









gmsh 是一种开源的三维有限元网格生成器和后处理软件。它具有功能强大和灵活的特点,适用于各种科学计算和工程领域的模拟和分析任务。以下是一些关键特点和功能:

几何建模:gmsh 提供了一个直观的界面,用于创建、修改和操纵复杂的几何模型。用户可以通过手动建模、文件导入、基于CAD软件的集成或编程接口来定义模型。支持包括曲线、曲面、体积等多种几何元素。

网格生成:gmsh 能够生成各种类型的三维有限元网格。用户可以通过选择合适的网格算法、指定划分参数和优化网格质量等方式来控制网格划分。它支持三角形、四边形、四面体、六面体等多种元素类型,并提供自适应网格划分功能。

多物理场模拟:gmsh 支持多种物理场的模拟,包括流体力学、结构力学、电磁场等。用户可以定义边界条件、材料属性、加载条件等,并进行相应的模拟和分析。

后处理功能:gmsh 提供了丰富的后处理功能,用于可视化和分析模拟结果。它支持数据可视化、剖面图、动画等,使用户能够更好地理解和解释模拟结果。

可扩展性:gmsh 是一个开源项目,提供了灵活的接口和插件系统。用户可以使用 使用Python ,C,C++,fortran等语言进行自动化建模和网格生成,也可以通过插件来添加新的功能和扩展软件的能力。

总的来说,gmsh 提供了一个强大且易于使用的环境,用于创建、划分和后处理三维有限元网格。它适用于各种科学计算和工程应用,并且具有广泛的用户群体和活跃的社区支持。无论是学术研究还是工程实践,gmsh 都是一个重要的工具。








// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Gmsh GEO tutorial 4
//  Built-in functions, holes in surfaces, annotations, entity colors
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// As usual, we start by defining some variables:

cm = 1e-02;
e1 = 4.5 * cm; e2 = 6 * cm / 2; e3 =  5 * cm / 2;
h1 = 5 * cm; h2 = 10 * cm; h3 = 5 * cm; h4 = 2 * cm; h5 = 4.5 * cm;
R1 = 1 * cm; R2 = 1.5 * cm; r = 1 * cm;
Lc1 = 0.01;
Lc2 = 0.003;

// We can use all the usual mathematical functions (note the capitalized first
// letters), plus some useful functions like Hypot(a, b) := Sqrt(a^2 + b^2):

ccos = (-h5*R1 + e2 * Hypot(h5, Hypot(e2, R1))) / (h5^2 + e2^2);
ssin = Sqrt(1 - ccos^2);

// Then we define some points and some lines using these variables:

Point(1) = {-e1-e2, 0    , 0, Lc1}; Point(2) = {-e1-e2, h1   , 0, Lc1};
Point(3) = {-e3-r , h1   , 0, Lc2}; Point(4) = {-e3-r , h1+r , 0, Lc2};
Point(5) = {-e3   , h1+r , 0, Lc2}; Point(6) = {-e3   , h1+h2, 0, Lc1};
Point(7) = { e3   , h1+h2, 0, Lc1}; Point(8) = { e3   , h1+r , 0, Lc2};
Point(9) = { e3+r , h1+r , 0, Lc2}; Point(10)= { e3+r , h1   , 0, Lc2};
Point(11)= { e1+e2, h1   , 0, Lc1}; Point(12)= { e1+e2, 0    , 0, Lc1};
Point(13)= { e2   , 0    , 0, Lc1};

Point(14)= { R1 / ssin, h5+R1*ccos, 0, Lc2};
Point(15)= { 0        , h5        , 0, Lc2};
Point(16)= {-R1 / ssin, h5+R1*ccos, 0, Lc2};
Point(17)= {-e2       , 0.0       , 0, Lc1};

Point(18)= {-R2 , h1+h3   , 0, Lc2}; Point(19)= {-R2 , h1+h3+h4, 0, Lc2};
Point(20)= { 0  , h1+h3+h4, 0, Lc2}; Point(21)= { R2 , h1+h3+h4, 0, Lc2};
Point(22)= { R2 , h1+h3   , 0, Lc2}; Point(23)= { 0  , h1+h3   , 0, Lc2};

Point(24)= { 0, h1+h3+h4+R2, 0, Lc2}; Point(25)= { 0, h1+h3-R2,    0, Lc2};

Line(1)  = {1 , 17};
Line(2)  = {17, 16};

// Gmsh provides other curve primitives than straight lines: splines, B-splines,
// circle arcs, ellipse arcs, etc. Here we define a new circle arc, starting at
// point 14 and ending at point 16, with the circle's center being the point 15:

Circle(3) = {14,15,16};

// Note that, in Gmsh, circle arcs should always be smaller than Pi. The
// OpenCASCADE geometry kernel does not have this limitation.

