英语这么讲才地道【商务场景篇】-to be continued


1. 找工作:looking for a job

2. 查看您的申请:review your application (NOT read your application)

3. 联系某人:reach out to / contact someone

4. 如果您的技能和经验非常匹配,我们的招聘团队会与您联系:Our recruiting team will contact you if your skills and experiences are a strong match.

5. 你要去推销自己,自信但不傲慢:You need to sell yourself, be confident, not arrogant. (注意 这里用sell yourself 而非 show yourself)

6. 你能为我司带来哪些销售经验呢? What sales experience can you bring to our company?

7. 你能说下你在上家公司做的贡献吗?Can you share with us what contributions you have made to your last company?

8. 让他参与进来: To involve him in this.

9. 你是个很有计划的人,井井有条的员工:You are a good planner, organised person.

10. 按时完成工作: to complete work on time.

11. 如何在面试中留下好印象:How to impress your interviewer.

12. 在相关领域:in the related field.

13. 意志力,正直,诚实是雇主们想要的:perseverance, integrity, and honesty are what employers are seeking.

14. 提及这些无疑在你的面试中是加分项:Mentioning these would definitely be a plus in your job interviews

15. 我特别骄傲的是我帮助销售业绩提升了33%:I am particularly proud of how I helped increase our sales revenue by 33%.

16. 我曾参与过一次活动:I participated in a campaign→ I was involved with a campaign.

17. 我已经干了好几年的销售了:I've spent several years working in sales.

18. 我与别人相处融洽:I get on with people easily.

19. 第一,第二,第三......: firstly, secondly, above all.

20. 快速发展的公司:a fast-growing company.

21. 如果你想不起来某个词,另找一个说法来阐述:If you can't think of the word you need, find another way of saying it.

22. 这个工作和我的能力及经验很匹配:This job is an ideal match for my skills and experience.

23. 我想成为其中一员:I want to be part of that.

24. 我把它存在U盘里准备拷贝过去,但是U盘丢了。 I had it on USB stick/ memory stick to transfer it but the stick has vanished.

25. 查看回收站:to look in recycle bin.

26. 查看垃圾桶:to look through the rubbish bin.

27. 这是一份要求很高的工作,你必须保持反应敏捷。This is a demanding job and you have to think on your feet.

28. 一个善于寻求解决办法而非只能看到问题的人。Someone who sees solutions, not problems.

29. 我想留下一个好的第一印象:I want to make a good first impression.

30. 你在这儿工作了很久吗? Have you worked here long?

31. 非常感谢您能给我这个机会。

I'm very grateful for this opportunity.


1. 提建议:

why don't you try... 

Can I make a suggestion? 

Have you tried doing something?

How about doing something?

I have an idea ...

2. 有什么新进展吗?我们达成合作了吗? What's the latest, are we on?

3. 很遗憾......   It's a shame + 句子。

4. 他真这么说/做了吗? Did he indeed?

5. 他只是有点没弄明白。 He just got a bit confused. / He seems bothered.

6. That a good idea: That a splendid idea.

7. 我这儿来了个大订单: I've got a big deal just coming through.

8. 请问可以把文件发我一下吗(礼貌)? Could you possibly send me the file? / Would you mind sending me the file?/ Would you be able to send me the file?/ I was wondering if you could send me the file?(仅用Please开头表示礼貌是不够的。)

9. 我们再回顾一下**。 Let's hear ** again.


Is there anything I can do? 

Let me help.

Can I give you a hand?

Give me a shout [ʃaʊt] if you need anything.

11. 他的电脑宕机了。 His computer has crashed.

12. 我的时间表出问题了,两个重要客户的会议撞一块儿了,我分身乏术。

 There is a big problem with my timetable. I've got two meetings scheduled at the same time with two extremely important clients. I cannot do them both at once

13. 按时、提前、延迟完成。

on, ahead of, behind schedule.

14. 她用了一些很好的表达切入话题,并帮助解决问题。

She used some good phrases to step in and help with this mess.

15. 他们需要一个有经验的人。

They need someone of experience.

16. Ta 的领导Paul将会如何评价她今天的表现?

What will her boss Paul have to say about her work today?

17. 如果你再跟客户那样说话,我一定会采取惩罚措施的。

If you speak to a client like that again there will be disciplinary action.

18. 你很好的解决了困境。

You were in a difficult situation and you handled it well.

