



 * An {@link IWindowedBolt} wrapper that does the windowing of tuples.
public class WindowedBoltExecutor implements IRichBolt {
    public static final String LATE_TUPLE_FIELD = "late_tuple";
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WindowedBoltExecutor.class);
    private static final int DEFAULT_WATERMARK_EVENT_INTERVAL_MS = 1000; // 1s
    private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_LAG_MS = 0; // no lag
    private final IWindowedBolt bolt;
    // package level for unit tests
    transient WaterMarkEventGenerator waterMarkEventGenerator;
    private transient WindowedOutputCollector windowedOutputCollector;
    private transient WindowLifecycleListener listener;
    private transient WindowManager windowManager;
    private transient int maxLagMs;
    private TimestampExtractor timestampExtractor;
    private transient String lateTupleStream;
    private transient TriggerPolicy triggerPolicy;
    private transient EvictionPolicy evictionPolicy;
    private transient Duration windowLengthDuration;

    public WindowedBoltExecutor(IWindowedBolt bolt) {
        this.bolt = bolt;
        timestampExtractor = bolt.getTimestampExtractor();

    public void prepare(Map topoConf, TopologyContext context, OutputCollector collector) {
        doPrepare(topoConf, context, collector, new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(), false);

    // NOTE: the queue has to be thread safe.
    protected void doPrepare(Map topoConf, TopologyContext context, OutputCollector collector,
                             Collection> queue, boolean stateful) {
        this.windowedOutputCollector = new WindowedOutputCollector(collector);
        bolt.prepare(topoConf, context, windowedOutputCollector);
        this.listener = newWindowLifecycleListener();
        this.windowManager = initWindowManager(listener, topoConf, context, queue, stateful);
        LOG.info("Initialized window manager {} ", windowManager);

    public void execute(Tuple input) {
        if (isTupleTs()) {
            long ts = timestampExtractor.extractTimestamp(input);
            if (waterMarkEventGenerator.track(input.getSourceGlobalStreamId(), ts)) {
                windowManager.add(input, ts);
            } else {
                if (lateTupleStream != null) {
                    windowedOutputCollector.emit(lateTupleStream, input, new Values(input));
                } else {
                    LOG.info("Received a late tuple {} with ts {}. This will not be processed.", input, ts);
        } else {

    public void cleanup() {
        if (waterMarkEventGenerator != null) {

    // for unit tests
    WindowManager getWindowManager() {
        return windowManager;

    public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
        String lateTupleStream = (String) getComponentConfiguration().get(Config.TOPOLOGY_BOLTS_LATE_TUPLE_STREAM);
        if (lateTupleStream != null) {
            declarer.declareStream(lateTupleStream, new Fields(LATE_TUPLE_FIELD));

    public Map getComponentConfiguration() {
        return bolt.getComponentConfiguration();

  • WindowedBoltExecutor实现了IRichBolt接口,在prepare的时候初始化windowedOutputCollector、listener、windowManager,调用了bolt.prepare;在cleanup的时候对waterMarkEventGenerator、windowManager、bolt进行清理;TopologyBuilder在setBolt的时候,对原始的IWindowedBolt的实现类进行了一次包装,用WindowedBoltExecutor替代
  • declareOutputFields采用的是bolt.declareOutputFields(declarer);getComponentConfiguration也返回的是bolt.getComponentConfiguration();
  • execute方法主要是将tuple添加到windowManager,对于不纳入window的tuple则立刻进行ack



     * Creates an {@link OutputCollector} wrapper that automatically anchors the tuples to inputTuples while emitting.
    private static class WindowedOutputCollector extends OutputCollector {
        private List inputTuples;

        WindowedOutputCollector(IOutputCollector delegate) {

        void setContext(List inputTuples) {
            this.inputTuples = inputTuples;

        public List emit(String streamId, List tuple) {
            return emit(streamId, inputTuples, tuple);

        public void emitDirect(int taskId, String streamId, List tuple) {
            emitDirect(taskId, streamId, inputTuples, tuple);

  • WindowedOutputCollector继承了OutputCollector,可以看到这里重写了emit计emitDirect方法,默认对inputTuples进行anchor



