

英文 中文
Should get him to put another egg in it. 让他再打一个鸡蛋吧
Roger 罗杰
Darling, one egg is good. Two eggs are better. 亲爱的两个鸡蛋比一个好多了
Tell the, uh, lieutenant, please, 请转告中尉[餐厅经理]
that things are getting a little dry around Hill 29. 29号营地弹尽粮绝(酒喝光了)
Am I wrong? 我说错了吗
All clear in No Man's Land. 干干净净滴酒不剩
Betty? 是吧贝蒂
Roger, you've expressed your desire for another drink. 罗杰你显然还没有喝够
No need to take the orders. 不用听我的意见了
Right away, sir. 马上就来先生
Wine list 酒水单
and I'll have another one of these while I'm waiting for the list. 上酒之前我想再来一杯开胃酒
Another egg. 多加一个鸡蛋
Well, I am having fried chicken. 我还点了炸鸡
As long as the egg comes first. 因为有蛋才会有鸡
My nanny, Belva, made fried chicken. 我的保姆贝尔瓦也做炸鸡
I used to take it to school wrapped in wax paper. 我以前把炸鸡包在蜡纸里带去学校
His sweet Belvedere. 美好的回忆

He really loved that woman. 他很喜欢那个女人
Had another nanny originally German girl. 另一个保姆是德裔女孩
Round face, enormous bosom. 圆脸硕大的胸
My parents got rid of her after the Lindbergh baby. 在林德伯格婴儿绑架案后她被解雇了
We thought about getting a nanny. 我们也想过找一个保姆
We have a girl that comes in 我们有一个女孩
who's sort of a housekeeper and sometimes babysitter. 帮我们管家有时也会照看下小孩
I'd let her take the children to play group, sometimes the park. 我让她带孩子玩游戏或者去公园
Belva raised me. 是贝尔瓦把我带大的
I turned out just fine. 我现在不也好好的吗
Didn't have to go to a psychiatrist like some people's kids. 不像有些人家的小孩还得看精神医生
Oh, what's the big deal? 那又怎么了
Margaret is practically the last girl in our building to go. 玛格丽特大概是整座楼里最迟嫁出去的吧
16 years old, wouldn't get out of bed. 16岁了还赖床
I tell you, I cannot wait until that girl 告诉你我巴不得
is another man's problem. 她早点嫁出去
What about you, Don? 你呢唐
Did you have a nanny? 你有保姆吗
I can't tell you about my childhood. 我必须对我小时候的事缄口不言
It would ruin the first half of my novel. 不然我自传的前半段就毁了
Don doesn't like to talk about himself. 唐不喜欢讲他自己
I know better than to ask. 我很知趣从没问过
An ad man who doesn't like to talk about himself? 一个做广告的人不喜欢谈自己
I think I may cry. 我真该哭了
It's not that interesting a story. 其实我小时候并不有趣
Just think of me as Moses. 把我当成摩西吧[圣经人物]
I was a baby in a basket. 被放进篮子里的婴儿
To Moses and Don Draper: 敬摩西和唐·德雷柏
A couple of princes. 两位王子
If the gentlemen will be patient. 请男士稍等片刻
I'll join you. 我和你一起去
I think I may know more about your wife 我想我对你太太的了解可能胜过
than I do about my own. 对我自己妻子的了解
Maybe your wife is just a better drinker. 可能是因为你老婆比较能喝
Entirely possible. 完全可能
Mona, could you help me here? 莫娜可以帮我一下吗
I seem to have grown a set of thumbs. 我的手有点抖
Do you ever have that when your hands go numb? 你手麻了也会这样吗
You want me to touch you up? 要我帮你补口红吗
Yeah, I think you'll have to. 恐怕要麻烦你了

