
  • massive 大规模的
  • imperative a.专横的,必要的 n.命令
  • secrete v.隐藏;分泌
  • exude 溢出,流露出
  • magnetic 磁性的
  • hazard n/v 冒险,危及
    • hazrd to health
  • hint 暗示
  • offset v./n.抵消,弥补,偏移
    • offset the loss
  • a viable plan/solution
  • impede sb. to do / impede sth.
  • chronic disease/stress 长期的,慢性的
  • witness v.见证
  • expertise of English
  • incentive n.鼓励,动机,刺激
    • cent 钱
  • erode sth
  • make up a loss 弥补损失
  • mortal 凡人;mortality 死亡率,死亡数


  • permissive a.纵容的
  • loom v.逼近 n.织布机
  • elaborate == expound
    • elaborate arguments
  • penetrate the apperance
  • inconclusive == indecisive; undecided
  • integral
  • swift
  • have preference for sth.
    • preference n.优惠,偏好
  • ridge of the nose
  • lubricate v.润滑
  • fabricate v.编造(lies)
  • cursory == perfunctory
  • headlong adv.急速地,鲁莽的
  • secular == mundane
  • retail
  • rival
  • susceptible
  • optimist
  • prompt v.推动,促使 induce; to cause sb to do sth./ n.提示
  • substitute
  • notoriety
    • notorious a.
  • precaution
  • manipulate the computer
  • banner 横幅
  • barrier == hindrance ; impediment; obstacle
  • weld v.焊接
  • elect
  • erect
  • lest conj.以免,担心
  • float
  • fluctuate
    • have some fluctuations
  • diminish; decline
  • sth dwindle [anti:swell]
  • sophisticate
  • tame v.驯服;a.顺从的
  • variable
  • pioneer
  • mammal(s)
  • affiliate v/n 分属,分公司
  • affair
  • approach == method; way
  • intervene == interfere v.干涉
    • intervention
  • regal 皇家的,尊贵的
  • lithosphere 岩石圈
  • hydrosphere
  • indecent 下流的不得体的
  • cannon 大炮
  • canon 标准准则(准则是唯一的,只有一个n
  • exert 施加,运用
  • prosecutor 检察官,起诉人
  • blame sth on sb
  • chaos (吵死-->a.混乱的
  • engrave 雕刻,铭记
  • indignant a.愤怒的
  • germ n.微生物;起源;发芽
    • germinate v.
  • germane == relevant; pertinent; related
  • beaming 愉快的,耀眼的
  • rear v.抚养,a.后部的
  • sketch n./v. 草稿,概述
  • ritual
  • offspring == descendant
  • faint a.微弱的,v.昏倒
  • prevent sb from doing
  • consonant == congruent a.
  • codename
  • soar v.
    • soaring a.急剧上升(的)
  • expend
    • expenditure
  • diagnose
  • transmit diseases/light
  • marble n.理智;大理石
  • harvest
  • pluck v.摘,拨,鼓起勇气 n.胆识,胆量
    • pluck up courage to do
  • mould v.(发)霉,模具
  • molder == decay
  • bristle v.
    • bristle with anger
  • captive n./a.
  • alumna 女校友
  • alumnus 男校友
  • circulate the news/ blood
  • bishop 主教
  • phonetics n./a.
  • brim v.充满 n.边
    • Her eyes brimmed with tears.
  • sauce
  • hostel 招待所 ; host v.
  • grind v.磨碎;碾碎
  • premier a.首要的 n.首相
    • premiership
  • influential
  • appoint sb + occupation
  • appoint a time for meeting
  • commuter train 通勤列车
  • distract == divert
    • distraction; inattention
  • tractor 拖拉机
  • detract == deprecate
  • cope with problems
  • assort
    • assort with sb. 交际/协调
    • assort sth into 分类
  • explicit == definite; unambiguous; unequivocal


