

lab1 地址 : lab1

lab2 地址 :lab2

lab3 地址 :lab3

lab4 地址 :lab4

lab5 地址 :lab5

lab6 地址 :lab6


  • 系列目录
  • 前言
  • 一、实验背景
  • 二、实验正文
    • Exercise 1 :Search
    • Exercise 2 :Insert - Splitting Pages
    • Exercise 3 :Delete - Redistributing pages
    • Exercise 4:Delete - Redistributing pages
  • 总结




术语 概述
B树 / B-树 多路搜索树,非叶子结点存储指向关键字范围的字节点;所有关键字在整棵树中出现,且只出现一次,非叶子结点可以命中
B+树 在B树的基础上,为叶子结点增加链表指针,所有关键字都在叶子结点中出现,非叶子结点作为叶子结点的索引;B+树总是到叶子结点才命中。
B*树 在B+树的基础上,为非叶子结点也增加链表指针,将结点的最低利用率从1/2 提升到 2/3


  • B+树的磁盘读写代价更低


  • B+树查询效率更加稳定


  • B+树便于范围查询(范围查找是数据库的常态)

B树在提高了IO性能的同时并没有解决元素遍历的我效率低下的问题,正是为了解决这个问题,B+树应用而生。 B+树只需要去遍历叶子节点就可以实现整棵树的遍历(链表) 。 而且在数据库中基于范围的查询是非常频繁的,而B树不支持这样的操作或者说效率太低;




Exercise 1 :Search


  • B+树的单列查找:


  • B+树的范围查找:


回到 Exercise 1则是实现findLeafPage() 函数,递归返回所需的叶子结点。且操作符的类型为> 、>= 、 < 、 <= 、 != 、=。所以只需要实现单列查找即可。

  • BTreeRootPtrPage(根结点页面):B+树的根节点。

    • header : 储存slot使用情况。
    • root : 根节点的value。
    • rootCategory :根节点类型
    • dirty : 是否是脏页。
    • oldData : 用于回滚。
  • BTreeInternalPage (内部节点页面): B+树的内部节点

    • int numSlot: 内部节点中最多能存储指针的数量。
    • byte[] header : 储存slot使用情况。
    • Field[] keys: 存储key的数组。
    • int [] children: 存储page的序号,用于每个key指向左右children的point。也因此如果keys是m,children则是m+1。
    • int childCategorychild:节点的类型(either leaf or internal)


  • BTreeLeafPage(叶子节点页面): B+树的叶子节点

    • int numSlot: 叶节点中最多能存储指针的数量。
    • byte[] header : 储存slot使用情况。
    • int leftSibling : 左叶子节点,为0则为空。
    • int rightSibling : 右叶子节点,为0则为空。
    • Tuple[] tuples : 存放的具体元组数据。
  • BTreeHeaderPage(Header节点页面):用于记录整个B+树中的一个页面的使用情况

    • BTreePageId pid: 记录目标页面的夜pageId。
    • int numSlot: 叶节点中最多能存储指针的数量。
    • byte[] header : 储存slot使用情况。
    • int nextPage : 指向下一个 headerPage,为0则为空。
    • int prevPage : 指向上一个 headerPage,为0则为空。


  • BTreePageId:以上四个页的唯一标识符。

  • BTreeEntry: BTreeInternalPage所更新的单位,虽然BTreeInternalPage页面中存储的是keys与children,但是实际更新(查找、插入、删除等)的单位则是BTreeEntry对象。

    • Field key : entry的key。
    • BTreePageId leftChild :左孩子的page id。
    • BTreePageId rightChild :右孩子的page id。
    • RecordId rid : 记录entry位于哪个page。


		keys = new Field[numSlots];
        try {
            // allocate and read the keys of this page
            // start from 1 because the first key slot is not used
            // since a node with m keys has m+1 pointers
            keys[0] = null;
            for (int i = 1; i < keys.length; i++)
                keys[i] = readNextKey(dis, i);
        } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {

        children = new int[numSlots];
        try {
            // allocate and read the child pointers of this page
            for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
                children[i] = readNextChild(dis, i);
        } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {



