Apache Doris 2.0.3 版本正式发布

亲爱的社区小伙伴们,Apache Doris 2.0.3 版本已于 2023 年 12 月 14 日正式发布,该版本对复杂数据类型、统计信息收集、倒排索引、数据湖分析、分布式副本管理等多个功能进行了优化,欢迎大家下载体验。

此外,由衷感谢 104 位贡献者,他们为 Apache Doris 2.0.3 版本提交了超过 1000 个功能优化项以及问题修复,为性能及稳定性提升做出重要贡献。

GitHub下载:Releases · apache/doris · GitHub

官网下载页:Download - Apache Doris



统计信息是 CBO 优化器进行代价估算时的依赖,通过收集统计信息有助于优化器了解数据分布特性、执行计划成本估算以及执行计划选择,用于查询效率的提升。

从 2.0.3 版本开始,Apache Doris 支持了自动统计信息收集,并默认为开启状态。在每次导入事务提交后,Apache Doris 会记录导入事务更新的表信息,并估算表统计信息的健康度。当健康度低于配置参数时,Doris 将自动触发统计信息收集作业。为了降低统计信息作业的资源开销,Apache Doris 会自动采取采样的方式收集统计信息,用户也可根据需求调整参数以获得更准确的数据分布信息。

更多信息请参考:Statistics - Apache Doris


  • Java UDF、JDBC catalog、Hudi MOR 表等功能支持复杂数据类型

    • [feature](jni) support complex types in jni framework by AshinGau · Pull Request #24810 · apache/doris · GitHub

    • [feature](tvf)(jni-avro)jni-avro scanner add complex data types by DongLiang-0 · Pull Request #26236 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • Paimon catalog 支持复杂数据类型

    • [feature](paimon)paimon catalog supports complex types by DongLiang-0 · Pull Request #25364 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • Paimon catalog 支持 Paimon 0.5 版本

    • [improvement](catalog)compatible with paimon 0.5 by zddr · Pull Request #24985 · apache/doris · GitHub


  • 新优化器支持 BitmapAgg 函数

    • [feature](fe) add function 'BitmapAgg' in nereids by mrhhsg · Pull Request #25508 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 支持 SHA 系列摘要函数

    • [feature](function) Support SHA family functions by zclllyybb · Pull Request #24342 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 聚合函数 min_by 和 max_by 支持 bitmap 数据类型

    • [feature](function) support bitmap type in min/max_by agg function by zhangstar333 · Pull Request #25430 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 增加 milliseconds/microseconds_add/sub/diff 函数

    • [feature](datetime-func)support milliseconds_add/sub/diff and microseconds_diff by LemonLiTree · Pull Request #24114 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 增加 json_insert, json_replace, json_set JSON 函数

    • [feature](json-function) add json_insert, json_replace, json_set functions by xuefengze · Pull Request #24384 · apache/doris · GitHub



  • 在过滤率高的倒排索引 match where 条件和过滤率低的普通 where 条件组合时,大幅降低索引列的 IO

  • 优化经过 where 条件过滤后随机读数据的效率

  • 优化在 JSON 数据类型上使用老的 get_json_xx 函数的性能,提升 2-4 倍

  • 支持配置降低读数据线程的优先级,保证写入的 CPU 资源和实时性

  • 增加返回 largeint 的 uuid-numeric 函数,性能比返回 string 的 uuid 函数快 20 倍

  • Case when 的性能提升 3 倍

  • 在存储引擎执行中裁剪不必要的谓词计算

  • 支持 count 算子下推到存储层

  • 优化支持 and or 表达式中包含 nullable 类型的计算性能

  • 支持更多场景下 limit 算子提前到 join 前执行的改写,以提升执行效率

  • 增加消除 inline view 中的无用的 order by 算子,以提升执行效率

  • 优化了部分情况下的基数估计和代价模型的准确性,以提升执行效率

  • 优化了 JDBC catalog 的谓词下推逻辑和大小写逻辑

  • 优化了 file cache 的第一次开启后的读取效率

  • 优化 Hive 表 SQL cache 策略,使用 HMS 中存储的分区更新时间作为 cache 是否失效的判断,提高 cache 命中率

  • 优化了 Merge-on-Write compaction 效率

  • 优化了外表查询的线程分配逻辑,降低内存使用

  • 优化 column reader 的内存使用


优化跳过删除分区、colocate group、持续写时均衡失败、冷热分层表不能均衡等;