  • overtake vt. 赶上,超过
  • subtle == small
  • nucleus n.核心,原子核
    • the nucleus of
  • make a deep impression on sb
  • gist 要点;主旨;大意
  • cliff n.
  • wholesome == healthy
  • complicate the problems/diseases
  • assembly n.会议;装配,集合
  • indulge v.放纵
  • lodge n.小屋
  • naval 海军的
  • log n.木头,日记 v.伐木
  • Use the sauce to flavor the meat.
  • elevated == raised; noble
  • haul v./n.托,拉
  • hurdle a problem/difficulty/barrier 克服,解决,跨栏
  • casino
  • cone
  • aggravate == exasperate; irritate
  • scope
  • slope
  • obssess v.困扰,着迷
  • bite -bit -bitten
  • bait ==n. enticement; v. lure
  • prison
  • funeral
  • downtown
  • oath 誓约,诅咒
  • marathon 马拉松
  • sting 刺
  • terrace 梯田
  • balcony
  • soak v.浸泡
  • levy v./n. 征收,征税
  • cram v.塞满 n.死记硬背,突击考试
    • cram for the exam
  • liner 轮船
  • sanitation n.公共卫生
  • sanitary a.
  • sanction
  • radish 小萝卜
  • plagiarise 剽窃,抄袭


  • indignation 愤怒
  • by contrast
  • impel sb to do
  • concrete evidence 确凿的证据
  • gratitude 感激感谢
  • junction
  • narrate
  • outset 开端,起始
  • council 委员会
  • inferior 次要的
  • impose sth on sb 强迫
  • default v.缺席,违约
  • originate the plan
  • suburb
  • downtown
  • reconcile sb with sb; reconcile disputes
  • steep v.浸泡 a.陡峭的
  • stadium 操场
  • reclaim 收回,开垦,感化
  • persecute 迫害,烦扰
  • prohibit sth/doing
  • provident 有先见之明的
  • subsidiary a.次要的,辅助的
  • subsidy n.津贴
  • comply; conform with/to
  • proximity n.亲近
  • intrude;interrupt
    • intrude on sth 打断
  • propose 提议,计划,求婚
  • stuuning; surprising; attractive
  • obtrusive ; noticeable
  • setback
  • dread ; fear
  • staple; essential
  • steely ; hard
  • facile a.; facility n.
  • convict
  • opacity n. opaque a.
  • A denote B, A代表B
  • hale,robust
  • acquisition 获得,收购
  • grievance ;complaint
  • virtuous
  • artery 干线,动脉
  • pail 桶
  • prey on sth/sb
  • wrap up 打包
  • compensatory payment
  • blaspheme v.辱骂
  • invoke; implore, entreat, solicit; plead ; beg
  • wreath
  • herald
  • halter
  • hallowed
  • lever v.撬动,n.杠杆
  • deduct 扣除,减去
  • deductible
  • embark 从事,上飞机/船
  • garment 衣服
  • plunge
  • vow 誓言
  • antarctic
  • volt
  • loss; losses
  • in regard to
  • flaw ; drawback
  • compute the bill
  • strangle 勒死,遏制,制止; choke, smother
  • willful ;deliberate
  • disclose; divulge; expose
  • instinct 直觉,本能
  • tub 桶,盆
  • oath,vow
  • senate 参议院
  • mortgage v./n.抵押,按揭
  • extract v.摘录,榨出
  • hostage 人质
  • flashlight 手电筒,闪光灯
  • empirical; practical
  • artry 动脉
  • vein 静脉
  • trench v/n 挖沟,沟
  • be apt to do
  • dissert 讨论,discuss
  • dissertation 论文
  • perennial ;permanent ;enduring


  • contract 合同
  • saddle 马鞍
  • atlas 地图
  • bind v.捆绑,约束,装订
  • preposition 介词
  • vigor n.
  • senate 参议院
  • harness n.马具,驾驭,处理
  • saturate v.使饱和
    • satur- = state 满足
  • cab 出租车驾驶室
  • vacuum
  • probe
  • umpire v./n (当)裁判
  • wholesome
  • wool 羊毛,毛线
  • mortgage
    • mort- 生命
  • indulge
  • divulge
  • rival v./n.
  • prescribe