  • 给定值1,此函数应返回第一个叶页。同样,给定值8,该函数应返回第二页。而在某种case下,如果给我们一个键值6。可能有重复的键,所以两个叶页上可能都有6个。在这种情况下,函数应该返回第一个(左)叶页。
  • 递归的搜索页面,直到搜索到所需的叶子节点页面。如果pgcateg() = BTreePageId.LEAF 则表明这是叶子页面退出递归,否则则是内部页面,需要利用BTreeInternalPage.iterator() 遍历页面中的entrys,并与每个key值做比较,递归进入到下一层的节点。
  • 建议不要直接调用BufferPool.getPage() 来获取每个内部页面和叶页,而是调用我们提供的包装器函数BTreeFile.getPage() 。它的工作方式与BufferPool.get page() 完全相同,但需要一个额外的参数来跟踪脏页列表。在接下来的两个练习中,该函数将非常重要,在这两个练习中将实际更新数据,因此需要跟踪脏页
    findLeafPage() 实现访问的每个内部(非叶)页面都应该使用READ_ONLY权限获取,但返回的叶页面除外,该页应该使用作为函数参数提供的权限获取
  • findLeafPage():
     * 递归获取叶子节点
     * Recursive function which finds and locks the leaf page in the B+ tree corresponding to
     * the left-most page possibly containing the key field f. It locks all internal
     * nodes along the path to the leaf node with READ_ONLY permission, and locks the
     * leaf node with permission perm.

* If f is null, it finds the left-most leaf page -- used for the iterator * * @param tid - the transaction id * @param dirtypages - the list of dirty pages which * should be updated with all new dirty pages * @param pid - the current page being searched * @param perm - the permissions with which to lock the leaf page * @param f - the field to search for * @return the left-most leaf page possibly containing the key field f */ private BTreeLeafPage findLeafPage(TransactionId tid, Map<PageId, Page> dirtypages, BTreePageId pid, Permissions perm, Field f) throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException { // some code goes here // 四种节点情况:ROOT_PTR 、INTERNAL 、LEAF、HEADER; int type = pid.pgcateg(); if(type == BTreePageId.LEAF){ return (BTreeLeafPage) getPage(tid,dirtypages,pid,perm); } // 非叶子节点直接使用READ权限遍历entries BTreeInternalPage internalPage = (BTreeInternalPage) getPage(tid,dirtypages,pid,Permissions.READ_ONLY); Iterator<BTreeEntry> it = internalPage.iterator(); BTreeEntry entry = null; while (it.hasNext()){ entry =; // 为空则获取leftChild if(f == null){ return findLeafPage(tid,dirtypages,entry.getLeftChild(),perm,f); } if(entry.getKey().compare(Op.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQ,f)){ return findLeafPage(tid,dirtypages, entry.getLeftChild(), perm,f); } } // 最后一层节点为叶子节点,且内部节点的entry不应该为空 assert entry != null; return findLeafPage(tid,dirtypages, entry.getRightChild(), perm,f); }

  • 测试结果:

Exercise 2 :Insert - Splitting Pages



  • 叶节点的分裂需要复制一份数据的备份到父节点。而内部节点不需要刻意维护数据在底层,所以其分裂的key是被挤到 父节点的。
  • 叶子节点的分裂还需要维护两个节点之间的指向。


  • 每当你想要创建一个新的页,或者因为分裂节点需要创建新页。你可以调用 getEmptyPage()去获得新页,这个函数可以复用因为合并而被删除的页。
  • 提供BTreeLeafPage.iterator() BTreeInternalPage.iterator() 去迭代每个页中的tuples / entries。同时可以利用BTreeLeafPage.reverseIterator()TreeLeafPage.reverseIterator()进行分裂的两个页面之间的重新分配。
  • 对于Entry :
    • 更新Entry对象将不会更新实际的页,需要更新实际的页可以调用BTreeInternalPage.updateEntry(),
    • 删除一个Entry实际上是删除一个key与一个child pointer,需要删除操作可以调用:BTreeInternalPage.deleteKeyAndLeftChild()BTreeInternalPage.deleteKeyAndRightChild()
    • 对于插入同样是插入一个key与一个single child pointer。可以使用BTreeInternalPage.insertEntry()去插入一个Entry,并保持key在entries中的顺序。
  • 调用splitLeafPage()splitInternalPage()产生新的页面或者修改页面数据时需要更新dirtypages。每次获取页面调用BTreeFile.getPage()他会先获取本地的`dirtypages``,如果没有则再去调用BufferPool。
  • splitLeafPage func:
     * Split a leaf page to make room for new tuples and recursively split the parent node
     * as needed to accommodate a new entry. The new entry should have a key matching the key field
     * of the first tuple in the right-hand page (the key is "copied up"), and child pointers
     * pointing to the two leaf pages resulting from the split.  Update sibling pointers and parent
     * pointers as needed.

