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5. 本试卷共五大题,满分100分,考试时间120分钟。
Question 1 (2 points for each, 20 points for total) Choose the correct answer
1) To initialize an array of characters which one is NOT correct? ( )
A) char s1[3]={'a','b','c'}; B) char s2[5]="abc";
C) char s3[]={'m','n','s','r'}; D) char s4[4]="ijkl";
2) If the array name as an argument, the function call passed ( A ) to the parameter.
A) the starting address of the array
B) the value of the first element
C) all the elements values of an array
D) the number of array elements
3) If we have : int x=3, y=2; double a=2.9, b=3.5; the value of expression (x+y)/2+(int)a%(int)b would be( )。
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
4) In the following statements about the overload function which one is correct? ( )
A) overload functions must have different return types
B) overload functions must have different numbers of parameters
C) overload functions must have a different parameter list
D) overload functions’ name can be different
5) In the following data types which one does not belong to the basic data types in C ++. ( )
A) int B) double C) char D) class
6) We have : double fun( double l ); typedef double ft ( double ) ;
ft * pfun[2]; pfun[0]=fun;,in the following function calls which one is NOT correct ( )?
A)( *pfun[0] )(3.14) B)fun(3.14)
C) ( pfun[0] )(3.14) D)( &pfun[0] )(3.14)
7) in the following identifiers groups, which one is both legitimate user identifiers? ( )
A) _0123 ssiped B) del-word signed
C) list *jer D) keep% wind
8) The operand data type on both sides of logical operators is ( )
A) can only be 0 or 1
B) can only be a positive integer or 0
C) can only be an integer or character data
D) can be any type of legitimate data
9) In the following statements, which one is correct to initialize a two-dimensional array? ( B,D )
A) int a[2][]={{1,0,1},{5,2,3}};
B) int a[][3]={{1,2,3},{4,5,6}};
C) int a[2][4]={{1,2,3},{4,5},{6}};
D) int a[][3]={{1,0},{},{1,1}};
10) For the members of class, the implies access is ( )
(A) public; (B)private; (C) protected; (D) static;
Question 2: ( 20 points )
What is the output of the following code fragment?
Part1 (3 points)
using namespace std;
{ int x=1,y=0,a=0,b=0;
{ case 1:
{ case 0:a++; break;
case 1:b++; break;
case 2:a++; b++; break;
case 3:a++; b++;
Output |
a=2,b=1 |
Part2( 3 points)
int f1(int a,int b) {return a%b*5;}
int f2(int a,int b) {return a*b;}
int f3(int(*t)(int, int),int a,int b) { return (*t)(a, b);}
void main()
{ int (*p)(int, int) ;
p=f1 ; cout< p=f2 ; cout< } Output 25 56 Part3 (3 points) #include using namespace std; int fun(int n) { if(n==1)return 1; else return(n+fun(n-1)); } main() { int x; cin>>x; x=fun(x); cout< } Output 55 When the input for x is 10,the output is: Part4 (3 points) #include using namespace std; void fun(int a,int b) { int k; k=a;a=b;b=k; } void main() { int a=4,b=7,*x,*y; x=&a;y=&b; fun(*x,*y); cout<<"No.1:"<
fun(a,b); Output 28 Part 6( 4 points) #include using namespace std; void main() { char ch[2][6]={"2100","0846"},*pch[2]; int i,j,s=0; for(i=0;i<2;i++) pch[i]=ch[i]; for(i=0;i<2;i++) for(j=0;pch[i][j]>='0' && pch[i][j]<='9';j+=2) s=10*s+pch[i][j]-'0'; cout< Output 2004 } Question 3 Short answers (20 points) Part 1 (2 points) In the function prototype int fun(int, int=0); what does the “int=0” mean? 参数默认值是0 Part 2 (2 points) After executing the following statements, what is the values of x and y ? int x, y; x=y=1; ++x||++y; __x=2,y=1____________ Part 3 (2 points) When the following statements are running, how many times does the loop execute? int i=0, x=1; do { x++; i++; } while ( !x&&i<=3 ); _1次__ Part 4 (8 points,2 points for each) Insert the braces in the following code to produce a specified output. Please NOTE that the program may not make any other changes except braces. if (y==8) if (x==5) cout << “@@@@” << endl; else cout << “####” < cout << “$$$$” < cout << “&&&&” < @@@@ $$$$ &&&& @@@@ @@@@ &&&& #### $$$$ &&&& { } 可有可无,{ }必须有
if (x==5)
{ cout << “@@@@” << endl; }
{ cout << “####” <
cout << “$$$$” < cout << “&&&&” < 2) if (y==8) if (x==5) { cout << “@@@@” << endl; } else { cout << “####” < cout << “$$$$” < cout << “&&&&” <
if (x==5)
{ cout << “@@@@” << endl; }
{ cout << “####” < cout << “$$$$” < cout << “&&&&” < 4) if (y==8) { if (x==5) cout << “@@@@” << endl; } else { cout << “####” < cout << “$$$$” < cout << “&&&&” <
Part 5 (6 points,1 point for each)
Find the errors and fix it in each of the following program segments. Assume the following declarations and statements:
void * sPtr = 0;
int number;
int z[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int * zPtr;
fix each statement.
number = zPtr;
number = *zPtr[ 2 ];
for( int i=0; i<=5; i++)
cout< zPtr=2; number = zPtr; zPtr=z / zPtr=&z[0] _________________________________________________________ number=zPtr[0] / number=*zPtr _________________________________________________________ Number=zPtr[2] / number = *(zPtr+2) _________________________________________________________ i<5 _________________________________________________________ zPtr=z+1 / zPtr=&a[1] _________________________________________________________ Number=*zPtr __________________________ Question 4: Fill in the blanks ( 20 Point,2 points for each blank) #include using namespace std; void main() { long int f,s; int i,j,n; cin>>n; s=0,f=1; for(i=1;i<=n; (1) ) { f=1; for(j=1; j<=i; j++) (2) ; (3) ; } cout<<"n="< 1______i+=2 / i=i+2______________2_____f*=j / f=f*j__________ 2.The main function get a string, then call other function to change the numbers 0~9 to lower case letter a~j;And change all the lower case letters to up case letters, then output the result in function main. #include using namespace std; _____(4)_____ void main() { char str1[20], str2[20]; cin>>str1; change(str1,str2); cout< } void change(char *s1, char *s2) { while(_____(5)_____) { if(*s1>='0'&&*s1<='9') *s2=_____(6)_____; else *s2=toupper(*s1); _____(7)_____ } *s2='\0'; } #include #include using namespace std; void change(char *s1, char *s2); int main() { char str1[20], str2[20]; cin >> str1; change(str1, str2); cout << str2 << endl; return 0; } void change(char *s1, char *s2) { while (*s1) { if (*s1 >= '0' && *s1 <= '9') *s2 = *s1 - '0' + 'a'; else *s2 = toupper(*s1); s1++; s2++; } *s2 = '\0'; } 3. Output matrix as the Figure right of the code: main() { int a[7][7]; int i,j; for (i=0;i<7;i++) for (j=0;j<7;j++) { if (_____(8)___________) a[i][j]=1; else if (i else if (i>j&&i+j<6) a[i][j]=3; else if (____(10)____ ___) a[i][j]=4; else a[i][j]=5; } for (i=0;i<7;i++) { for (j=0;j<7;j++) cout< cout< } } 9____a[i][j]=2__________10 ____i 世间温柔,不过是芳春柳摇染花香,槐序蝉鸣入深巷,白茂叶落醉故乡。