19. 他正在给客户打电话。

He is phoning his clients.

20. 礼貌确认事情:

I just want to make sure that...

Could you possibly clarify...

I just want to check...

Just to be absolutely clear...

One thing I wasn't sure of was...

21. 我在这块有30年的经验了。

30 years I've been doing this job.

22. 对,当时是这么跟我说的。

Yeah, just like I was told to.

23. 我喜欢你这身儿工服 / 衣服。

I like your overalls/outfits.

24. 礼貌的表达不同/不认同的观点:

Well, I'm not so sure about that. I think......


I see your point, but if ...

25. 我想做好这项工作,但好像要花费很久很久。

I've got to do a good job but it's going to take me ages.

26. 哦好吧,我最好还是尽快开始吧,不然得在这儿加一晚上的班。

Ah well, I had better get started otherwise I'm going to be here all night.

27. **公司的团队正在紧张工作中, 正在讨论如何使得产品大获成功。

The team at ** are hard at work,sharing ideas on how to make their product a success.

28. 好的,就这么决定吧。

Right, I'm taking the final decision.

29. 那么做风险太大了, 我们会破产的。

That would be a big risk, we will be bankrupt.

30. 你007啊(早出晚归的工作),会“崩掉”的。

You are burning the candle at both ends,you might burn out.

31. 加班;一直加班。

You're doing overtime; You're doing hours and hours of overtime.

32. 花费大量时间做某项工作。

You're putting in the hours.

33. 在办公时间就把工作做完。

To get work done within office hours.

34. 我们不给加班费。

We don't pay overtime here.

35. 你是“猪队友”。

You are of no use to anyone.

36. 我直接进去了, 在镇子上待了一晚啥都没准备。

I just swooshed in with no preparation after a night on the town.

37. 看看我,我从不花很长时间准备,但我的展示也很成功。

Look at me, I do very successful presentations without spending hours preparing.

38. 我的表现很惊艳。

I charmed them.

39. 希望你演讲的时候能思路清晰。

Hope you are thinking clearly by the time you have to do your presentation.

40. 差旅

Business trip.

41. 我把工作和生活平衡的很好。

I have a fairly good work-life balance.

42. 你可以调休的。

You can take an extra day off some other time.

43. 我经常无偿加班。

I often work late but I don't receive any extra money.

44. 讲话框架:

Today I'm going to...

I'll start by...

And then I'm going to move on to discuss...

And finally...

45. 我是**公司的Anna.

I'm Anna of ***.

46. 设备都调好了,你可以开始了。

All your equipment has been set up so you can begin.

47. 我多叫了几个人过来一起听听。

I allowed a few extras to come and watch.

48. 她电脑卡了,展示和笔记都卡了。

Her computer has jammed and the presentation, along with her notes, are frozen. (注意用词及主被动语态)

49. 把纸质版誊到电子版。

Move from paper documents to electronic documents.

50. 我们能谈一下吗?

Could I have a word?

51. 有些事我有点担心。

I'm a little bit concerned about something.

52. 我觉得你应该考虑一下...

Perhaps you should think about ...

53. 我可以教教你。

I’ll give you some lessons.

54. (电话场景)你好,这里是***公司,我是**。

Hello, ***, ** speaking.

55. (电话场景)他现在不在,需要我帮你转达吗?

He's not available at the moment. Can I take a message?

56. (电话场景)谢谢您的来电,再见。

Thank you for calling, goodbye.

57. (电话场景)我想找下Tom.

May I speak to Tom?

Is Tom available now?

58. 我们必须认真对待此事。

We have to take it seriously.

59. 工作上如果要和每个人都搞好关系是很难的。

It's so hard to be on good terms with everyone at work. 

60. 我们应该是可以直接叫名字的关系了(不用叫姓)。

We should be on first name terms now.

61. 我们会尽快联系您。

We will get in touch with you again soon.

62. 你讲电话的时候比较不礼貌。- 我不知道应该怎么去有礼貌的讲。

You are not polite on the phone. - I didn't know how to say it politely.

63. 谢谢您的邀请,但很抱歉,我无法赴约。因为我们不允许与客户有非公务午餐。

Thank you for your offer. But I’m really sorry,  I won't be able to. I'm afraid it's against company policy to have non-business lunches with clients.

64. 那样是不合适的,所以很遗憾我只能拒绝了。

It won't be appropriate. So with regret, I'm going to have to say no.