  • 审计日志插件的配置使用 token 代替明文密码以增强安全性

    • [Feature](auditloader) Plugin auditloader use auth token to avoid using cleartext passwords in config by zhiqiang-hhhh · Pull Request #26278 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • log4j 配置安全性增强

    • [Enhancement](log) Improve Safety and Robustness of Log4j Configuration by zy-kkk · Pull Request #24861 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 日志中不显示用户敏感信息

    • [improvement](log) log desensitization without displaying user info by HHoflittlefish777 · Pull Request #26912 · apache/doris · GitHub

Bugfix 和稳定性提升


  • 修复了 map/struct 对定长 CHAR(n) 没有正确截断的问题

    • [FIX](collectiontype) fix shrink char column in map/struct by amorynan · Pull Request #25725 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复了 struct 嵌套 map/array 写入失败的问题

    • [FIX](complextype)fix struct nested complex collection type and and regresstest by amorynan · Pull Request #26973 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复了 count distinct 不支持 array/map/struct 的问题

    • [FIX](func) fix count distinct do not support arr/map/struct by amorynan · Pull Request #25483 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 解决 query 中出现 delete 复杂类型之后,升级过程中出现 BE crash 的问题

    • [FIX](upgrade)fix upgrade for predict column delete collection type will make core by amorynan · Pull Request #26006 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复了 jsonb 在 where 条件中 BE crash 问题

    • [FIX](jsonb)fix jsonb is not in predict column by amorynan · Pull Request #27325 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复了 outer join 中有 array 类型时 BE crash 的问题

    • [FIX](resize) fix array and map offsets resize with default value by amorynan · Pull Request #25669 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复 orc 格式 decimal 类型读取错误的问题

    • [Fix](orc-reader) Fix orc complex types when late materialization was turned on by disabling late materialization in this case. by kaka11chen · Pull Request #26548 · apache/doris · GitHub

    • [Fix](orc-reader) Fix orc decimal128 scale issue. by kaka11chen · Pull Request #25977 · apache/doris · GitHub

    • [Fix](orc-reader) Add missing `break` introduced by #26548. by kaka11chen · Pull Request #26633 · apache/doris · GitHub


  • 修复了关闭倒排索引查询时 OR NOT 组合 where 条件结果错误的问题

    • [Fix](inverted index) fix compound query result error when disable inverted_index_query session variable by airborne12 · Pull Request #26327 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复了空数组的倒排索引写入时 BE crash 的问题

    • [Fix](inverted index) fix empty array index writer bug by airborne12 · Pull Request #25984 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复输出为空的情况下index compaction BE crash 的问题

    • [opt](index compaction) optimize checks before index compaction by qidaye · Pull Request #25486 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复新增列没有写入数据时,增加倒排索引 BE crash 的问题

    • [fix](build index) fix core when build index for a new column which without data by Tanya-W · Pull Request #27276 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复 1.2 版本误建倒排索引后升级 2.0 等情况下倒排索引硬链缺失和泄露的问题

    • [fix](build index) Fix inverted index hardlink leak and missing problem by xiaokang · Pull Request #26903 · apache/doris · GitHub


  • 修复 group by 语句中包括重复表达式导致 BE crash 的问题

    • [Bug](materialized-view) add limitation for duplicate expr on materialized view by BiteTheDDDDt · Pull Request #27523 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 禁止视图创建时 group by 子句中使用 float/doubld 类型

