spring boot对flyway提供了丰富的配置能力,我们只需要在yaml文件添加配置信息,如下
enabled: true
schemas: lex
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.flyway")
public class FlywayProperties {
* 是否开启flyway,默认是开启的
private boolean enabled = true;
* 是否检查 migration 脚本是否存在,默认是检查的.
private boolean checkLocation = true;
* Locations of migrations scripts. Can contain the special "{vendor}" placeholder to
* use vendor-specific locations.
*如下,默认会在db/migration的classpath下查找migrations 文件
private List locations = new ArrayList<>(Collections.singletonList("classpath:db/migration"));
* SQL migrations文件默认编码方式为UTF_8
private Charset encoding = StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
* 尝试连接数据库的最大的次数
private int connectRetries;
* 指定flyway执行的schemas,逗号隔离,区分大小写
private List schemas = new ArrayList<>();
* schema history table的名字,默认为flyway_schema_history
private String table = "flyway_schema_history";
* Tablespace in which the schema history table is created. Ignored when using a
* database that does not support tablespaces. Defaults to the default tablespace of
* the connection used by Flyway.
private String tablespace;
* 当对一个已存在的schema使用baseline能力时,控制台输出的描述性
private String baselineDescription = "<< Flyway Baseline >>";
* 执行baseline,已存在的schema设置的版本信息,如果待添加的sql的版本信息设置的
private String baselineVersion = "1";
* Username recorded in the schema history table as having applied the migration.
private String installedBy;
* Placeholders and their replacements to apply to sql migration scripts.
private Map placeholders = new HashMap<>();
* Prefix of placeholders in migration scripts.
private String placeholderPrefix = "${";
* Suffix of placeholders in migration scripts.
private String placeholderSuffix = "}";
* 是否进行占位符替换,默认是true
private boolean placeholderReplacement = true;
* File name prefix for SQL migrations.
private String sqlMigrationPrefix = "V";
* SQL migrations文件后缀名,默认是.sql
private List sqlMigrationSuffixes = new ArrayList<>(Collections.singleton(".sql"));
* SQL migrations文件分隔符
private String sqlMigrationSeparator = "__";
* File name prefix for repeatable SQL migrations.
private String repeatableSqlMigrationPrefix = "R";
* Target version up to which migrations should be considered.
private String target;
* JDBC url of the database to migrate. If not set, the primary configured data source
* is used.
private String url;
* Login user of the database to migrate.
private String user;
* Login password of the database to migrate.
private String password;
* SQL statements to execute to initialize a connection immediately after obtaining
* it.
private List initSqls = new ArrayList<>();
* Whether to automatically call baseline when migrating a non-empty schema.
private boolean baselineOnMigrate;
* 是否关闭clean操作,个人建议设置为true,防止意外情况出现
private boolean cleanDisabled;
* Whether to automatically call clean when a validation error occurs.
private boolean cleanOnValidationError;
*是否将所有的migration sql放在同一个事务里面执行,要看db是否支持
private boolean group;
* 是否忽略丢失的migretion文件,保持默认,为了文件的安全性,建议设置为false
private boolean ignoreMissingMigrations;
* Whether to ignore ignored migrations when reading the schema history table.
private boolean ignoreIgnoredMigrations;
* Whether to ignore pending migrations when reading the schema history table.
private boolean ignorePendingMigrations;
* Whether to ignore future migrations when reading the schema history table.
private boolean ignoreFutureMigrations = true;
* Whether to allow mixing transactional and non-transactional statements within the
* same migration.
private boolean mixed;
* 建议设置为 false,按照order来执行
private boolean outOfOrder;
* Whether to skip default callbacks. If true, only custom callbacks are used.
private boolean skipDefaultCallbacks;
* Whether to skip default resolvers. If true, only custom resolvers are used.
private boolean skipDefaultResolvers;
* Whether to automatically call validate when performing a migration.
private boolean validateOnMigrate = true;
* Whether to batch SQL statements when executing them. Requires Flyway Pro or Flyway
* Enterprise.
private Boolean batch;
* File to which the SQL statements of a migration dry run should be output. Requires
* Flyway Pro or Flyway Enterprise.
private File dryRunOutput;
* Rules for the built-in error handling to override specific SQL states and error
* codes. Requires Flyway Pro or Flyway Enterprise.
private String[] errorOverrides;
* Licence key for Flyway Pro or Flyway Enterprise.
private String licenseKey;
* Whether to enable support for Oracle SQL*Plus commands. Requires Flyway Pro or
* Flyway Enterprise.
private Boolean oracleSqlplus;
* Whether to issue a warning rather than an error when a not-yet-supported Oracle
* SQL*Plus statement is encountered. Requires Flyway Pro or Flyway Enterprise.
private Boolean oracleSqlplusWarn;
* 是否流化执行,需要flyway专业版本的支持
private Boolean stream;
* File name prefix for undo SQL migrations. Requires Flyway Pro or Flyway Enterprise.
private String undoSqlMigrationPrefix;
username: root
password: 123456
url: jdbc:mysql://
driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
enabled: true
schemas: lex
baseline-on-migrate: true
baseline-version: 0
clean-disabled: true
flyway从入门到精通(七):spring boot中flyway执行源码分析