65. 因私是不被允许的。

You are not allowed to if it's not for business.

66. 当你帮同事接起他的电话时,第一句:

Hi ***'s phone.

67. 我会转达给她的。

I'll pass that on to her. (注意that的位置)

68. 工作相关的邮件。

Business-related email.

69. 检查一下!

Get it checked.

70. 稍等。

Hang on.

71. 我们可以提供产品。(确定有能力)

We will indeed be able to supply products.

72. 我就有预感他那封邮件会出问题。

I had a feeling Anna's email was going to cause problems.

73. 给客户的邮件可不能那么些。

That's completely the wrong style for an email to a client.

74. 短信

text message.

75. 这本不是你应该做的。

You weren't meant to do it.

76. 我有些想法。

I've got some ideas in my head.

77. Would you please give me a hand?

I would be most grateful if you could give me some help.

I know you are busy but could you please spare me a few minutes of your time please?

Can I ask a favour?

78. 您能给点意见吗?- 当然,虽然我也不知道能帮上多少。

Please could I ask you for some advice?

- Of course,  although I don't know if I'll be of much use.

79. 这些年我做过的项目多的我自己都数不清了。

I've lost count of the number of the projects I've led over the years.

80. 我把那些该死的文件放哪来着。

Where did I put those damn documents?

81. 我不知道该...

I'm a little unsure of...

82. 这不是Tom擅长的工作,这种事儿我一般找Denise.

This is not Tom's speciality. At a time like this I would ask Denise.

83. 那个就是我要解决的。

That's the one I've got to work out.

84. 我该如何着手执行呢?

How do I put it in to practice?

85. 列出你需要做的工作。

Draw up an action plan of tasks you need to do.

86. 如果你用对的方式跟他交流,他不会冲你无故发火的。

If you approach him in the right way he won't bite your head off.

87. 她去见让人为难的Tom了。

She is off to speak to the prickly Tom.

88. 再试试让Tom帮忙呢

Try Tom again.

89. 我恐怕不在,因为我要回趟家看家人。

I'm away visiting family

90. 负责一个新项目。

To oversee a new project.

91. 恐怕这在公司是不允许的。

I'm afraid it's just not permitted on company premises.

(premise是前提的意思,premises是营业场所的意思,company premises职场<物>)

I'm afraid it's against company policy.

Sorry to have to ask you this, but...

92. 你能不能别这样(礼貌)?

Would you mind not doing that please?

93. 这事儿很严肃的(含:不可以这么做)。

We take this very seriously.

94. 那不是重点。

That's not the point.

95. 我要去查一下。

I'll have to look into this.

96. 我刚正在接一个重要电话呢。

I was in the middle of an important call.

97. 请各位高度集中一下注意力。

I need your full attention.

98. 他惹上麻烦了。

He's in serious trouble now.

99. 看下最终结果。

Check out the final result.

100. 违反制度。

Violate rules.

101. 都准备好了。

All taken care of.

102. 我对你们的服务很不满意,我对我订的这间房间很失望。

I'm very disappointed with your service. The room I booked did not meet my expectations.

103. 我看下你说的订单。

Let's have a look at that booking.

104. 解决问题。

to get things sorted.

105. 我希望你们可以尽快处理此事。

I would like this matter resolved as soon as possible. 

106. 我要取消预订并申请全额退款。

I would like to cancel my reservation and get a full refund.

107. 这次日本之行如何呀?

How's your trip in Japan? →  How do you like your trip to Japan.

108. 他坦率地说了一些坏消息。

He is delivering some bad news without hiding the truth.

109. 你们可要小心了(遭遇。。),你们的工作恐怕要保不住了,这段时间会很恐慌了。

Your necks will be on the line. Your jobs will be at risk. It's a worrying time for you.

110. 维持企业正常运作。

To keep the firm afloat.

111. 思考一下如何才能最好地把生意集中在欧洲市场。

To work out how best to focus their business on the European market.

112. Anna 被指定牵头那个项目。

Anna is supposed to lead on that project.

113. 主导某事。

Take control over something.

114. 我们做些尝试。

We put the feelers out.

115. 钢铁行业要垮了。

The steel industry is in meltdown.

116. 你们心理价位是多少嘛?

What price are you looking to pay?

117. 往上爬(升职)。

Climb to the top of the corporate ladder.

