fābula mīrābilis(1)奇怪的故事

multī amīcī cum Caeciliō cēnābant. Fēlīx quoque aderat. omnēs amīcī coquum laudāvērunt, quod cēna erat optima.

Many friends had dinner with Caecilius. Felix was here too. All of his friends praised the cook, because  the dinner was excellent.


postquam omnēs cēnāvērunt, Caecilius clāmāvit, 'ubi est Decēns? Decēns nōn adest.' tum Caecilius Clēmentem ē vīllā mīsit. servus Decentem per urbem quaesīvit.

After all of them had the dinner, Caecilius shouted: “where is Decens? He is not here.” Then Caecilius sent Clemens out of the house to look for Decens. The slave looked for Decens through the city.


    postquam servus ē vīllā discessit, Fēlīx pōculum hausit. tum lībertus fābulam mīrābilem nārrāvit:

After the slave left the house, Felix drained his wine-cup. Then the Ex-slave told a strange story:



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