    • [Bug](materialized-view) add limit for group by with float/double on create mv by BiteTheDDDDt · Pull Request #25823 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 增强支持了 select 查询命中物化视图的功能

    • [Bug](materialized-view) enable rewrite on select materialized index with aggregate mode by BiteTheDDDDt · Pull Request #24691 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复当使用了表的 alias 时物化视图不能命中的问题

    • [Bug](materialized-view) fix not match mv when some alias on agg by BiteTheDDDDt · Pull Request #25321 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复了创建物化视图中使用 percentile_approx 的问题

    • [Bug](materialized-view) fix some bugs on create mv with percentile_approx by BiteTheDDDDt · Pull Request #26528 · apache/doris · GitHub


  • 修复 table sample 功能在 partition table 上无法正常工作的问题

    • [fix](planner) Fix sample partition table by xinyiZzz · Pull Request #25912 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复 table sample 指定 tablet 无法工作的问题

    • [fix](planner) Fix `select table tablet` not effective by xinyiZzz · Pull Request #25378 · apache/doris · GitHub


  • 修复基于主键条件更新的空指针异常

    • [fix](partial update) Fix NPE when the query statement of an update statement is a point query in `OriginPlanner` by bobhan1 · Pull Request #26881 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复部分列更新字段名大小写问题

    • [fix](partial update) keep case insensitivity and use the columns' origin names in `partialUpdateCols` in origin planner by bobhan1 · Pull Request #27223 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复 schema change 时 mow 会出现重复 key 的问题

    • [fix](merge-on-write) fix duplicate key in schema change by liaoxin01 · Pull Request #25705 · apache/doris · GitHub

导入和 Compaction

  • 修复 routine load 一流多表时 unkown slot descriptor 错误

    • [fix](multi-table) fix unknown source slot descriptor when load multi table by HHoflittlefish777 · Pull Request #25762 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复内存统计并发访问导致 BE crash 问题

    • [fix](load) add lock in active_memtable_mem_consumption by kaijchen · Pull Request #27101 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复重复取消导入导致 BE crash 的问题

    • [fix](load) skip cancel already cancelled channels by kaijchen · Pull Request #27111 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复 broker load 时 broker 连接报错问题

    • [fix](broker-read) refactor broker reading process to avoid null broker connection by TangSiyang2001 · Pull Request #26050 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复 compaction 和 scan 并发下 delete 谓词可能导致查询结果不对的问题

    • [Bug](ScanNode) Fix potential incorrect query result caused by concurrent NewOlapScanNode initialization and Compaction by platoneko · Pull Request #24638 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复 compaction task 存在时打印大量 stacktrace 日志的问题

    • [chore](compaction) Do not print the stack trace when the compaction task already exists by Xiaoccer · Pull Request #25597 · apache/doris · GitHub


  • 解决 iceberg 表中包含特殊字符导致查询失败的问题

    • [fix](iceberg) iceberg use custom method to encode special characters in column name by AshinGau · Pull Request #27108 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复 Hive metastore 不同版本的兼容性问题

    • [fix](hms) fix compatibility issue of hive metastore client by morningman · Pull Request #27327 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复读取 MaxCompute 分区表错误的问题

    • [fix](multi-catalog)fix maxcompute partition filter and session creation by wsjz · Pull Request #24911 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复备份到对象存储失败的问题

    • [fix](backup) fix backup fail on s3 by morningman · Pull Request #25496 · apache/doris · GitHub

    • [fix](backup) missing use_path_style properties for minio by morningman · Pull Request #25803 · apache/doris · GitHub

JDBC 外表兼容性

  • 修复 JDBC catalog 处理 Oracle 日期类型格式错误的问题

    • [fix](jdbc catalog) fix handle oracle date format by zy-kkk · Pull Request #25487 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复 JDBC catalog 读取 MySQL 0000-00-00 日期异常的问题

