Checking In---商业即兴(应用即兴)58

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My plan for silo busting at the Dubai hotel began by bringing together all 25 department heads and getting them to open their minds and be ready for some change management. That act alone turned out to be a powerful silo buster in itself. This was not the first time the leadership team had come together. In fact they met quarterly to discuss the  problems of the hotel and how to succeed. The problem lay in the fact that the meetings would inevitably degenerate into defensive posturing, wherein the leaders would focus so single-mindedly on their own department needs (individual agendas) that they never shared best practices and how to help each other succeed for the greater good of the organization. They knew hotelwide change needed to take place.


They just did not know how to embrace that change; they did not know how to model this change in their actions and they had no architecture for successful communication and collaboration. They sensed they were in silos, and they did not have the tools to bust out of them without help.edge of struggles or successes the team’s department has had in  the past. Using both the “Yes, and” language and overall philosophy, have all members participate in an idea-sharing session (divergent thinking). In order to do this there must be an agreed understanding that 


1. The outside person(s) entering the team will dive in fearlessly and participate to the top of their intelligence.

2. The group will work collectively to accept the new member(s) and incorporate them into the team as quickly and effectively as possible.

In divergent thinking the group should not deny, negate, or discuss restrictions or “how that did not work in the past.” Rather they should accept every idea that the new members suggest.




Now enter into convergent thinking with the shared commitment to go into the judgment phase with minds open to discovery and thoughtful understanding. In other words enter into the convergent thinking phase with a divergent thinking attitude. Rather than purely judging ideas as “good” or “bad,” talk with the new members about what they were thinking that led to their suggestions. Look to create a greater understanding of their unique perspective. 


For example, what you might find is a best practice that created a stop-gap measure in an approach that you tried but that “did not work in the past.” By keeping an open mind to understand the new members’ perspective, you learn that the stop-gap measure they used to deal with a previous challenge will actually work to solve a current problem for your team.


Wherever possible I stressed accountability and transferability in the Dubai hotel—the idea that the open communication we were establishing in the program wouldn’t amount to much if it didn’t find its  way back to actual workplace practices. In silo busting at the hotel a part of the transferability depended on getting the heads to recognize the usefulness of manipulating status. They had to learn how to shatter entrenched hierarchies and siloed communications by lowering .


The Business Improv team proceeded to put these department heads through a one-and-a-half-day program in which there was a strong emphasis on how to make change happen and how to put accountability practices into place. All the basics of “Yes, and” communication were laid out in lectures and readings and reinforced through exercises and discussions. Small-group work was done with exercises in group decision making, adaptability, leveling status, divergent thinking, and developing focus and concentration. Again and again I emphasized the concept that a diversity of ideas was to be sought out and celebrated, and I was happy to see that this concept itself was cherished. The simple act of telling people that their voices were valued and that they needed to find value in others’ voices had the effect of changing the energy and attitudes of the leaders. Gloom began to dissipate and a bit of optimism began to bubble up.

Business Improv团队着手安排这些部门负责人进行为期半天的计划,其中特别强调如何进行更改以及如何实施问责制。“是和”沟通的所有基础知识都通过讲座和阅读进行阐述,并通过练习和讨论得到加强。小组工作是通过小组决策,适应性,学习状态,发散性思维以及发展重点和注意力的练习来完成的。我一次又一次地强调要寻求和庆祝各种各样的想法的概念,并且我很高兴看到这个概念本身得到珍惜。告诉人们他们的声音很有价值,他们需要从他人的声音中找到价值,这一简单的举动改变了领导者的精力和态度。悲观情绪开始消散,一些乐观情绪开始冒起。

As the program progressed, I pushed the heads to find ways of communicating more effectively, not just with their staffs but with each other. I encouraged them to lead by example and to take on the real work of silo busting. Again there was great enthusiasm for this. In divergent thinking phases the participants put a tremendous amount of effort into coming up with ways they could let other departments know about pitfalls and obstacles being encountered, while also finding ways to marry successful solutions across departments to demonstrate how the change initiations were taking hold. The exercises I led for this program followed an arc, building from self-audit and individual accountability, to interpersonal communication, to small-group communication, to department communication, to intercompany communication, to creating an improvisational company culture. 


Here’s an example of one of the more effective silo-busting exercises: 

Assemble a small team of six or so people from one department that is taking on a real work challenge. Add to the team one or two people from a completely separate department in the company, who have absolutely no idea of the challenge or any knowl-their own status within  each of their departments. (As we discussed in the last chapter, if a boss’s title is getting in the way of open communication, that boss needs to create an environment in which his or her own status is lowered, temporarily, so that open communication and a meritocracy of ideas can emerge.) 


The department heads and I worked hard to come up with ways that the improvisation exercises could be translated into the workday,and some of the specific, practical takeaways they developed were inspiring. The head of laundry came up with a plan to use “Yes, and” techniques at the laundry staff meeting on Monday mornings. A security head decided to have one meeting a week with staff in whicheveryone would be free to raise issues and problems without any pres�sure to work toward a solution at that particular meeting; solutions would be worked out at a separate meeting. Other heads embraced plans to work out staff problems through wide-open ideation, making full use of divergent/convergent thinking techniques with other departments.


After a day and a half of very hard work, the department heads were revitalized, refocused, and primed for success. Silos looked ready to tumble. I would love to take personal credit for that, but it would do a disservice to the motivation, drive, and intelligence of the great leadership team in that hotel. I supplied these folks with tools and techniques they could use to bring back a natural flow of communication. Simply getting people together in a room and giving them improv techniques to postpone judgment and speak freely went a long way toward busting silos.I would be remiss if I did not point out that this particular pro�gram did not happen without my coming up against a fair amount of resistance and skepticism. The accounting head was a particularly hard nut to crack. He was good at crossing his arms and rolling his eyes and did not think that anything I was doing would help his ailing workplace. 


Throughout the program I looked for opportunities to do some one-on-one work with him, during which I asked him to reframe his thinking about his role in the hotel. While it was entirely understandable that he should be concerned with the numbers, it was not his job simply to say “No” to people. He needed to see that his job was to help everyone else accomplish what they were trying to get done, even while keeping an eye on the numbers. Sometimes those numbers might dictate that “No” was the proper response. However, he occasionally had to consider that “Yes” was a possibility as well. By the end of the program it clicked for him. He could find ways to hear and support his colleagues while still protecting his balance sheets. And he understood that a hotel with a staff that felt it was being heard  and supported would probably have greatly improved balance sheets  in the long run. 


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