## WCDBSwift 的简单使用与封装

WCDBSwift 的简单使用与封装


import WCDBSwift
import UIKit
class SHSongModel: TableCodable {
//    /// 歌名字
    var name:String = ""
//    /// 作者
    var author:String = ""
//    /// 歌词链接 可以是网络也可以是本地
    var lrclink:String = ""
//    /// 可以是网络也可以是本地
    var file_link:String = ""
//    /// 图片封面
    var pic:String = "12.jpg"
    enum CodingKeys:String, CodingTableKey {
        typealias Root = SHSongModel
        case name
        case author
        case lrclink
        case file_link
        case pic

        static let objectRelationalMapping = TableBinding(CodingKeys.self)
//    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingTableKey {
//        typealias Root = SHSongModel
//        //List the properties which should be bound to table
//        case name
//        case song_id
//        case author
//        case lrclink
//        case file_link
//        case pic
//        static let objectRelationalMapping = TableBinding(CodingKeys.self)
//        //Column constraints for primary key, unique, not null, default value and so on. It is optional.
//        //static var columnConstraintBindings: [CodingKeys: ColumnConstraintBinding]? {
//        //    return [
//        //        .variable: ColumnConstraintBinding(isPrimary: true, isAutoIncrement: true),
//        //        .variable2: ColumnConstraintBinding(isUnique: true)
//        //    ]
//        //}
//        //Index bindings. It is optional.
//        //static var indexBindings: [IndexBinding.Subfix: IndexBinding]? {
//        //    return [
//        //        "_index": IndexBinding(indexesBy: CodingKeys.variable2)
//        //    ]
//        //}
//        //Table constraints for multi-primary, multi-unique and so on. It is optional.
//        //static var tableConstraintBindings: [TableConstraintBinding.Name: TableConstraintBinding]? {
//        //    return [
//        //        "MultiPrimaryConstraint": MultiPrimaryBinding(indexesBy: variable2.asIndex(orderBy: .descending), variable3.primaryKeyPart2)
//        //    ]
//        //}
//        //Virtual table binding for FTS and so on. It is optional.
//        //static var virtualTableBinding: VirtualTableBinding? {
//        //    return VirtualTableBinding(with: .fts3, and: ModuleArgument(with: .WCDB))
//        //}
//    }
    func getBy(author:String)->[SHSongModel]? {
        let arr:[SHSongModel]? = DBManager.share.qurey(where: SHSongModel.Properties.author == author, orderBy: [SHSongModel.Properties.author.asOrder(by: OrderTerm.ascending)])
        return arr

DBManager 创建数据库管理

import WCDBSwift
import UIKit
struct WcdbDataPath {
   static let basePath =  NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true).first! + "/DB/wcdb.db"

class DBManager: NSObject {
    static let share = DBManager.init()
    var db: Database?
    override init() {

        db = createDB()
    private func createDB() -> Database {
       return Database(withPath: WcdbDataPath.basePath)
    /// 数据库与表的初始化
    private func createTable() {
        do {
         //1. 创建主数据库main的相关表
           try db?.run(transaction: {
                createTable( modelType: SHSongModel.self)
        } catch let error {

    private func createTable(modelType: T.Type) {
        do {
            try db?.create(table: "\(modelType.self)", of: modelType)
        }catch let error {
            debugPrint("error \(error.localizedDescription)")
    public func inser(objects:[T],modelType: T.Type){
        do {
            try db?.insert(objects: objects, intoTable: "\(T.self)")
        }catch let error {

    public func update( on propertys:[PropertyConvertible], itemModel object:T,where condition: Condition? = nil){
        do {
            try db?.update(table: "\(T.self)", on: propertys, with: object, where: condition)
        } catch let error {
            debugPrint(" update obj error \(error.localizedDescription)")

    public func deleteFromDb( modelType:T.Type,where condition: Condition? = nil){
        do {
            try db?.delete(fromTable: "\(modelType.self)", where:condition)
        } catch let error {
            debugPrint("delete error \(error.localizedDescription)")

    public func qurey( where condition: Condition? = nil, orderBy orderList:[OrderBy]? = nil) -> [T]? {
        do {
            let allObjects: [T] = try (db?.getObjects(fromTable: "\(T.self)", where:condition, orderBy:orderList))!
            return allObjects
        } catch let error {
            debugPrint("no data find \(error.localizedDescription)")
        return nil
    func dropTable(modelType:T.Type) -> Void {
        do {
            try db?.drop(table: "\(modelType.self)")
        } catch let error {
            debugPrint("drop table error \(error)")
    /// 删除所有与该数据库相关的文件
    func removeDbFile() -> Void {
        do {
            try db?.close(onClosed: {
                try db?.removeFiles()
        } catch let error {
            debugPrint("not close db \(error)")

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