首先,假设我们有一个以这样开头的文件:$ head -3 mysecret
I feel the need to put my deepest darkest secret into a text file on my Linux
system. While this likely isn't common practice, I'm not sure that I can trust
anyone with it. But a penguin? That's a different story! So here goes ...
现在,如果不想让其他用户知道您的私密信息,可以使用带-x(加密)选项的vim。$ vim -x mysecret
vim编辑器将立即索要加密密钥。您将输入两次密码。请注意,密码输入时不会显示,而是每个字符将显示为星号。Enter encryption key: *
Enter same key again: *
▒u▒ ▒▒yhK▒X▒▒(W▒s(RY▒A▒
▒▒l9▒▒▒_▒▒▒▒▒I▒▒Lk▒ ▒k▒▒▒▒=▒5G▒▒▒t▒2Ӣ▒gF▒ 3▒Iq▒C▒▒▒▒OZ[▒l▒_▒~▒▒z
一旦您准备好再次读取文件或继续详细表述私密信息,请再次使用vim命令,并在系统出现提示时输入密码。$ vim mysecret
Need encryption key for "mysecret"
Enter encryption key: *
内容会再次以纯文本显示。I feel the need to put my deepest darkest secret into a text file on my Linux
system. While this likely isn't common practice, I'm not sure that I can trust
anyone with it. But a penguin? That's a different story! So here goes ...
如果您准备在某个时候与他人共享您的私密信息,可以像当初调用它那样解密文件。首先使用vim -X命令。注意这回使用大写的X:$ vim -X mysecret
Need encryption key for "mysecret"
Enter encryption key: *
随后您会看到原始文本。I feel the need to put my deepest darkest secret into a text file on my Linux
system. While this likely isn't common practice, I'm not sure that I can trust
anyone with it. But a penguin? That's a different story! So here goes ...
然后输入:X,但是当系统提示您再次输入加密密钥(两次)时,只需按回车键:Enter encryption key:
Enter same key again:
使用:wq再次写出文件。之后,您的文件将恢复为未加密形式。$ head -3 mysecret
I feel the need to put my deepest darkest secret into a text file on my Linux
system. While this likely isn't common practice, I'm not sure that I can trust
anyone with it. But a penguin? That's a different story! So here goes ...
还有许多其他工具可用于加密文件,但是这种方法只需要vim和用于记住密钥的任何方法。要确定某个文件是否被vim加密,可以运行file命令。在下面的示例中,我们看到该命令告诉您文件何时加密以及何时未加密。$ file mysecret
mysecret: Vim encrypted file data
$ file mysecret
mysecret: UTF-8 Unicode text
原文标题:Using vim to quickly encrypt and decrypt files,作者:Sandra Henry-Stocker