国家开放大学 作业练习


高级英语阅读(2)    参考试题

Section Ⅰ New Words

Ⅰ. Match each vocabulary word on the left with the correct definition on the right.  (30 points,3 points each)

      1.________determine                    A. unusual

      2. ________afford                       B. disadvantage

      3. ________ reflect                                          C. side, part, or characteristic

      4. ________nontraditional                              D. fact in the form of a number

      5. ________drawback                              E. control

      6. ________statistic                               F. decide on

      7. ________discipline                      G. have enough money for

      8. ________aspect                          H. show

      9. ________ involves                         I. fees (moneys) for school

      10. ________tuition                        J. includes

Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with words from the box below.  (30 points, 3 points each)

Acquire      focusing      research      capacity      identical      structures

Communication      journal      percent      produce

But is this language? What distinguishes     11    from true language? Do chimps actually have the    12    for language? There is much disagreement about this. Some people argue that chimps can    13    only the vocabulary of a 2 1/2-year-old human They also point out that a sentence such as "Lana tomorrow scare snake river monster" is not exactly Shakespearean English. It goes without saying that there is a gap between the language ability of chimps and humans. But clearly, this gap is not as wide as we used to think it was. Recent               14    is now    15    0n the    16    and activity of the brain. Biologists have looked at one small area of the brain, the planum temporale, which humans use to understand and    17    language_ In chimps, this is larger on the left side of the brain than on the right. In the    18    Science, researchers tell us that this is"essentially ~9 " to the planum temporale in humans. This is not surprising to people who believe that chimps do have the capacity for language. After all, they say, 99    20    0f the genetic material in chimps and humans is identical, making chimps our closest relative.

Section n Reading Comprehension

Ⅱ. Read the passage Then answer the questions that follow.  (25 points, 5 points each)


Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic disorder caused by an extra chromosome. Humans normally have 23 pairs of chromosomes, or 46; however, people with DS have 47. These infants typically have a wide face, short neck, slanted eyes, and are mentally retarded, that is, with low intelligence.  They are likely to have kidney or heart problems, and adults rarely live beyond 50 years, but they are generally happy people with optimistic personalities.

It is possible for a woman of any age to have a baby with DS, but it occurs more often in older women. For all women~ the rate is one baby with DS out of 800 born, but this increases to one out of 80 for women over 35. So doctors suggest that women in this age group get tested for the condition if they become pregnant. Besides DS, there are several other disabilities that are caused by "mistakes" in our genes.

Years ago, children with disabilities couldn't attend public schools or get jobs. They usually went to institutions where they were kept for the rest of their lives.  However,attitudes have changed in recent decades, thanks to parents with disabled children. In 1975,a law called Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was passed in the United States.  This law stated that all children with physical and mental disabilities had the right to an education, so schools were required to offer classes to meet their needs. Colleges began offering courses in "special education" to train teachers in new methods.

This change in attitude made it possible for children with disabilities to get an education. Parents formed support groups, helping each other find good schools, recreation activities, and sports centers for their children. No longer were these children kept at home or in institutions.  They could go to school with normal children and learn-and later be trained to do simple work and earn money.  They could then live in group homes and support themselves like other people.

In 1968, the Special Olympics, a competition for children and adults with disabilities,were held for the first time in Chicago, Illinois, with l,000 participants. Today they are held every other year, with 2. 25 million athletes participating in 150 countries around the world. People with disabilities are no longer ignored or institutionalized; they are part of a lively community of special people who are now able to contribute to society.

For each question, choose the best answer based on the reading passage. Write A, B, C or D on   your Answer Sheet

21. People with Down syndrome________.

       A. have a wide face                         B. have slanted eyes

       C. are mentally retarded                     D. all of the above

22. More babies with DS are born to________.

       A.women of any age                        B.women over 35

       C.women over 80                          D.over 800 women

23. IDEA, the law passed in 1975, stated that________.

       A. all children with disabilities had a right to an education

       B. some schools were required to offer special classes

       C. colleges had to teach special education

       D. teachers had to learn new methods

24. Because of special education, children grew up and________.

       A. could support themselves.

       B. had to be kept at home.

       C. had to be kept in institutions.

       D. had to learn as much as normal childrem

25. The Special Olympics ________.

       A. is always held in Chicago

       B. has l,000 participants

       C. has millions of participants

       D. was held once in 1968

Ⅱ. Read the passage  Then answer the questions that follow.  (15 points, 3 points each)


Respiratory illnesses such as asthma have increased greatly in the past few decades. It is  estimated that 5% of the population in the United States has asthma, which is a chronic disease, that is, it affects a person over a long period of time. It may begin before a child is 10 years old, or it may begin in adulthood. Childhood asthma usually disappears around the age of 20, but adults who get it later may have it all their lives.

People who suffer from asthma have difficulty breathing because the airways in their lungs contract when a trigger causes a reaction. Among the triggers of asthma are indoor and outdoor pollutants, according to doctors. Since pollution has become more common. The number of people affected by this disorder has risen. Indoor pollutants include cigarette smoke, dirt, insects, and even pets like dogs or cats. Outdoor pollutants include chemicals,dust, and smog, that is, smoke from factories or transport vehicles like buses and trucks.

People with asthma usually carry an inhaler in case of an attack. This inhaler contains medicine that they breathe in, making the contracted airways in the lungs expand so that they can breathe normally again. For a few people with severe asthma, medicine can also be given by injection - in other words, it can be applied under the skin with a needle every few weeks to prevent attacks.

While it is not possible to cure this condition, people who suffer from it are advised to avoid pollutants. Parents with asthmatic children are told not to smoke in the house and not to keep long-haired pets. They need to clean the house frequently and keep it free of insects.Asthmatic adults are told to avoid outdoor areas with a lot of pollution and working environments with a lot of chemicals.

Scientists continue to search for a cure for asthma, but instead of waiting for one,people with asthma can take an active role in protecting themselves.  By avoiding asthma triggers, carrying an inhaler, living in a clean, smoke-free house, and working in a pollutant-free place, they can live healthier lives.

Decide whether the following statements are true or false Write "T" for True and "F" for False on the Answer Sheet.

26. Childhood asthma usually appears when children are 5.

27. Asthma attacks may be triggered by chemicals and smog, dogs and cats and dust and insects.

28. To control asthma, most people carry inhalers.

29. To avoid having asthma attacks, people can keep fish or turtles as pets.

30. Asthmatics should wait for scientists to find a cure.