// We can then define additional lines and circles, as well as a new surface:

Line(4)  = {14, 13}; Line(5)   = {13, 12};   Line(6)    = {12, 11};
Line(7)  = {11, 10}; Circle(8) = {8, 9, 10}; Line(9)    = {8, 7};
Line(10) = {7, 6};   Line(11)  = {6, 5};     Circle(12) = {3, 4, 5};
Line(13) = {3, 2};   Line(14)  = {2, 1};     Line(15)   = {18, 19};
Circle(16) = {21, 20, 24}; Circle(17) = {24, 20, 19};
Circle(18) = {18, 23, 25}; Circle(19) = {25, 23, 22};
Line(20) = {21,22};

Curve Loop(21) = {17, -15, 18, 19, -20, 16};
Plane Surface(22) = {21};

// But we still need to define the exterior surface. Since this surface has a
// hole, its definition now requires two curves loops:

Curve Loop(23) = {11, -12, 13, 14, 1, 2, -3, 4, 5, 6, 7, -8, 9, 10};
Plane Surface(24) = {23, 21};

// As a general rule, if a surface has N holes, it is defined by N+1 curve loops:
// the first loop defines the exterior boundary; the other loops define the
// boundaries of the holes.

// Finally, we can add some comments by embedding a post-processing view
// containing some strings:

View "comments" {
  // Add a text string in window coordinates, 10 pixels from the left and 10
  // pixels from the bottom, using the `StrCat' function to concatenate strings:
  T2(10, -10, 0){ StrCat("Created on ", Today, " with Gmsh") };

  // Add a text string in model coordinates centered at (X,Y,Z) = (0, 0.11, 0):
  T3(0, 0.11, 0, TextAttributes("Align", "Center", "Font", "Helvetica")){

  // If a string starts with `file://', the rest is interpreted as an image
  // file. For 3D annotations, the size in model coordinates can be specified
  // after a `@' symbol in the form `widthxheight' (if one of `width' or
  // `height' is zero, natural scaling is used; if both are zero, original image
  // dimensions in pixels are used):
  T3(0, 0.09, 0, TextAttributes("Align", "Center")){
    "file://[email protected]"

  // The 3D orientation of the image can be specified by proving the direction
  // of the bottom and left edge of the image in model space:
  T3(-0.01, 0.09, 0, 0){ "file://[email protected],0,0,1,0,1,0" };

  // The image can also be drawn in "billboard" mode, i.e. always parallel to
  // the camera, by using the `#' symbol:
  T3(0, 0.12, 0, TextAttributes("Align", "Center")){
    "file://[email protected]#"

  // The size of 2D annotations is given directly in pixels:
  T2(350, -7, 0){ "file://t4_image.png@20x0" };

// This post-processing view is in the "parsed" format, i.e. it is interpreted
// using the same parser as the `.geo' file. For large post-processing datasets,
// that contain actual field values defined on a mesh, you should use the MSH
// file format instead, which allows to efficiently store continuous or
// discontinuous scalar, vector and tensor fields, or arbitrary polynomial
// order.

// Views and geometrical entities can be made to respond to double-click events,
// here to print some messages to the console:

View[0].DoubleClickedCommand = "Printf('View[0] has been double-clicked!');";
Geometry.DoubleClickedCurveCommand = "Printf('Curve %g has been double-clicked!',

// We can also change the color of some entities:

Color Grey50{ Surface{ 22 }; }
Color Purple{ Surface{ 24 }; }
Color Red{ Curve{ 1:14 }; }
Color Yellow{ Curve{ 15:20 }; }


gmsh t4.geo




想要了解gmsh更多详细的背景,细节,使用方法等,可以去 gmsh官网 上了解,上面的资料,文档都特别详细,后面几章将会给大家介绍如何在Python中使用gmsh:

Gmsh <一>:Geometric model construction

Gmsh <二>:Mesh generation