  • lull
  • lure
  • embellish the article
  • indecent 不得体的,下流的
  • ventilation n.通风装置,通风
  • prosecutor
  • excavate
  • stipulation 规定
  • stipulate v.
  • mattress 床垫
  • inference
  • reference
  • commitment 承诺,投入
  • tail v.尾随
  • rear v.抚养 n.后面
  • puff v/n 吸,吹,喷,吹嘘
  • passing 短暂的
  • willful
  • willing
  • deficit
  • circumference
  • circumstance


  • bulb n.球状植物根茎,电灯泡
  • A rival B
  • pollen
  • cane v.用藤条打 n.竹杆,藤条,手杖
  • cone
  • You will regret this later on.
  • semantic 语义的
  • steer v.驾驶,控制
  • devise
  • device
  • gush v.喷涌,滔滔不绝地说
  • peel v.剥皮 n.果皮
  • seismic
  • burgeon
  • conterbalance v.== offset
  • hive v.群居 n.峰巢
  • auxiliary;accessory;affiliate
  • shear off the wool
    • shear v.剪切
  • foodie; gourmet
  • oven 烤箱,烤炉
  • carrot
  • scallion 葱
  • baggage
  • itinerary n.
  • itinerate v.
  • starve
  • fright n.惊吓,恐怖
  • tenant v./n.
  • extinguish
  • disable v.
  • unmanly 懦弱的,无男子气概的
  • doze v.打瞌睡


  • deductible
  • maid 女仆
  • submit v.屈服,提交
  • pirate v.抄袭,抢劫 n.
  • adversity 逆境,不幸
  • intonation 语言,声调,音准
  • a stack of books
  • agony n., pain
  • applicance 器具,器械
  • canal
  • wilderness 荒野,荒地
  • pharaoh 法老
  • massacre n./v.屠杀
  • entail == necessitate/lead
  • sole n.鞋底,脚掌 a.唯一的
  • aural 听觉的


  • mud-muddy
  • flyby n.飞跃
  • spawn v./n(产)卵
  • ripen v.
  • objection; rejection
  • polytechnic a.工艺的;n.理工学校
  • charm v.
  • glove n.
  • determine sth
  • determine on doing sth
  • stainless
  • lid v/n. 盖,盖子
  • bracelet n.手镯
  • block n.街区;v.阻碍
  • viaduct 高架桥
  • dismiss v. [dismissal n.]
  • ax v./n (用)斧子
  • casualty 伤亡人数;事故;急诊室
    • casualty figures
  • contain v.check,stop
  • corpus 文集,文献,语料库


  • condom
  • moan
  • mutton 羊肉
  • respectively 分别地
  • awfully== very,可以修饰正向词汇
  • rank first
  • umpire 裁判,裁判员
  • political organism
  • paste n.面团,糨糊,v.粘贴
  • tsunami 海啸
  • inflection 变音,转调
  • inflect
  • reflect
  • clan
  • hull 外壳
  • arthritis 关节炎
  • be keen to do


  • quota 定量,配额
  • audit v./n.审计,检查
  • astry adv/a.迷路的
  • naval
  • base a.卑鄙的
  • followup 后续工作
  • dice v.切丁,n.骰子
  • dreadful
  • sock n.
  • soak v.
  • precipitate decision a.仓促的
    • precipitate v.使发生,沉淀;n.
  • demolish; destroy
  • painstaking 幸苦的


