解决ssr服务端渲染程序启动报错: ReferenceError: location is not defined


解决ssr服务端渲染程序启动报错: ReferenceError: location is not defined_第1张图片


该错误表明代码尝试访问 location 对象,该对象通常在浏览器环境中可用。

然而,你的服务器端代码正在 Node.js 环境中运行而在这个环境中 location 对象未定义

问题可能与你在服务器端使用的 Vue Router 代码有关。Vue Router 中的 createWebHashHistory 函数试图访问 location 对象,导致了这个错误。

为解决这个问题,你应该在服务器端使用不同的 history 模式。对于服务器端渲染(SSR),通常使用 createMemoryHistory 而不是 createWebHashHistory

The error you're encountering, ReferenceError: location is not defined, indicates that the code is trying to access the location object, which is typically available in a browser environment. However, your server-side code is running in a Node.js environment, where the location object is not defined.

The issue is likely related to the Vue Router code that you're using on the server side. The createWebHashHistory function from Vue Router is attempting to access the location object, which is causing the error.

To resolve this issue, you should use a different history mode on the server side. For server-side rendering (SSR), it's common to use createMemoryHistory instead of createWebHashHistory or createWebHistory. Here's how you can modify your code:


// Change this line in your server.js file
const { createMemoryHistory } = require('vue-router');

// ...

server.get("*", async (req, res) => {

  // 这样写是没有用的
  const { app, router, store } = await App(req, createMemoryHistory());

  // ...

解决ssr服务端渲染程序启动报错: ReferenceError: location is not defined_第2张图片

 解决办法: 在原始router路由定义文件中,根据SSR的环境变量动态确定使用的history模式




const router = createRouter({

  history: process.env.VUE_APP_SSR

    ? createMemoryHistory()

    : createWebHashHistory(process.env.BASE_URL),




解决ssr服务端渲染程序启动报错: ReferenceError: location is not defined_第3张图片

解决ssr服务端渲染程序启动报错: ReferenceError: location is not defined_第4张图片