 * A callback for expiry, activation of events tracked by the {@link WindowManager}
 * @param  The type of Event in the window (e.g. Tuple).
public interface WindowLifecycleListener {
     * Called on expiry of events from the window due to {@link EvictionPolicy}
     * @param events the expired events
    void onExpiry(List events);

     * Called on activation of the window due to the {@link TriggerPolicy}
     * @param events        the list of current events in the window.
     * @param newEvents     the newly added events since last activation.
     * @param expired       the expired events since last activation.
     * @param referenceTime the reference (event or processing) time that resulted in activation
    default void onActivation(List events, List newEvents, List expired, Long referenceTime) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented");

     * Called on activation of the window due to the {@link TriggerPolicy}. This is typically invoked when the windows are persisted in
     * state and is huge to be loaded entirely in memory.
     * @param eventsIt      a supplier of iterator over the list of current events in the window
     * @param newEventsIt   a supplier of iterator over the newly added events since the last ativation
     * @param expiredIt     a supplier of iterator over the expired events since the last activation
     * @param referenceTime the reference (event or processing) time that resulted in activation
    default void onActivation(Supplier> eventsIt, Supplier> newEventsIt, Supplier> expiredIt,
                              Long referenceTime) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented");
  • WindowLifecycleListener定义了几个回调方法,分别是onExpiry、onActivation
  • 它们分别是由EvictionPolicy、TriggerPolicy两种策略来触发



 * Eviction policy tracks events and decides whether an event should be evicted from the window or not.
 * @param  the type of event that is tracked.
public interface EvictionPolicy {
     * Decides if an event should be expired from the window, processed in the current window or kept for later processing.
     * @param event the input event
     * @return the {@link org.apache.storm.windowing.EvictionPolicy.Action} to be taken based on the input event
    Action evict(Event event);

     * Tracks the event to later decide whether {@link EvictionPolicy#evict(Event)} should evict it or not.
     * @param event the input event to be tracked
    void track(Event event);

     * Returns the current context that is part of this eviction policy.
     * @return the eviction context
    EvictionContext getContext();

     * Sets a context in the eviction policy that can be used while evicting the events. E.g. For TimeEvictionPolicy, this could be used to
     * set the reference timestamp.
     * @param context the eviction context
    void setContext(EvictionContext context);

     * Resets the eviction policy.
    void reset();

     * Return runtime state to be checkpointed by the framework for restoring the eviction policy in case of failures.
     * @return the state
    S getState();

     * Restore the eviction policy from the state that was earlier checkpointed by the framework.
     * @param state the state
    void restoreState(S state);

     * The action to be taken when {@link EvictionPolicy#evict(Event)} is invoked.
    public enum Action {
         * expire the event and remove it from the queue.
         * process the event in the current window of events.
         * don't include in the current window but keep the event in the queue for evaluating as a part of future windows.
         * stop processing the queue, there cannot be anymore events satisfying the eviction policy.
  • EvictionPolicy主要负责追踪event,然后判断event是否该从window中移除
  • EvictionPolicy有几个实现类:CountEvictionPolicy、TimeEvictionPolicy、WatermarkCountEvictionPolicy、WatermarkTimeEvictionPolicy



 * Triggers the window calculations based on the policy.
 * @param  the type of the event that is tracked
public interface TriggerPolicy {
     * Tracks the event and could use this to invoke the trigger.
     * @param event the input event
    void track(Event event);

     * resets the trigger policy.
    void reset();

     * Starts the trigger policy. This can be used during recovery to start the triggers after recovery is complete.
    void start();

     * Any clean up could be handled here.
    void shutdown();

     * Return runtime state to be checkpointed by the framework for restoring the trigger policy in case of failures.
     * @return the state
    S getState();

