

Slim Build of OpenCvSharp


  • This project provides the slim build of OpenCvSharp native library .

  • Currently there're binary packages for OpenCvSharp ,4.8.0 and 4.8.1.

  • The unit tests (339) for the most commonly used functions have all passed.

  • Webp, Tiff reading and saving are not included.

  • Drawing Chinese/Japanese is supported . High performance,It's less 1 millisecond.

  • Add Nuget package.


Drawing Demo

For details, you can refer to example. If you like this project, you can give it a star.

Mat src = new(600, 800, MatType.CV_8UC3, Scalar.Wheat);
var pos = new Point(60, 80);
Slim.PutTextUnicode(src, "☆★中華人民共和國★☆γε", pos, Scalar.Red, 36);
Slim.PutTextUnicode(src, "●中華の台頭のために本を読む●",pos + new Point(0,80), Scalar.Black, 26);
Slim.PutTextUnicode(src, "OpenCvSharpSlim", pos + new Point(0, 160), Scalar.Purple, 26, underline:true);
Slim.PutTextUnicode(src, "Runtime For Windows", pos + new Point(0, 240), Scalar.Blue, 26, italic: true);

