2022-03-08 Do What Makes You Happy

Are you finding time to do the things that made it onto your list? If not, ask yourself what is stopping you. Is there a barrier? Perhaps you feel you don’t have enough time or maybe there are too many distractions getting in the way. If this is the case, gently remind yourself that it might take time, but if it truly brings you joy, it is worth the effort to try.

One of my things is painting. I love painting. Do you know when I last painted? No? Me neither. I know, I know. The point is, we all make excuses for why we can’t do things. But the truth is, if it is really important to us, we will somehow find the time and energy to make it happen.

If you still struggle though, go deeper. Do you feel that you don’t deserve “down time” to do something that brings you happiness? Or perhaps there is a negative belief buried underneath that says you’re not ‘good enough’ or that it would be a waste of time. Once those ideas pop up, do your best to question them. The more you question these beliefs, the more invalid they become.

Once you’ve tackled these limiting beliefs and created time in your schedule for the things on your happiness list, you are well on your way to feeling good. But just remember — it’s the pursuit of happiness — a never-ending journey and not an exact destination. Keep moving forward, knowing that life may change and what makes you happy now might be entirely different from what sparks joy for you later on in life. So, enjoy the journey!

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