     * Restore the trigger policy from the state that was earlier checkpointed by the framework.
     * @param state the state
    void restoreState(S state);
  • TriggerPolicy主要是负责window的计算
  • TriggerPolicy有几个实现类:CountTriggerPolicy、TimeTriggerPolicy、WatermarkCountTriggerPolicy、WatermarkTimeTriggerPolicy



    protected WindowLifecycleListener newWindowLifecycleListener() {
        return new WindowLifecycleListener() {
            public void onExpiry(List tuples) {
                for (Tuple tuple : tuples) {

            public void onActivation(List tuples, List newTuples, List expiredTuples, Long timestamp) {
                boltExecute(tuples, newTuples, expiredTuples, timestamp);


    protected void boltExecute(List tuples, List newTuples, List expiredTuples, Long timestamp) {
        bolt.execute(new TupleWindowImpl(tuples, newTuples, expiredTuples, getWindowStartTs(timestamp), timestamp));
  • 这里创建了一个匿名的WindowLifecycleListener实现
  • 在onExpiry的时候挨个对tuple进行ack,在onActivation的时候,调用了boltExecute,构造TupleWindowImpl,传递给bolt进行执行



    private WindowManager initWindowManager(WindowLifecycleListener lifecycleListener, Map topoConf,
                                                   TopologyContext context, Collection> queue, boolean stateful) {

        WindowManager manager = stateful ?
            new StatefulWindowManager<>(lifecycleListener, queue)
            : new WindowManager<>(lifecycleListener, queue);

        Count windowLengthCount = null;
        Duration slidingIntervalDuration = null;
        Count slidingIntervalCount = null;
        // window length
        if (topoConf.containsKey(Config.TOPOLOGY_BOLTS_WINDOW_LENGTH_COUNT)) {
            windowLengthCount = new Count(((Number) topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_BOLTS_WINDOW_LENGTH_COUNT)).intValue());
        } else if (topoConf.containsKey(Config.TOPOLOGY_BOLTS_WINDOW_LENGTH_DURATION_MS)) {
            windowLengthDuration = new Duration(
                ((Number) topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_BOLTS_WINDOW_LENGTH_DURATION_MS)).intValue(),
        // sliding interval
        if (topoConf.containsKey(Config.TOPOLOGY_BOLTS_SLIDING_INTERVAL_COUNT)) {
            slidingIntervalCount = new Count(((Number) topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_BOLTS_SLIDING_INTERVAL_COUNT)).intValue());
        } else if (topoConf.containsKey(Config.TOPOLOGY_BOLTS_SLIDING_INTERVAL_DURATION_MS)) {
            slidingIntervalDuration =
                new Duration(((Number) topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_BOLTS_SLIDING_INTERVAL_DURATION_MS)).intValue(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        } else {
            // default is a sliding window of count 1
            slidingIntervalCount = new Count(1);
        // tuple ts
        if (timestampExtractor != null) {
            // late tuple stream
            lateTupleStream = (String) topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_BOLTS_LATE_TUPLE_STREAM);
            if (lateTupleStream != null) {
                if (!context.getThisStreams().contains(lateTupleStream)) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Stream for late tuples must be defined with the builder method withLateTupleStream");
            // max lag
            if (topoConf.containsKey(Config.TOPOLOGY_BOLTS_TUPLE_TIMESTAMP_MAX_LAG_MS)) {
                maxLagMs = ((Number) topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_BOLTS_TUPLE_TIMESTAMP_MAX_LAG_MS)).intValue();
            } else {
                maxLagMs = DEFAULT_MAX_LAG_MS;
            // watermark interval
            int watermarkInterval;
            if (topoConf.containsKey(Config.TOPOLOGY_BOLTS_WATERMARK_EVENT_INTERVAL_MS)) {
                watermarkInterval = ((Number) topoConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_BOLTS_WATERMARK_EVENT_INTERVAL_MS)).intValue();
            } else {
                watermarkInterval = DEFAULT_WATERMARK_EVENT_INTERVAL_MS;
            waterMarkEventGenerator = new WaterMarkEventGenerator<>(manager, watermarkInterval,
                                                                    maxLagMs, getComponentStreams(context));
        } else {
            if (topoConf.containsKey(Config.TOPOLOGY_BOLTS_LATE_TUPLE_STREAM)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Late tuple stream can be defined only when specifying a timestamp field");
        // validate
        validate(topoConf, windowLengthCount, windowLengthDuration,
                 slidingIntervalCount, slidingIntervalDuration);
        evictionPolicy = getEvictionPolicy(windowLengthCount, windowLengthDuration);
        triggerPolicy = getTriggerPolicy(slidingIntervalCount, slidingIntervalDuration,
                                         manager, evictionPolicy);
        return manager;

