Overview: Install ros and ubuntu20.04 on Raspberry pi 4

1. installation of Raspberry Pi imager from official website

Select the operating system as Ubuntu Server 20.04. However, there is no ubuntu desktop in that case. So you have to install the ubuntu-desktop manually. Configure your own password and user name.
Overview: Install ros and ubuntu20.04 on Raspberry pi 4_第1张图片

2. prepare the SD card.

Upload the operating system to the SD card.

3. change the download source

If you work or study at China, you have to modify the download source to make the downloading process stable.

cd /etc/apt

cp sources.list ./sources.list.bak

 sudo sed -i  's/ports.ubuntu.com/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g' sources.list

And then:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

4. install the ubuntu-desktop

The shell command is :

sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop

5. ROS noetic installation

wget http://fishros.com/install -O fishros && bash fishros

Select the option that matches your own device.

6. Others

If you want to install vscode, turn to [5] and re-select installation option.