* Return the leaf page into which a new tuple with key field "field" should be inserted. * * @param tid - the transaction id * @param dirtypages - the list of dirty pages which should be updated with all new dirty pages * @param page - the leaf page to split * @param field - the key field of the tuple to be inserted after the split is complete. Necessary to know * which of the two pages to return. * @return the leaf page into which the new tuple should be inserted * @throws DbException * @throws IOException * @throws TransactionAbortedException * @see #getParentWithEmptySlots(TransactionId, Map, BTreePageId, Field) */ public BTreeLeafPage splitLeafPage(TransactionId tid, Map<PageId, Page> dirtypages, BTreeLeafPage page, Field field) throws DbException, IOException, TransactionAbortedException { // some code goes here // // Split the leaf page by adding a new page on the right of the existing // page and moving half of the tuples to the new page. Copy the middle key up // into the parent page, and recursively split the parent as needed to accommodate // the new entry. getParentWithEmtpySlots() will be useful here. Don't forget to update // the sibling pointers of all the affected leaf pages. Return the page into which a // tuple with the given key field should be inserted. // 先处理子节点: // 创建一个右叶节点,并进行均匀分配 BTreeLeafPage newRigPage = (BTreeLeafPage) getEmptyPage(tid,dirtypages,BTreePageId.LEAF); int tuplesNum = page.getNumTuples(); Iterator<Tuple> reverseIt = page.reverseIterator(); for(int i = 0 ; i < tuplesNum / 2 ; i++){ Tuple tuple =; page.deleteTuple(tuple); newRigPage .insertTuple(tuple); } // leftNode <=> page <=> rightNode 需要变成 leftNode <=> leftNode <=> page <=> newRigPage <=> rightNode BTreePageId rightSiblingId = page.getRightSiblingId(); BTreeLeafPage rightNode = rightSiblingId == null ? null : (BTreeLeafPage) getPage(tid,dirtypages,rightSiblingId,Permissions.READ_ONLY); if(rightNode != null){ rightNode.setLeftSiblingId(newRigPage.getId()); newRigPage.setRightSiblingId(rightNode.getId()); dirtypages.put(rightNode.getId(),rightNode); } page.setRightSiblingId(newRigPage.getId()); newRigPage.setLeftSiblingId(page.getId()); dirtypages.put(newRigPage.getId(),newRigPage); dirtypages.put(page.getId(),page); // 开始处理父节点: // "复制"中间节点并插入父节点中,并设置指针 Field midKey = newRigPage.iterator().next().getField(keyField); BTreeEntry insertEntry = new BTreeEntry(midKey,page.getId(),newRigPage.getId()); BTreeInternalPage parentPage = getParentWithEmptySlots(tid,dirtypages,page.getParentId(),field); parentPage.insertEntry(insertEntry); dirtypages.put(parentPage.getId(),parentPage); updateParentPointers(tid,dirtypages,parentPage); // return the leaf page into which the new tuple should be inserted if(,midKey)){ return newRigPage; } return page; }


    • splitInternalPage func:
     * Split an internal page to make room for new entries and recursively split its parent page
     * as needed to accommodate a new entry. The new entry for the parent should have a key matching
     * the middle key in the original internal page being split (this key is "pushed up" to the parent).
     * The child pointers of the new parent entry should point to the two internal pages resulting
     * from the split. Update parent pointers as needed.

