1. 寡弱众强。团结就是力量
Even tender creepers when united are strong.
2. 团结就是力量,我们一定办得到的。
Two heads are better than one. We could make it.
3. 团结就是力量,凝聚产生希望。
Solidarity is power, cohesion is hope.
4. 1,孤掌难鸣 2,夜郎自大 3,安贫守节 4,咬人的狗不露齿;提防小人 5,你叫不醒装睡的人;强拧的瓜不甜 6,告诉我的我会忘记;展示给我看的我可能会不记得;让我尝试我才能理解;实践出真知;读万卷书不如行千里路 7,今日事要今日毕 8,团结就是力量;孤木难成林;一枝独秀不是春,百花齐放春满园
Let me try, and I'll understand.
5. 把强盗团伙团结成为一股不可战胜的、无坚不摧的力量——这就是我们革命组织的目的、活动和任务。
To weld the people into one single unconquerable and all-destructive force – this is our aim, our conspiracy, and our task.
6. 此外,本人深知一人之力有限,团结就是力量的道理,所以具备较强的团队意识及团队精神。
In addition, I am well aware that a limited Renzhi Li, unity is strength of reason, have a strong sense of team and team spirit.
7. 这就是精神力量的恩赐,它会让越来越多的人团结一心。
This is the gift of spirit that will unite people more and more.
8. 有句古话说得好:团结就是力量。
Olympic Games need the entire nation`s joint effort.
9. 团结就是力量。
In unity there is shrength.
10. 团结就是力量,教育的发展、传媒的发展、女性的发展,都离不开团结、协作。
In unity here is strength. The development of education, of media, and of women can not do without unity and cooperation.
11. 我相信,团结就是力量。
I strongly believe that unity is strength.
12. 我相信团结就是力量。。
I believe unity is strength..
13. 你们一定要记住,团结就是力量!!
You must remember that unity is strength!!
14. 难道你不认为团结就是力量吗??
Can't you recognise that unity is the strength? ?
15. UnitIsStrength(团结就是力量)(初二适用)气动肌腱与杠杆-铰杆增力机构的组合装置
Unit Is Strength Unit Equipment of Pneumatic Muscle and Lever-toggle Force Amplifier
16. 不可以貌取人。能言是银,沉默是金。团结就是力量。
Never judge from appearances.62.speech is silver, silence is gold.62.unity is strength.
17. 首先要说的是,在这几年的时间里,让我知道了团结就是力量和沟通的作用。
First thing to say is that, in the course of employment, let me know that Unity and communication are very important to a worker.
18. 主观原因中国进度领先的公会从不知道什么是协作,DNT能利用美服的优势招揽人材是比国内其他会在自己服务器里还忌惮被挖墙角是要来的安逸可你们知道他们发出招揽贴子后进的几个T3战士中有个就是其所在公会会长主动联系DNT的而且本来是2个但另一个因为网络关系而被拒从这点就可以看出什么是团结的力量虽然老美很强调个人利益可并不是说他们漠视集体荣誉希望各有实力为国人争光的公会以此为鉴开个群在MSN上交流UT 并不是什么难事 RAID完后各RL的互相讨论比无谓的扑多次要好的多也能够对战斗资源譬如药水资金节约保存
Good piece of execution by everyone, they really had it coming.
19. 这个计划的成功使我们得出这样一个结论:团结就是力量。
The success of the project lead us to the conclusion: Unity is strength.
20. 正如谚语所说的,团结就是力量。
As the proverb goes, unity is strength.