02 基于显微图像的自动细胞计数

对于varied细胞图片,很难有一个适用性广的细胞计数算法。有很多人在研究自动聚类和细胞计数。本文用直方图信息来分离物体与背景,用flood fill(泛洪填充) 算法来填充目标,然后通过blob analysis(团块,连通域分析)来识别细胞。如果连通域面积比阈值大,这个连通域就用K-means clustering算法分割。(这里算是启发的地方吧!怎么用K均值聚类有待考虑)通过计算每个连通域里包含的细胞数,可以获得整个图片的细胞数目。

Segmentation of the cell image:
A 、 flood fill algorithm

It needs to determine seed points, then determines whether to be filled by judging neighbor pixel whether communicating with the seed or not, until all pixels in the region are found or the boundary of the region is reached.

B、Segmentation of image
这个系统用了region segmentation来分割细胞图像。分割结果are got by 直方图双阈值。。。

. The segmentation results are got by using histogram dual-threshold which has adjustable upper threshold and lower threshold.

直方图信息还可以快速准确地定位到合适的初始种子生长点。然后使用flood fill 算法填充目标区域。这个方法能够在完成每一步分割和填充以后,real-time展示图片。

(a) a blood cell image (b) the result of segmentation and filling of the blood cell image
(a)a Rod-shaped(杆状) cell image in low intensity lighting (b) the result of segmentation and filling of the rod-shaped cell image

(a) a colonies cell image (b) the result of segmentation and filling of the colonies cell image

(colonies 意思是群落,聚群,可能不是粘连细胞的意思!)
从以上这些结果图可以看出,本文的segmentation and filling方法能够被应用到不同形状的细胞中去。

Cell Detection:
A、 Blob Analysis
Blob Analysis 就是分析具有相似性质的连通区域。在图片处理中,就是指一个像素块有相似的影响特征(颜色,结构)并且是由空间中的联通区域构成的。

it refers to a pixel block which has similar image characteristics (color, texture, etc.) and is constituted by the connected domain in space.

由于联通区域分析是对于封闭的目标形状的处理方法,所以在进行blob analysis之前,把图片分割成联通域像素的集合和背景像素的集合是有必要的。

Because blob analysis is a processing method for closed objective shape, it is necessary to segment image into collection of pixels about and local background before doing blob analysis.

blob analysis 由灰度图片而来(要先进行灰度处理),图片需要被划分成目标像素和背景像素。这一步骤通过直方图分割来实现。

B、 Cell detection using blob analysis
每个object被blob analysis method 有很多属性,比如centroid(质心), roundness(圆的程度)。一个container保存一张细胞图片里blobs的总数,第二个和第三个container保存各个blobs的面积和centroid。

下面是通过blob analysis来识别细胞的算法步骤:
3、如果找到的blob的面积比最大的面积阈值还大,那么这个blob是粘连细胞(adherent cell),需要被分割成subblob。

Blob Segmentation:
A、 K-means clustering


B、 Blob segmentation using K-means clustering
K means clustering的结果取决于初始聚类中心的好坏。把面积大的blob拿过来聚类。

the result of identification of the blood cell image

02 基于显微图像的自动细胞计数_第1张图片
the result of identification of the rod-shaped cell imag

02 基于显微图像的自动细胞计数_第2张图片
the result of identification of the colonies cell image


It initially segments the cell image by combining histogram information with Floodfill method, then using blob analysis detects blobs in the whole image, and using K-means clustering segments the blobs which have size beyond the upper threshold of area , finally, the number of cells in the image is obtained accurately.

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