    private EvictionPolicy getEvictionPolicy(Count windowLengthCount, Duration windowLengthDuration) {
        if (windowLengthCount != null) {
            if (isTupleTs()) {
                return new WatermarkCountEvictionPolicy<>(windowLengthCount.value);
            } else {
                return new CountEvictionPolicy<>(windowLengthCount.value);
        } else {
            if (isTupleTs()) {
                return new WatermarkTimeEvictionPolicy<>(windowLengthDuration.value, maxLagMs);
            } else {
                return new TimeEvictionPolicy<>(windowLengthDuration.value);

    private TriggerPolicy getTriggerPolicy(Count slidingIntervalCount, Duration slidingIntervalDuration,
                                                     WindowManager manager, EvictionPolicy evictionPolicy) {
        if (slidingIntervalCount != null) {
            if (isTupleTs()) {
                return new WatermarkCountTriggerPolicy<>(slidingIntervalCount.value, manager, evictionPolicy, manager);
            } else {
                return new CountTriggerPolicy<>(slidingIntervalCount.value, manager, evictionPolicy);
        } else {
            if (isTupleTs()) {
                return new WatermarkTimeTriggerPolicy<>(slidingIntervalDuration.value, manager, evictionPolicy, manager);
            } else {
                return new TimeTriggerPolicy<>(slidingIntervalDuration.value, manager, evictionPolicy);
  • 对于WindowedBoltExecutor来说,stateful为false,这里创建的是WindowManager
  • 这里根据windowLength及slidingInterval指定的参数类型,来获取相应的EvictionPolicy及TriggerPolicy,对于有配置timestampField的,参数是Duration的,则创建的是WatermarkTimeEvictionPolicy以及WatermarkTimeTriggerPolicy



 * Tracks a window of events and fires {@link WindowLifecycleListener} callbacks on expiry of events or activation of the window due to
 * {@link TriggerPolicy}.
 * @param  the type of event in the window.
public class WindowManager implements TriggerHandler {

    protected final Collection> queue;

    private final AtomicInteger eventsSinceLastExpiry;

     * Add an event into the window, with the given ts as the tracking ts.
     * @param event the event to track
     * @param ts    the timestamp
    public void add(T event, long ts) {
        add(new EventImpl(event, ts));

     * Tracks a window event
     * @param windowEvent the window event to track
    public void add(Event windowEvent) {
        // watermark events are not added to the queue.
        if (!windowEvent.isWatermark()) {
        } else {
            LOG.debug("Got watermark event with ts {}", windowEvent.getTimestamp());

     * feed the event to the eviction and trigger policies for bookkeeping and optionally firing the trigger.
    private void track(Event windowEvent) {

     * expires events that fall out of the window every EXPIRE_EVENTS_THRESHOLD so that the window does not grow too big.
    protected void compactWindow() {
        if (eventsSinceLastExpiry.incrementAndGet() >= EXPIRE_EVENTS_THRESHOLD) {

     * Scan events in the queue, using the expiration policy to check if the event should be evicted or not.
     * @param fullScan if set, will scan the entire queue; if not set, will stop as soon as an event not satisfying the expiration policy is
     *                 found
     * @return the list of events to be processed as a part of the current window
    private List> scanEvents(boolean fullScan) {
        LOG.debug("Scan events, eviction policy {}", evictionPolicy);
        List eventsToExpire = new ArrayList<>();
        List> eventsToProcess = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            Iterator> it = queue.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Event windowEvent = it.next();
                Action action = evictionPolicy.evict(windowEvent);
                if (action == EXPIRE) {
                } else if (!fullScan || action == STOP) {
                } else if (action == PROCESS) {
        } finally {
        LOG.debug("[{}] events expired from window.", eventsToExpire.size());
        if (!eventsToExpire.isEmpty()) {
            LOG.debug("invoking windowLifecycleListener.onExpiry");
        return eventsToProcess;