118. 他们对于这笔投资都有积极的收益期待。

They have an expected return on that capital.

119. 否定对方(很绝对)。

Absolutely not. OR Certainly not.

120. 咱们求同存异啊。

Let's agree to disagree.


1. 有个会,但Paul要迟到了。

An office meeting has been scheduled, but Paul is running late.

2. 大家好,今天的会议日程有五项。

Thanking for coming, there are five items on today's agenda on the agenda today.

3. 一、二、三、四、五,其他事项(不在日程内),结束。

Firstly, secondly, after that, and then, finally...  Any other business,Let's finish/ Let's wrap up.  ( “裹起来!”意味着“收摊儿”、结束,wrap发音同rap)

4. 获得Tom的支持,说服Tom, 把Tom争取过来。

Win over Tom.

5. 我们应该把它提上日程。

We should put that on the agenda.

6. 宣布...

To announce that/ Make an announcement that...

7. 你来主导此事吧。

I'd like you to lead on that.

【Sales and Marketing篇】

1. 年度计划:yearly strategy plan 

2. 整合营销推广:integrated marketing campaigns 

3. 增强品牌吸引力:strengthen brand desirability

4. 明星产品:brand star product

5. 品宣:brand advocacy

6. 紧跟社交媒体潮流:Keep up to date on social media trends

7. 保障客户满意度:to ensure customer satisfaction

8. 一系列的产品: a range of products.

9. 产品开售:Product launch.

10. 情人节前让产品上架: To get something on the shelves by valentine's Day.

11. 我们将首次推出皇家柠檬。we are about to unveil a new imperial lemon.

12. 几周后产品准备发布的时候,可以正式地给您看下。we could present it to you more formally in a couple of weeks when it's ready to release.

13. 把他们储藏起来/放储藏处。

To put them in storage.

14. 老板命令审核本月所有的订单。

The boss has ordered a re-check of every order this month.

15. 我们在订单方面出了些问题。

We've had a few problems with orders.

16. 你可以详细说下今天给**公司发的订单是什么吗?

Could you possibly clarify what went out in today's delivery to ** Enterprise?

17. 确认一下哈,黄香蕉的库存够吗?

One thing I wasn't sure of was whether we had enough yellow bananas in stock.

18. 他总是不耐烦,每次都不好好回答我。弄得我不得不向别人求助,甚至是我的客户

He was always impatient and never gave me a good answer. I had to turn to others, sometimes even my clients.

19. 无论如何你都要把工作做好。

No matter how you have to get the work done.


Rather than struggling too much with stuff like why he or she refuses to collaborate, we still need to focus on what we can do to move forward.

21. 做好你的工作,需要的时候再跟他们交流。

Get on your daily tasks and interact with the person only where needed.

22. 配色方案。

colour scheme.

23. 我们急着出手这批货。

We're desperate to get rid of them.

24. 给所有老客户打八折,仅限本月,你要记得说这个事儿。

20% off for all regular clients just for this month. And make sure to include that offer.

25. 快速夺取大量市场份额。

To gain substantial market share quickly.

26. **增长很快,去年的客户量翻倍增加。

** is growing fast, our number of clients doubled last year.


Our number of clients this year is twice as large as that of last year.

Our number of clients this year is twice that of last year.

27. 我们公司业绩好,值得信赖,而且得益于新技术,我们的产品越来越好。

Our company has a strong track record of reliability and because, thanks to new technology, our products are more and more convincing.

28. 我们的产品赢得了欧洲最畅销奖。

Our products have won awards for being the most popular products in Europe.

29. 宝洁公司已经是我们的客户了,我们希望通过提供更优质的产品来增强合作。

P&G is already among our clients and we hope to build on that by offering you more exciting new products.

30. 我来为大家展示一下我们的新品。

Let me share with you / show you our latest product.

31. 我们产品的主要优势在于...

Our products' key strengths are...

32. 我想现在就下单订购300个。

I’d like to put in an order for 300 right away.

33. 我觉得你要改进下你接电话的礼节。

I think you need to work on your telephone manner.

34. 企业形象。

The image of the company.

35. 你发货的时候把每个产品都用一个绿色精美盒子包装一下。

I want each product you deliver to come in with a luxury green box.

36. 我们库存不够, 我得订一些。

We don't have many in stock, I'll have to order some/ I'll have to put in an order for something.

