2020-02-14-Why Dutch Officials Want You to Forget The Country Of Holland

For decades, the Dutch government used “Holland”and “The Netherlands” interchangeably to describe the country known for its iconic canals, tulip fields and windmills.


But as of Jan. 1, the country hopes to putthat identity crisis behind it: All officials government communications andpromotional materials will use the Netherlands as its name.


Research showed that many people do notknow of the Netherlands or have outdated perceptions of the country.


Historically, the region of Holland hascontributed the most to the country’s economy and wealth, resulting in its namecommonly being used to indicate the entire country. But not anymore, the Dutchgovernment insists.


Marketing experts, however, were not convincedthat the rebranding was needed.


Dutch officials are trying to solve aproblem that does not exist. “From a marketing perspective, shorter is alwaysbetter so they’re fighting an uphill battle.”


interchangeably UK /ˌɪntəˈtʃeɪndʒəbli/ US /ˌɪntəˈtʃeɪndʒəbli/ adv. 相互替换地

known for 以……闻名(famous for)

iconic UK /aɪˈkɒnɪk/ US /aɪˈkɑːnɪk/ adj. 标志性的(symbolic)

icon n. 圣像;偶像;标志

the Panama Canal 巴拿马运河

the Suez Canal


tulip field 郁金香田

tulip n. 郁金香(荷兰的国花)

tulip frenzy


windmill UK /ˈwɪndmɪl/ US /ˈwɪndmɪl/ n. 风车

wind n. 风 mill n.磨

put sth. behind it 把……抛诸脑后

Let’s put the pastbehind it.


identity crisis 身份危机

government communications 政府通讯(包括公告、标识、文件)

promotional materials 宣传材料

propaganda n. 宣传(尤指政治宣传)

political propaganda


promotion n.


know of 听说(hear of)

I don’t know her,but I know of her.


outdated UK /ˌaʊtˈdeɪtɪd/ US /ˌaʊtˈdeɪtɪd/ adj. 过时的(old-fashioned)

perception UK /pəˈsepʃən/ US /pərˈsepʃən/ n. 感知(impression)

perceive v. 感知

historically UK /hɪˈstɒrɪkəli/ US /hɪˈstɔːrɪkəli/ adv. 历史上地

historical adj. 历史上的

historic adj.重要的(important)

historic moment历史性的时刻

be convinced that… 被说服……;深信……

I’m convinced that…我认为……

brand n. 品牌

rebrand v重塑

fight an uphill battle 打上坡战

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