Look at those lips. 看看这唇瓣
I'll bet it's not hard for you to hold on to a man like that. 我敢打赌你抓住男人轻而易举
Don't smile. It'll make it harder. 别笑不好抹
It's hard to hold on to anything right now with the children 现在家里上上下下都得照顾还有两个孩子
and running the house and... 可真不容易
I don't know if I told you, 我不知道我有没有告诉你
but my m-mother died two, three months ago. 我妈妈在三个月前去世了
I'm sorry. 很抱歉
There are other ladies waiting to use the mirror. 还有其他女士等着用镜子
Those purses get any smaller, we're gonna starve. 那钱包再小一点的话我们就得饿死了
I love seeing you like that. 我喜欢看你这样
Well, you were sitting on my good side. 你现在正好能看见我好看的侧面
No. I mean, the way other people see you. 不我是说你在其他人面前的样子
When you're with strangers, 当你和陌生人在一起的时候
you know exactly what you want. 你很清楚自己要什么
Well, I like to think I always know what I want. 我觉得我一直都很清楚
Slow down. 慢点
I'll have to put that in my diary: 我得把这个记在我的日记里
Lobster Newburg and gimlets should get a divorce. 龙虾纽堡和鸡尾酒应该离婚了
They're not getting along very well. 他们相处得真不好[指胃不舒服]
Once you rounded the corner on number two, 当你要第二份的时候
I took it for a case of nerves. 我还认为你勇气可嘉
He's your boss. 他是你老板
He likes you. 他喜欢你
Toots Shor means he likes me. 去图特肖尔餐厅意味着他喜欢我
When he gets us to the Four Seasons, 如果他请我们到四季酒店的话
then we'll know he trusts me. 那么就表示他信任我了
Hmm. He seemed very forthcoming. 他看起来人很好
Yeah. When he's stoned on martinis. 那是马蒂尼喝多了
I don't know. 不知道
It all seemed like an invitation to you 看起来就像想要
to con... confide. 与你深交
Well, maybe it's just manners, 或许只是出于礼貌罢了
but I was raised to see it as a sin of pride 我从小受的教育都是别吹嘘自己
to go on like that about yourself. 那是自高自大的表现
You're so reverent. 你太谦虚了
Did you have a nanny? 你小时候家里有保姆吗
I've never asked you that. 我从来没有问过你
Why? What difference does it make? 为什么这样问呢有意义吗
I don't know. We've never talked about it. 不知道我们没谈过
Did you? 有吗
No, of course not. 当然没有
So your mother and father are responsible for all this? 所以你爸妈一手把你带大的
I'll have to thank them someday. 我要感谢他们
Jesus, Bets. 天啊贝蒂
It's like politics, religion, or sex. 就像政治宗教性一样
Why talk about it? 为什么要说这个呢
I see your point. 我明白了
Who is in there? 是谁在你心里
Peggy, next step is accessories. 佩奇下一步是饰品
$35 a week, minus 6.75 for FICA. 周薪35元还要除去社保捐助的6.75元
Can you believe it? 真不敢相信
Maybe it's the fumes from the rubber cement on that envelope, 说不准是信封上胶水的味道
but there's nothing to be happy about here, 没有什么值得高兴的
although you never forget your first. 即使你永远不会忘记第一次拿薪水的滋味
For two weeks I've been telling people 一连两个周我都不停告诉人们
I have a job in Manhattan. 我在曼哈顿有了工作
Look at you. You're indomitable. 看看你多么能干
You never know you were in the very bottom of the food chain. 你不知道自己曾在食物链的最低端吧
Bridget? Are you okay? 布里吉特你没事吧
Thanks to the Precision Valve Corporation, 多亏了高精喷雾阀门公司
for the next 18 months, 在接下来的18个月中
Gillette is the only company on earth 吉列会是世界上唯一能生产出罐装
that can spray deodorant out of a can. 除臭喷雾剂的厂家
Modern deodorant for a modern man. 新潮除臭喷雾剂献给现代男人
He prefers jet travel to train travel, 他旅行喜欢坐飞机而不是火车
Vodka to Scotch, 喜欢伏特加而不是威士忌
and he likes to get his news from the radio, not the paper. 他喜欢通过广播听新闻而不是看报纸
Harold Hill, give it a rest. 哈罗德·希尔别玩了
" Do not puncture or incinerate. " "请勿弄破罐体或靠近易燃物品"
Sounds dangerous. 听起来很危险
Hey, I got a dud. 我这个喷不出来
How is it a guy as big as you, Ken, 肯像你这样壮实的人
has no basketball skills? 怎么不会打篮球呢
I'm sure more research is needed. 我们应该进一步研究
We should try it out. 试用一下
Who smells bad in here? 这里谁最臭
Oh, no. Come on. 别这样少来
Come on, Kenny. 来吧肯尼
Knock it off! 别闹了
Just pretend it's prom night. 就当是舞会之夜
You can be the girl. 你现在就是姑娘
Stop! 住手
Engage rockets. 准备发射
All right, close your eyes. 好吧闭上双眼
Mr. Draper, I was buzzing you. 德雷柏先生我一直在呼叫您
Mr. Cooper is waiting. 库珀先生来了
I always thought it was Sterling 我一直以为是斯特林
who was responsible for the Navy attitude around this place. 把海军作风带到这地方来的始作俑者
Brassere account. 我们在讨论布雷泽尔那单生意
Just figured out we can't sell them to men. 最近发现产品在男人中没有市场
So much yarn, so little time. 借口很多时间太少
So Roger mentioned this Nixon thing. 罗杰向你提过尼克松的事吧
Yeah, he mentioned it. 提过
I just assumed it went away. 我还以为这事儿完了呢
It didn't. 还没
Last I read, Nixon was running without an agency. 上次我看到消息说尼克松没有找广告公司
Make no mistake, we know better 毫无疑问
what Dick Nixon needs better than Dick Nixon. 我们比尼克松本人更了解他到底想要什么
What does Dick Nixon think he needs? 那么尼克松认为他想要什么呢
What he already has: Ted Rogers, 他已经拥有了特德·罗杰斯