* Return the internal page into which an entry with key field "field" should be inserted * * @param tid - the transaction id * @param dirtypages - the list of dirty pages which should be updated with all new dirty pages * @param page - the internal page to split * @param field - the key field of the entry to be inserted after the split is complete. Necessary to know * which of the two pages to return. * @return the internal page into which the new entry should be inserted * @throws DbException * @throws IOException * @throws TransactionAbortedException * @see #getParentWithEmptySlots(TransactionId, Map, BTreePageId, Field) * @see #updateParentPointers(TransactionId, Map, BTreeInternalPage) */ public BTreeInternalPage splitInternalPage(TransactionId tid, Map<PageId, Page> dirtypages, BTreeInternalPage page, Field field) throws DbException, IOException, TransactionAbortedException { // some code goes here // // Split the internal page by adding a new page on the right of the existing // page and moving half of the entries to the new page. Push the middle key up // into the parent page, and recursively split the parent as needed to accommodate // the new entry. getParentWithEmtpySlots() will be useful here. Don't forget to update // the parent pointers of all the children moving to the new page. updateParentPointers() // will be useful here. Return the page into which an entry with the given key field // should be inserted. BTreeInternalPage newRigPage = (BTreeInternalPage) getEmptyPage(tid,dirtypages,BTreePageId.INTERNAL); int entriesNum = page.getNumEntries(); Iterator<BTreeEntry> reverseIt = page.reverseIterator(); for(int i = 0 ; i < entriesNum / 2; i++){ // !!! 与分裂叶节点不同的是内部节点的单位是Entries,用于唯一标示的则是entry中的RecordId的,而插入操作则会改变RecordId // 因此需要先删除后插入 BTreeEntry entry =; // 删除哪个child page.deleteKeyAndRightChild(entry); newRigPage.insertEntry(entry); } // 将子节点挤到父节点中,并设置指针指向 BTreeEntry midEntry =; page.deleteKeyAndRightChild(midEntry); midEntry.setLeftChild(page.getId()); midEntry.setRightChild(newRigPage.getId()); BTreeInternalPage parent = getParentWithEmptySlots(tid,dirtypages,page.getParentId(), midEntry.getKey()); parent.insertEntry(midEntry); updateParentPointers(tid,dirtypages,page); updateParentPointers(tid,dirtypages,newRigPage); updateParentPointers(tid,dirtypages,parent); // 更新脏页并返回 dirtypages.put(page.getId(),page); dirtypages.put(parent.getId(),parent); dirtypages.put(newRigPage.getId(),newRigPage); if(,midEntry.getKey())){ return newRigPage; } return page; }

  • 测试结果:

Exercise 3 :Delete - Redistributing pages


  • 叶节点之间需要维护新的指针指向,而内部节点不需要。
  • 叶节点与父亲节点之间的关系是复制关系,而内部节点则必须唯一,也就是需要挤上去
  • 还有一个比较难看出的是 :内部节点被挤下来的父节点的孩子节点应该指谁,叶子节点本来就是最后一层则不用考虑这个问题。代码中注解提到的则是:

Keys can be thought of as rotating through the parent entry, so the original key in the parent is “pulled down” to the left-hand page, and the last key in the right-hand page is “pushed up” to the parent. Update parent pointers as needed.



     * Steal tuples from a sibling and copy them to the given page so that both pages are at least
     * half full.  Update the parent's entry so that the key matches the key field of the first
     * tuple in the right-hand page.
     * @param page           - the leaf page which is less than half full
     * @param sibling        - the sibling which has tuples to spare
     * @param parent         - the parent of the two leaf pages
     * @param entry          - the entry in the parent pointing to the two leaf pages
     * @param isRightSibling - whether the sibling is a right-sibling
     * @throws DbException
    public void stealFromLeafPage(BTreeLeafPage page, BTreeLeafPage sibling,
                                  BTreeInternalPage parent, BTreeEntry entry, boolean isRightSibling) throws DbException {
        // some code goes here
        // Move some of the tuples from the sibling to the page so
        // that the tuples are evenly distributed. Be sure to update
        // the corresponding parent entry.
        Iterator<Tuple> siblingIt = isRightSibling ? sibling.iterator() : sibling.reverseIterator();
        int sourceTuplesNum = page.getNumTuples();
        int siblingTuplesNum = sibling.getNumTuples();
        int midTuplesNum = ( sourceTuplesNum + siblingTuplesNum ) / 2;
        while ( sourceTuplesNum < midTuplesNum){
            Tuple siblingTuple =;
        Tuple headSibling =;


         * Steal entries from the left sibling and copy them to the given page so that both pages are at least
         * half full. Keys can be thought of as rotating through the parent entry, so the original key in the
         * parent is "pulled down" to the right-hand page, and the last key in the left-hand page is "pushed up"
         * to the parent.  Update parent pointers as needed.
         * @param tid         - the transaction id
         * @param dirtypages  - the list of dirty pages which should be updated with all new dirty pages
         * @param page        - the internal page which is less than half full
         * @param leftSibling - the left sibling which has entries to spare
         * @param parent      - the parent of the two internal pages
         * @param parentEntry - the entry in the parent pointing to the two internal pages
         * @throws DbException
         * @throws TransactionAbortedException
         * @see #updateParentPointers(TransactionId, Map, BTreeInternalPage)
        public void stealFromLeftInternalPage(TransactionId tid, Map<PageId, Page> dirtypages,
                                              BTreeInternalPage page, BTreeInternalPage leftSibling, BTreeInternalPage parent,
                                              BTreeEntry parentEntry) throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {
            // some code goes here
            // Move some of the entries from the left sibling to the page so
            // that the entries are evenly distributed. Be sure to update
            // the corresponding parent entry. Be sure to update the parent
            // pointers of all children in the entries that were moved.