  • WindowedBoltExecutor的execute主要是将tuple添加到windowManager
  • EventImpl的isWatermark返回false,这里主要是执行track及compactWindow操作
  • track主要是委托给evictionPolicy以及triggerPolicy进行track,compactWindow在events超过指定阈值的时候,会触发scanEvents,不是fullScan的话,检测到一个非过期的event就跳出遍历,然后检测eventsToExpire是否为空如果有则触发windowLifecycleListener.onExpiry(eventsToExpire);



 * Tracks tuples across input streams and periodically emits watermark events. Watermark event timestamp is the minimum of the latest tuple
 * timestamps across all the input streams (minus the lag). Once a watermark event is emitted any tuple coming with an earlier timestamp can
 * be considered as late events.
public class WaterMarkEventGenerator implements Runnable {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WaterMarkEventGenerator.class);
    private final WindowManager windowManager;
    private final int eventTsLag;
    private final Set inputStreams;
    private final Map streamToTs;
    private final ScheduledExecutorService executorService;
    private final int interval;
    private ScheduledFuture executorFuture;
    private volatile long lastWaterMarkTs;


    public void start() {
        this.executorFuture = executorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(this, interval, interval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    public void run() {
        try {
            long waterMarkTs = computeWaterMarkTs();
            if (waterMarkTs > lastWaterMarkTs) {
                this.windowManager.add(new WaterMarkEvent<>(waterMarkTs));
                lastWaterMarkTs = waterMarkTs;
        } catch (Throwable th) {
            LOG.error("Failed while processing watermark event ", th);
            throw th;
  • WindowedBoltExecutor在start的时候会调用WaterMarkEventGenerator的start方法
  • 该方法每隔watermarkInterval时间调度WaterMarkEventGenerator这个任务
  • 其run方法就是计算watermark(这批数据最小值-lag),当大于lastWaterMarkTs时,更新lastWaterMarkTs,往windowManager添加WaterMarkEvent(该event的isWatermark为true)
  • windowManager.add(new WaterMarkEvent<>(waterMarkTs))会触发triggerPolicy.track(windowEvent)以及compactWindow操作



    public void track(Event event) {
        if (started && event.isWatermark()) {

     * Invokes the trigger all pending windows up to the watermark timestamp. The end ts of the window is set in the eviction policy context
     * so that the events falling within that window can be processed.
    private void handleWaterMarkEvent(Event event) {
        long watermarkTs = event.getTimestamp();
        long windowEndTs = nextWindowEndTs;
        LOG.debug("Window end ts {} Watermark ts {}", windowEndTs, watermarkTs);
        while (windowEndTs <= watermarkTs) {
            long currentCount = windowManager.getEventCount(windowEndTs);
            evictionPolicy.setContext(new DefaultEvictionContext(windowEndTs, currentCount));
            if (handler.onTrigger()) {
                windowEndTs += slidingIntervalMs;
            } else {
                 * No events were found in the previous window interval.
                 * Scan through the events in the queue to find the next
                 * window intervals based on event ts.
                long ts = getNextAlignedWindowTs(windowEndTs, watermarkTs);
                LOG.debug("Next aligned window end ts {}", ts);
                if (ts == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
                    LOG.debug("No events to process between {} and watermark ts {}", windowEndTs, watermarkTs);
                windowEndTs = ts;
        nextWindowEndTs = windowEndTs;

     * Computes the next window by scanning the events in the window and finds the next aligned window between the startTs and endTs. Return
     * the end ts of the next aligned window, i.e. the ts when the window should fire.
     * @param startTs the start timestamp (excluding)
     * @param endTs   the end timestamp (including)
     * @return the aligned window end ts for the next window or Long.MAX_VALUE if there are no more events to be processed.
    private long getNextAlignedWindowTs(long startTs, long endTs) {
        long nextTs = windowManager.getEarliestEventTs(startTs, endTs);
        if (nextTs == Long.MAX_VALUE || (nextTs % slidingIntervalMs == 0)) {
            return nextTs;
        return nextTs + (slidingIntervalMs - (nextTs % slidingIntervalMs));
  • handleWaterMarkEvent会触发handler.onTrigger()方法