37. 我想订一些...

I'd like to place an order for...

We are going to need...

Could you send...

Could we also have...

38. 预计何时到货?

When can we expect to receive them?

39. 我想订一些可以装得下柠檬的那种盒子。

I'd like to place an order for some lemon-sized luxury boxes.

40. 抄送给我(邮件)。

Copy me.

41. 给他打回去(电话)。

Phone him back.

42. 支付方式、银行转账、提前支付、分期支付

Forms of payment/ bank transfer/ payment in advance/ payment in instalments.

43. 150块以上包邮。

Delivery is free on all orders over RMB 150.

44. 我们可以给你打95折。

We can give you a 5% reduction.

45. €50.

50 euros.

46. 真实的数字/结果。

Actual numbers/ results.

47. 我觉得这里面有误会。

I think there's been a misunderstanding. / There is been a bit of mix-up.

48. 这是我见过你提过的最好的建议了。

There are by far the best ideas you've ever had. (注意by far的用法及位置)

49. 让他先继续想着。

Let's leave him to get on with his ideas.

50. A chance to show yourself.

A chance to shine.

51. Tom 被她的表现惊艳到了/很认可她这次的表现。

Tom seems impressed with her work. 

52. 既然如此,...

In that case,...

53. 全球经济衰退导致钢铁行业濒临崩溃。

The global recession has led to a meltdown in the steel sector.

54. 柠檬的销售出现了 一点经济摩擦。

There is a bit of an economic squeeze on lemons.

55. 我在欧洲市场很有经验了。

I've lots of experience with Europe.

56. 你们想要了解的关于欧洲市场的信息,她都知道。

What she doesn't know about selling to Europe, you don't wanna know. (句型很颠覆了,请留意)

57. 要满足人们的品味和需求,否则产品或服务肯定卖不好。

To cater to the tastes and needs of people, otherwise, the goods or services will not sell well.

58. 给活动挑个合适的场地吧。

To decide on the most suitable venue for the event to take place.

59. 别打消他们对你的生意的兴趣,甚至毁掉一个好机会。

Don't discourage their interests in the business you intend to do or even ruin a fine business opportunity.

60. 向他们推销一些东西。

To sell them something.

61. 你在潜在客户不知情的情况下,打给他们。

To call prospective clients when they're not expecting you to.

62. 电销的时候要简短。

Keep your calls brief.

63. 采购方面的负责人。

The people who deal with buying or purchasing.

64. 我向您介绍下我们的产品吧。

I'd like to tell you about our product.

65. 静候佳音。

We hope to hear from you soon.

66. 她把产品宣传了一番。

She pitched the products.

67. 打些推销电话,看看人们现在都在买的是什么。

Do some cold calling, see what people are buying at the moment.

68. 追踪一些潜在客户。

Track down some potential/prospective clients.

69. 她的电话推销技巧越来越娴熟了。

Her cold calling technique has really warmed up.

70. 所以你就放弃(他们的)订单了?

So you let them go?

71. 啊? 我应该这么做吗?

Oh, was I meant to?

72. 我最会谈判了。

Negotiating is my thing!

73. 谈单子(生意)。

Negotiate deals / a sale.

74. 他们想要(付)多少钱嘛?

What kind of price are they willing to pay?

75. 这个价格太低了。。

I don't think we can go that low.

76. 更大的优惠。

A bigger discount. (没错,这里的中英文表达可以直译)

77. 我们价格还没谈拢。

We still can't agree a price.

78. 那我们各让一步吧(谈价格)。

I'll meet you halfway.

79. 我用这种方法之前已经卖了很多产品了。

I sold a load of products that way once.

80. 行了,我现在得打电话了。

Right, I'm off to make that call right now.

81. 他能给些实用的建议很好,但会管用吗?

Nice to hear him give some useful advice but will it work?

82. 积累客户需要时间。

It will take time to build a customer base.

83. 我需要区域排他性。

I need exclusivity in the region.

84. 抱歉,我没办法同意。

I'm sorry, I cannot agree to that.

85. 我觉得可以(生意公平的,可接受的)。

I think that would be fair.

86. 发传单。

Pass out fliers.

87. 使其被大众消费者接受

To make it a compelling mass-market product.



本文作者AiMars,本文首次发布于,如果转载、援引,请注明出处,如果涉及商业用途,请通过邮件联系[email protected],获得准许后方可。

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