








Great parents

watch out for “buts”

PRACTICING EMPATHY (SEE #6) is one of the best ways to strengthen our emotional connection and relationship with our kids. But our good efforts to pause and acknowledge what our child is feeling can be undermined with one small word: “but.”

Let me illustrate what I mean, using the example from #6: “Honey, I know you’re upset about having to wait to go to Tim’s house. I can see why you would feel frustrated. I don’t like it either when I have to wait to do something I’m looking forward to.”

So far, so good. But then we often add this: “But you know you have to finish your chores before going out.”

“But” is a negating word. When it follows an expression of empathy (as in, “I can see you’re upset, but . . .”) it has the effect of minimizing what came before. This little word can undermine the emotional connection you just created, and reignite conflict.

TRY THIS: Instead of saying “but” when you respond to your child’s perspective or expression of feelings, try replacing it with the phrase “at the same time.” (Other good options are “and” or “also.”) Saying “at the same time” implies that both ways of viewing the situation are valid, and this minimizes conflict about which perspective is “better” or “right.”

“Honey, I know you’re upset about having to wait to go to Tim’s house. I don’t like it either when I have to wait to do something I’m looking forward to. At the same time, please remember our family rule about finishing chores before going out for the evening.”

Same message, less conflict. (See also #65 for another simple wording change that can have a big impact.)