     * The callback invoked by the trigger policy.
    public boolean onTrigger() {
        List> windowEvents = null;
        List expired = null;
        try {
             * scan the entire window to handle out of order events in
             * the case of time based windows.
            windowEvents = scanEvents(true);
            expired = new ArrayList<>(expiredEvents);
        } finally {
        List events = new ArrayList<>();
        List newEvents = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Event event : windowEvents) {
            if (!prevWindowEvents.contains(event)) {
        if (!events.isEmpty()) {
            LOG.debug("invoking windowLifecycleListener onActivation, [{}] events in window.", events.size());
            windowLifecycleListener.onActivation(events, newEvents, expired, evictionPolicy.getContext().getReferenceTime());
        } else {
            LOG.debug("No events in the window, skipping onActivation");
        return !events.isEmpty();
  • onTrigger方法主要是计算出三类数据,events、expiredEvents、newEvents
  • 当events不为空时,触发windowLifecycleListener.onActivation,也就是调用bolt的execute方法


  • WindowedBoltExecutor实现了IRichBolt接口,是一个bolt,TopologyBuilder在setBolt的时候,对用户的IWindowedBolt的实现类进行了一次包装,用WindowedBoltExecutor替代,它改造了execute方法,对于该纳入windows的调用windowManager.add添加,该丢弃的则进行ack,而真正的bolt的execute操作,则需要等待window的触发
  • WindowLifecycleListener有两个回调操作,一个是由EvictionPolicy触发的onExpiry,一个是由TriggerPolicy触发的onActivation操作
  • 由于window的windowLength及slidingInterval参数有Duration及Count两个维度,因而EvictionPolicy及TriggerPolicy也有这两类维度,外加watermark属性,因而每个policy分别有4个实现类,EvictionPolicy有几个实现类:CountEvictionPolicy、TimeEvictionPolicy、WatermarkCountEvictionPolicy、WatermarkTimeEvictionPolicy;TriggerPolicy有几个实现类:CountTriggerPolicy、TimeTriggerPolicy、WatermarkCountTriggerPolicy、WatermarkTimeTriggerPolicy
  • windowManager.add除了把tuple保存起来外,还调用了两类trigger的track操作,然后进行compactWindow操作;WatermarkTimeEvictionPolicy的track目前没有操作,而WatermarkTimeTriggerPolicy的track方法在event是WaterMarkEvent的时候会触发window操作,调用WindowManager的onTrigger方法,进而筛选出window的数据,然后触发windowLifecycleListener.onActivation操作,最后触发windowedBolt的execute方法
  • WindowManager的onTrigger方法以及add方法都会调用scanEvents,区别是前者是fullScan,后者不是;scanEvents会调用evictionPolicy.evict来判断是否该剔除tuple,进而触发windowLifecycleListener.onExpiry操作,该操作会对tuple进行ack,即过期的tuple在expired的时候会自动ack(理论上所有tuple都会过期,也就都会自动被ack,因而要求Config.TOPOLOGY_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_SECS大于windowLength + slidingInterval,避免还没ack就被认为超时)
  • WindowedBoltExecutor在start的时候会启动WaterMarkEventGenerator,它会注册一个定时任务,每隔watermarkInterval时间计算watermark(这批数据最小值-lag),当大于lastWaterMarkTs时,更新lastWaterMarkTs,往windowManager添加WaterMarkEvent(该event的isWatermark为true),整个WindowManager的onTrigger方法(即windowLifecycleListener.onActivation操作)就是靠这里来触发的
  • 关于ack的话,在WindowedBoltExecutor.execute方法对于未能进入window队列的,没有配置配置Config.TOPOLOGY_BOLTS_LATE_TUPLE_STREAM的话,则立马ack;在tuple过期的时候会自ack;WindowedBoltExecutor使用了WindowedOutputCollector,它继承了OutputCollector,对输入的tuples做anchor操作


  • Windowing Support in Core Storm
