steady me day2

  例句:His recovery is a tribute to the doctors' skill.  他的康复充分显示了各位医生高超的医术。

16. A is long way from B: A还远达不到B

17. A is under the influence of B  A受到了B的影响

18.face 注意这个词的用法;


  pressure facing us (这里要求用ing而不是ed)或者pressure that we are facing;

19. Lip service: 嘴上说说;

20. buckle to pressure 迫于压力

21.mind-blower 让人感到兴奋的事情(正面评价)

22.contrary to expectations, 与预期的相反

23. court (动词)讨好

24. about-face 态度的转变

25. mixed 不清晰(负面词汇)

26.jaws of death 鬼门关

27. along with= and

28. initiative 手段

29. looming 可能的,若隐若现的=possible

30.A could be avoided with B, along with C and D

(A 可以通过BC和D来避免;)

31. Hispanic Americans: 拉美裔的美国人; (Hispanic 这个词本意是西班牙语的,但是在关于美国的文章中通常指拉美裔的美国人,就是拉丁美洲人,比如墨西哥人。这个群体也是美国移民的主要群体,当然也是非法移民的主要群体。) deprivation 社会剥夺(由于地域和人群不同所造成的社会资源分配不公平。)

33. grade inflation 成绩的膨胀

34. legitimate 合理的(这个含义一定记住!),合法的

35. take effect 生效

36.holy grail :圣杯(比喻努力追求之物)(考研450分就是考研界的Holy grail)

37.Possibility; Probability; likelihood




All doctors agree that healing this type of disease is impossible.

=All doctors agree that there is no possibility of healing this type of disease.

=All doctors have expressed their opinions on the possibility of healing this type of disease.

38.end up sth/ doing sth= end up with sth/ doing sth


  例句:His efforts end up failing.


  If you go on like this you'll end up in prison.


39. coal plants 燃煤电厂

40. substitute A for B 用A代替B

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