【daily notes on IT/AI/science】

coder, tools

  • NIL), Advance program language: node.js, JS,TypeJS, Java, python
    • 0.1) we can make some gagetht with JS everyday somehow, at an interval of certain time, like a visual effect, etc, making more influence and difference for the surroundings.
    • 0.2) as devops, how to modify and code Python?
    • 0.3) how to handle full disk issue on JVM? (if the full disk occurs, happens)
    • 0.4) how to check the issue occurred or aroused on Web side/ Front-end?
    • 0.5) how to configure the monitor tool on Web application?
    • 0.6) how to resort to colleagues for help
  • I) plus/extra, Database, mysql, Oracle, nosql, mongDB, ,,etc
  • II), Script: shell, .sh(many lines of Linux commands)/linux/.bash文件引入方式/, powershell/.ps (many lines of powershell commands) (Windows OS plantform), cmd, ,,,while Apple based on Unix, the script should be similar like shell or powershell,
    • 2.1) netstat -anp | grep 8080 查看8080端口是否被占用(服务是否在运行)
    • 2.2) devops on python
    • 2.3) JVM disk is full, how to handle?
    • 2.4) web/front-end has issue/alerts
    • 2.5 how to allocate, install and configure the monitor tool?
  • III), Markup Language: HTML, XML,CSS, markdown, etc
    • 3.1) Markdown grammar
  • IV), Operation/Operators of Software: office set, Maya, CAD, 3d-Max, adobe, photoshop (art),,,
  • V), Network, Correspondence Engineering, electronic Engineering (astronaut, ocean explore, etc), Artificial intelligence, machine depth learning, Hardware, integrated circuit/micro chip, etc
    • 5.1) integrated circuit / microchip
      • [url for interated circuit or micro chip](https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%8A%AF%E7%89%87/32249?fr=ge_ala)
    • 5.2)Single-Chip Microcomputer
  • VI), specialty skill
    • just type manually / speak verbally / read by mind / , no need to figure it out at the first phase.

NIL), Advance program language: node.js, JS,TypeJS, Java, python

0.1) we can make some gagetht with JS everyday somehow, at an interval of certain time, like a visual effect, etc, making more influence and difference for the surroundings.

0.2) as devops, how to modify and code Python?

  • 能看懂,简单修改一些逻辑
  • 主要代码由程序员(技术部门)写好,使用中学习
  • python能看懂脚本,简单修改配置。

0.3) how to handle full disk issue on JVM? (if the full disk occurs, happens)


0.4) how to check the issue occurred or aroused on Web side/ Front-end?

  • linux: top 看一下整体运行情况 (all demensions needed to check it out ),然后netstat看一下网络

  • 日志

0.5) how to configure the monitor tool on Web application?

没有。 就是一些工具按文档操作


0.6) how to resort to colleagues for help

if there is any task/issues during job, just tell supervisor to wait half an hour or one hour, then resort to big three trio for support, or ask help from colleagues or anyone who can help. We might can ask the supervisor to wait for longer time duration if ever the questions/issues/tasks are difficult enough.

I) plus/extra, Database, mysql, Oracle, nosql, mongDB, ,etc

II), Script: shell, .sh(many lines of Linux commands)/linux/.bash文件引入方式/, powershell/.ps (many lines of powershell commands) (Windows OS plantform), cmd, ,while Apple based on Unix, the script should be similar like shell or powershell,

2.1) netstat -anp | grep 8080 查看8080端口是否被占用(服务是否在运行)

netstat -anp |grep “8080”

URL references

2.2) devops on python




2.3) JVM disk is full, how to handle?



2.4) web/front-end has issue/alerts

linux: top 看一下整体运行情况,然后netstat看一下网络


2.5 how to allocate, install and configure the monitor tool?

没有。 就是一些工具按文档操作


III), Markup Language: HTML, XML,CSS, markdown, etc

3.1) Markdown grammar

~~: @TOC : topic Grammar for Markdown markup language

IV), Operation/Operators of Software: office set, Maya, CAD, 3d-Max, adobe, photoshop (art),

V), Network, Correspondence Engineering, electronic Engineering (astronaut, ocean explore, etc), Artificial intelligence, machine depth learning, Hardware, integrated circuit/micro chip, etc

5.1) integrated circuit / microchip


集成电路英语:integrated circuit,缩写作 IC;或称微电路(microcircuit)、微芯片(microchip)、晶片/芯片(chip)在电子学中是一种将电路(主要包括半导体设备,也包括被动组件等)小型化的方式,并时常制造在半导体晶圆表面上。
2023年4月,国际科研团队首次将能发射纠缠光子的量子光源完全集成在一块芯片上 [15]。

url for interated circuit or micro chip

5.2)Single-Chip Microcomputer

单片机(Single-Chip Microcomputer)是一种集成电路芯片,是采用超大规模集成电路技术把具有数据处理能力的中央处理器CPU、随机存储器RAM、只读存储器ROM、多种I/O口和中断系统、定时器/计数器等功能(可能还包括显示驱动电路、脉宽调制电路、模拟多路转换器、A/D转换器等电路)集成到一块硅片上构成的一个小而完善的微型计算机系统,在工业控制领域广泛应用。从上世纪80年代,由当时的4位、8位单片机,发展到现在的300M的高速单片机。

url of single-chip microcomputer

VI), specialty skill

just type manually / speak verbally / read by mind / , no need to figure it out at the first phase.

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