            // case: left-【 1、2、3、4、5、7 】 right-[ 9、10 】 parent:8,分配后的则为:【1、2、3、4】、5、【 7、 8、 9、 10 】
            // 且交换后的节点需要填补的空缺为 7 ~ 8 与 8 ~ 9 ,所以是 7 的 rightChild 与 8 的 leftChild
            // 也可理解为b+每个父子节点其实都是一个范围,而这个范围是要被弥补的,如果被替代的话,例如8为父节点那么被替换下来的话7~8,8~9就需要被替代
            // 而再广的范围则是7、9两边扩展开
            // 因此可以理解为父节点旋转下来,然后需要重新插入排序
            Iterator<BTreeEntry> leftIt = leftSibling.reverseIterator();
            BTreeEntry itEntry =;
            BTreeEntry oldParent = new BTreeEntry(parentEntry.getKey(),itEntry.getRightChild(),page.iterator().next().getLeftChild());

            int sourceEntriesNum = page.getNumEntries();
            int siblingEntriesNum = leftSibling.getNumEntries();
            int halfEntriesNum = ( sourceEntriesNum + siblingEntriesNum) / 2;
            while ( sourceEntriesNum < halfEntriesNum ){
                itEntry =;

            // 新的父节点被旋转上去的则无需担心子节点指向
            BTreeEntry newParent = itEntry;

            // 设置脏页


     * Steal entries from the right sibling and copy them to the given page so that both pages are at least
     * half full. Keys can be thought of as rotating through the parent entry, so the original key in the
     * parent is "pulled down" to the left-hand page, and the last key in the right-hand page is "pushed up"
     * to the parent.  Update parent pointers as needed.
     * @param tid          - the transaction id
     * @param dirtypages   - the list of dirty pages which should be updated with all new dirty pages
     * @param page         - the internal page which is less than half full
     * @param rightSibling - the right sibling which has entries to spare
     * @param parent       - the parent of the two internal pages
     * @param parentEntry  - the entry in the parent pointing to the two internal pages
     * @throws DbException
     * @throws TransactionAbortedException
     * @see #updateParentPointers(TransactionId, Map, BTreeInternalPage)
    public void stealFromRightInternalPage(TransactionId tid, Map<PageId, Page> dirtypages,
                                           BTreeInternalPage page, BTreeInternalPage rightSibling, BTreeInternalPage parent,
                                           BTreeEntry parentEntry) throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {
        // some code goes here
        // Move some of the entries from the right sibling to the page so
        // that the entries are evenly distributed. Be sure to update
        // the corresponding parent entry. Be sure to update the parent
        // pointers of all children in the entries that were moved.
        // case: left-【 1、2 】 right-[4、5、7、9、10 】 parent:3,分配后的则为:【1、2、3、4】、5、【 7、 8、 9、 10 】
        Iterator<BTreeEntry> rightIt = rightSibling.iterator();
        BTreeEntry itEntry =;
        BTreeEntry oldParent = new BTreeEntry(parentEntry.getKey(),page.reverseIterator().next().getRightChild(),

        int sourceEntriesNum = page.getNumEntries();
        int siblingEntriesNum = rightSibling.getNumEntries();
        int halfEntriesNum = ( sourceEntriesNum + siblingEntriesNum) / 2;
        while ( sourceEntriesNum < halfEntriesNum ){
            itEntry =;

        // 新的父节点被旋转上去的则无需担心子节点指向
        BTreeEntry newParent = itEntry;

        // 设置脏页


Exercise 4:Delete - Redistributing pages


     * Merge two leaf pages by moving all tuples from the right page to the left page.
     * Delete the corresponding key and right child pointer from the parent, and recursively
     * handle the case when the parent gets below minimum occupancy.
     * Update sibling pointers as needed, and make the right page available for reuse.
     * @param tid         - the transaction id
     * @param dirtypages  - the list of dirty pages which should be updated with all new dirty pages
     * @param leftPage    - the left leaf page
     * @param rightPage   - the right leaf page
     * @param parent      - the parent of wo pages
     * @param parentEntry - the entry in the parent corresponding to the leftPage and rightPage
     * @throws DbException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws TransactionAbortedException
     * @see #deleteParentEntry(TransactionId, Map, BTreePage, BTreeInternalPage, BTreeEntry)
    public void mergeLeafPages(TransactionId tid, Map<PageId, Page> dirtypages,
                               BTreeLeafPage leftPage, BTreeLeafPage rightPage, BTreeInternalPage parent, BTreeEntry parentEntry)
            throws DbException, IOException, TransactionAbortedException {