    • [fix](jdbc catalog) fix mysql zero date by zy-kkk · Pull Request #26569 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复从 MariaDB 读取数据时间类型默认值为 current_timestamp 时空指针异常问题

    • [fix](multicatalog)fix jdbc catalog current_timestamp default by vinlee19 · Pull Request #25016 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复 JDBC catalog 处理 bitmap 类型时 BE crash 的问题

    • [fix](jdbc catalog) fix jdbc catalog read bitmap data crash by zy-kkk · Pull Request #25034 · apache/doris · GitHub

    • [BugFix](JDBC Catalog) fix jdbc catalog query bitmap may cause be core sometimes by GoGoWen · Pull Request #26933 · apache/doris · GitHub


  • 修复了部分场景下分区裁剪错误的问题

    • [fix](nereids) partition prune fails in case of NOT expression by englefly · Pull Request #27047 · apache/doris · GitHub

    • [fix](nereids) patition prune is affected by non-paritition-key condition by englefly · Pull Request #26873 · apache/doris · GitHub

    • [fix](nereids) prune partition bug in pattern ColA <> ColB by englefly · Pull Request #25769 · apache/doris · GitHub

    • [fix](nereids) temp partition is always pruned by englefly · Pull Request #27636 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复了部分场景下子查询处理不正确的问题

    • [fix](nereids)only push down subquery in non-window agg functions by starocean999 · Pull Request #26034 · apache/doris · GitHub

    • [fix](be)fix bug of converting outer join probe block to nullable by starocean999 · Pull Request #25492 · apache/doris · GitHub

    • [fix](nereids)push down subquery exprs in non-distinct agg functions by starocean999 · Pull Request #25955 · apache/doris · GitHub

    • [fix](Nereids) fill miss slot in having subquery by XieJiann · Pull Request #27177 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复了部分语义解析的错误

    • [fix](Nereids) should not replace slot by Alias when do NormalizeSlot by morrySnow · Pull Request #24928 · apache/doris · GitHub

    • [fix](nereids)fix bug of duplicate name of inline view by starocean999 · Pull Request #25627 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复 right outer/anti join 时,有可能丢失数据的问题

    • [fix](Nereids) ban right outer, right anti, full outer with bucket shuffle by morrySnow · Pull Request #26529 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复了谓词被错误的下推穿过聚合算子的问题

    • [fix](Nereids) non-slot filter should not be push through aggregate by morrySnow · Pull Request #25525 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修正了部分情况下返回的结果 header 不正确的问题

    • [opt](Nereids) use correct column label when execute query in FE by morrySnow · Pull Request #25372 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 包含有 nullsafeEquals 表达式(<=>)作为连接条件时,可以正确对规划出 hash join

    • [fix](Nereids): NullSafeEqual should be in HashJoinCondition by jackwener · Pull Request #27127 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 修复了 set operation 算子中无法正确列裁剪的问题

    • [fix](Nereids) column pruning under union broken unexpectedly by morrySnow · Pull Request #26884 · apache/doris · GitHub


  • 复杂数据类型 array/map/struct 的输出格式改成跟输入格式以及 JSON 规范保持一致,跟之前版本的主要变化是日期和字符串用双引号括起来,array/map 内部的空值显示为 null 而不是 NULL。

    • [Fix](Serde) Fix content displayed by complex types in MySQL Client by BePPPower · Pull Request #25946 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 默认情况下,当用户属性 resource_tags.location 没有设置时,只能使用 default 资源组的节点,而之前版本中可以访问任意节点。

    • [improvement](resource-tag) limit the default user's resource tag to 'default' by morningman · Pull Request #25331 · apache/doris · GitHub

  • 支持 SHOW_VIEW 权限,拥有 SELECT 或 LOAD 权限的用户将不再能够执行 SHOW CREATE VIEW 语句,必须单独授予 SHOW_VIEW 权限。

    • [improvement](auth) support show view priv by zddr · Pull Request #25370 · apache/doris · GitHub
