一、Message from Deepak Menon
新头马全球主席Deepak Menon, DTM上任后第一篇全球头马主席寄语要说什么呢?我一直很期待。读过之后,却有一点“小失落”。没有鸡血,没有口号,只有一句很“平淡”的Key Message,那就是“First Impressions”。
我曾拜访过很多家俱乐部,一个好的例会总会令guest留下好的First Impression,甚至终生难忘。还记得中关村头马优雅大气热情的SAA,@Rena,她可是上一任的主席和登上过大区级别英文演讲比赛的老头马呀。
“First Impression, Goes First!”
二、Member Story
1. Commanding, not demanding: A mediator’s Perspective
Amber Hill Anderson是一个调解员,这个看似充满挑战的工作,在头马的帮助下却也可以游刃有余。调解的核心在于权威性和文化敏感性,更在于清楚知道你自己,掌握规则和勇于打破一些规则。头马对你的职场有什么帮助呢?来说说吧。
# Know Thyself
# Know the Rules, Then Break Them
三、Club Story
1. Finnish Club Supports Mothers in Business
芬兰,作为一个世界著名的对职场女性友好的国家,在首都赫尔辛基建立了一家职场母亲头马俱乐部,Mothers in Business Toastmasters Club。双周一次,使得照顾宝宝和提升自我两不误。快来看看她们是怎么运行的吧!
2. Collegiate Communicators
怎样建立和维持大学内部的头马俱乐部呢?Jennifer Blanck, DTM和Brett Howe教大家八招:
a) Build a support group
b) Elect committed officers
c) Adapt with the seasons
d) Know that you’re not alone
e) Consider department sponsorship
f) Get the word out
g) Be flexible and creative
h) Recognize your limits
3. Social Events Build Bonds
英国的Spa Speakers Toastmasters Club可真是玩出了新高度。不但主席会玩耍,卸任之后还成了“Social Secretary”继续组织会员们每月一次的集体活动,比如,保龄球之夜、圣诞趴、品酒会、会员的教育专项workshop等等。
Fiona CLAYTON说:“This social program draws us together, no matter what our background, to share, relax and laugh”。
4. Infuse your club with Vitamin C
俱乐部的日常乏味疲软怎么办?来一剂维生素C吧,C就是Creativity。前国际头马主席Paula Tunison, DTM曾说过
“Toastmasters is like a love affair.Everything is exciting at first and then, if you’re not careful, it can become dull and routine. Changing your meetings helps to keep it exciting.”
本期,Craig Harrison, DTM,教大家几招维生素C的制备方法。
a) A different room layout
b) A joint meeting with another club (与世界另一家头马俱乐部在线会议,COOL)
c) A grab-bag meeting (角色现场抽签决定,COOL)
d) The theme’s the thing
e) A reverse meeting
f) A costume party meeting
g) A time machine (办一场1950年代的例会?COOL)
h) A progressive story
i) A debate
j) A television newscast (就像现场直播我们的例会,COOL)
k) A speech Marathon
l) Tap into your senses and conduct your meeting with thelights off (黑灯瞎火,只能靠Vocal Variety啦)
m) Tall tales are terrific
n) Go Hollywood! (灵感来自电影)
5. Tackling the Topics master Role
个人觉得TT环节也是TTM的一个Speech,只不过开头结尾是TTM来做,中间部分由TT speakers来做。所以嘞,TTM和TTplayer的关系是什么呢?合作呗,共同完成一个speech!
正如Carolyn Kaldy, DTM说的“The Topics master role is about giving them a chance for success”。有什么技巧呢?Cheryl给大家支几招:
a) Look for inspiration
b) Formulating questions
c) Picking speakers
d) Presenting the questions
e) Go for it
四、Public Speaking & Leadership
1. What Broccoli Taught Me about Influencing Others
在头马和生活工作中,总会遇到说服和激励别人的情况,怎样来有效达到目的呐?不妨学习一下劝小朋友吃西兰花的样子吧。Matt Abrahams教你三招
a) Frame to Gain组织语言,形成正能量。
b) Focus on the Ultimate Benefit 聚焦个人,聚焦收益。
c) Determine What Inhibits Changes知道原因,有的放矢。
2. PATHWAYS – the Path to Leadership Development
不是只有主导大事情的才是领导,每一件事情的完美结束都需要一位有才华的领导。Pathways的Leadership Development就是培养领导能力的。你是这条Path吗?快来看看都有什么吧。
a) Your Inner Leader – Level2
b) Planning and Organizing – Level3
c) Boosting Your Team – level4
d) Leading On a Large Scale – Level5
3. Make Your Slides Sing
用PPT吗?Ryan告诉你一句话“The easiest way to improve your slides is to put less stud on them”。然后,注意以下两点:
a) Do you really need a PowerPoint? – The slid desk is NOT the presentation – You are
b) Images can speak volumes – Create a WOW-worthy visual statement
“Visuals help shift the audience’s viewpoint from UNDERSTANDING your message to FEELING it, and from there wanting to ACT on it.”
五、Meet Deepak Menon, DTM
The 2019-2020 International President embodies the life long pursuit of self-improvement
在印度,第一家头马建立于1991年,第一个大区建立于2006年,到目前为止,已经有4个大区(D82,D41, D92和D98)。这个过程,满共用了不到15年。在这个过程中,Deepak是核心人物。现在印度有将近900家俱乐部,其中480家为企业俱乐部(Amazing!)。
Q&A for Deepak
1) Speaking or Writing?
2) How to motivate members?
3) How to become an International President?
“I continue to see building global awareness of Toastmasters as a huge opportunity, and I plan to emphasize that outreach during my term.”
“READ and SHARE Toastmaster Magazine”是19-20年度D88大区的LEAD (Leadership Experience for Advanced Development)项目之一。本活动旨在通过阅读和分享头马杂志内容,更加了解头马国际发展、认识全球优秀头马伙伴,学习演讲和领导力,达到更好的个人成长并宣传头马带来的好处。
欢迎关注,一起Read and Share,留下你的Comments吧~
IPP, Datang Advanced TMC (20.1-20.6)
Club No: 07110355, D88, Area H2
Charter Date: Dec. 9, 2018