        // some code goes here
        // Move all the tuples from the right page to the left page, update
        // the sibling pointers, and make the right page available for reuse.
        // Delete the entry in the parent corresponding to the two pages that are merging -
        // deleteParentEntry() will be useful here
        Iterator<Tuple> rightIt = rightPage.iterator();
        while (rightIt.hasNext()){
            Tuple next =;

        // 设置指针
        BTreePageId newRightNode = rightPage.getRightSiblingId();
        if(newRightNode == null){
        }else {
            BTreeLeafPage newRightPage = (BTreeLeafPage) getPage(tid, dirtypages, newRightNode, Permissions.READ_WRITE);


     * Merge two internal pages by moving all entries from the right page to the left page
     * and "pulling down" the corresponding key from the parent entry.
     * Delete the corresponding key and right child pointer from the parent, and recursively
     * handle the case when the parent gets below minimum occupancy.
     * Update parent pointers as needed, and make the right page available for reuse.
     * @param tid         - the transaction id
     * @param dirtypages  - the list of dirty pages which should be updated with all new dirty pages
     * @param leftPage    - the left internal page
     * @param rightPage   - the right internal page
     * @param parent      - the parent of the two pages
     * @param parentEntry - the entry in the parent corresponding to the leftPage and rightPage
     * @throws DbException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws TransactionAbortedException
     * @see #deleteParentEntry(TransactionId, Map, BTreePage, BTreeInternalPage, BTreeEntry)
     * @see #updateParentPointers(TransactionId, Map, BTreeInternalPage)
    public void mergeInternalPages(TransactionId tid, Map<PageId, Page> dirtypages,
                                   BTreeInternalPage leftPage, BTreeInternalPage rightPage, BTreeInternalPage parent, BTreeEntry parentEntry)
            throws DbException, IOException, TransactionAbortedException {

        // some code goes here
        // Move all the entries from the right page to the left page, update
        // the parent pointers of the children in the entries that were moved,
        // and make the right page available for reuse
        // Delete the entry in the parent corresponding to the two pages that are merging -
        // deleteParentEntry() will be useful here
        Iterator<BTreeEntry> rightIt = rightPage.iterator();

        // 与叶节点的区别-需要将父节点拉下来
        BTreeEntry pullNode = new BTreeEntry(parentEntry.getKey(),leftPage.reverseIterator().next().getRightChild(),
        while (rightIt.hasNext()){
            BTreeEntry next =;




如果只是对于b+的插入、删除,而完成分裂,合并,窃取等操作,而完成实验则会相对容易。但是如果算上附加练习BTreeTest则就是前5个lab中最难的,因为看了下大概的测试,是要先启动200个插入线程(每个休眠100s,给前期页分裂留下时间)然后再启动800个线程,总共1000个线程进行插入。然后再删除,再插入。最后查询,并进行排序判断。这个过程肯定会导致大量的脏页,但是依照严格两阶段锁定,即使全是脏页,也不能提交,得等事务提交再提交,因此不能重试太多次。而lab中虽然有个二级缓存,但是二级缓存其实只是个中间变量,存取写入的页。而大量的read权限的页则需要重新获取,所以可以弄个三级缓存。读 -> 写 - > BufferPool。

Page getPage(TransactionId tid, Map<PageId, Page> dirtypages, BTreePageId pid, Permissions perm)
            throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {
        if (dirtypages.containsKey(pid)) {
            return dirtypages.get(pid);
        } else if(localReadPage.containsKey(pid) && perm != Permissions.READ_WRITE){
            return localReadPage.get(pid);
        } else {
            Page p = Database.getBufferPool().getPage(tid, pid, perm);
            if (perm == Permissions.READ_WRITE) {
                dirtypages.put(pid, p);
            return p;

这样会因为获取不到读权限而回滚的次数少很多。且就算回滚了,以往是测试代码层会过一遍,但是如果想过附加实验,需要自己进行redo,这段代码也需要自己加上去。且因为是1000个线程,而b+树涉及大量的指针指向,所以需要在操作指针时,需要保证同步代码块。以及前面的代码应该及时释放掉不需要的权限,否则以b+树的数据结构很容易死锁。 打算有时间再回来过附加练习了,如有不足欢迎指正、讨论~。