  • sneeze 打喷嚏
  • surmount; overcome
  • concession
  • reach a consensus
  • propulsion
  • extra-curricular
  • perish : change state,turn
    • perish the thought
  • rust
  • relate a story == tell a story
  • economic plight
  • congestion
  • homesick 思乡的
  • nuisance 讨厌的人/事
  • relieve v.
  • relief n.
  • contingency 偶然事件
  • shred n./v.切碎;碎片,少量
  • deflation
  • distress
  • rack v.破坏,放到架子上 n.架子
  • trunk 树干,躯干
  • reap v.收割,收获
  • stony 冷酷的
  • blossom v.发展,开花;n.
  • spade 铁锹,黑桃
  • patent v./n. 专利;获取专利
  • tournament
  • jar v.震动,令人不快;n.罐子
  • apparatus 装置,仪器,器官
  • bilateral
  • attorney
  • tactic
  • spouse
  • neural 神经的
  • wretched 悲惨的,恶劣的
  • sluggish a.
  • nasty a.肮脏的,下流的


  • gale n.一阵,大风
  • loaf v.fiddle n.bread
  • reimburse; compensate; recompense
  • pagoda 佛塔
  • stipulation 规定
  • tent 帐篷
  • ore
  • revolt v./n.
  • signpost 路标
  • humor v.迎合 n.幽默
  • prefix
  • mistress 女主人,情妇,女教师
  • specification 规格,规范
  • prosper v. succeed
  • pictograph 象形文字
  • pledge sth ; mortage sth
  • pledge not to do ; promise not to do
  • clause 条款,从句
  • sparrow 麻雀
  • crater
  • candle wick
  • wicked
  • stature 身高,声望
  • redeem v.挽回,赎回
  • uphold; support ; advocate
  • inward; interior
  • slender ; thin
  • sway; influence ; dominate
  • jogging 磕碰,慢跑
  • flute v./n.(吹) 笛子
  • dial v.
    • dialogue n.
  • epic; heroic/ large
  • leaflet v./n. (发)传单
  • My fears haunt me again.
  • costly; expensive
  • enclose the land with hedges


  • scaffold
  • trail
    • rail 轨道
  • trial
  • evacuate v. move; empty
  • trespass v./n.; offend,transgress
  • prejudice;partiality,partisanship,bias


  • shred v.cut ; n.dearth
  • cripple n/v. (使成)瘸子
  • gown 长袍,礼服
  • pronounced;marked;conspicuous;noticeable
  • cater
  • crater
  • prose 散文
  • savage 凶猛的
  • meadow 草地,牧场
  • hut 小屋
  • torture v/n.酷刑,拷打
  • liquor 烈酒
  • chin 下巴
  • bore v./n 打孔
  • razor 剃须刀
  • digest of news
  • mow v.收割,n.草垛
  • thermostat 恒温器
  • smuggle v.走私
  • smuggler 走私者
  • handout 救济品,讲义
  • omit 省略,遗漏
  • enormity 巨大,邪恶
  • sprawl v/n. 蔓延
  • projector 投影仪


  • majestic;splendid;magnificent
  • chore 家务活,杂事
  • soar v. spike
  • execute a plan
  • bait n诱饵;v.irritate
  • dredge 挖掘
  • asylum 收容所,精神病院
  • stride v./n.大步走,步伐
  • flare v.燃烧,爆发 n.
  • rake v.search n.耙子
  • cataclysmic
  • catastrophe


  • tray 托盘
  • coin = v.create
  • undo = destroy/annul
  • flag = wane; decay
  • penalty for sth
  • resort to do = chose to do
  • paperback 平装书,平装本
  • brim = edge
  • crane 起重机,鹤
  • cane
  • shilling 先令
  • bore v.钻孔; annoy
  • earnest;genuine 真诚的
  • devastate,damage,destroy,ruin
  • brake v/n.刹车
  • indict,sue,accuse
  • disposal of sth
  • pin n./v.大头针,固定
  • pillar n.柱子
  • turnip 萝卜
  • radish
  • slum 贫民窟
  • aural 听觉的
  • qualitative 定性的
  • vinegar 醋
  • safari 旅行
  • submerge
  • portal 入门,入门网站
  • protocol

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