ExcelVBA之If then


 If 条件Then
End If

如何使用On Error GoTo标志语句来绕过循环错误:

Sub SimpleIfThen()
    Dim weeks As String
    On Error GoTo VeryEnd
    weeks = InputBox("How many weeks are in a year:", "Quiz")
    If weeks<>52 Then MsgBox "Try Again": SimpleIfThen
    If weeks=52 Then MsgBox "Congratulations!"
End Sub


Sub IfThenAnd()
    Dim price As Single
    Dim units As Integer
    Dim rebate As Single
    Const strmsg1 = "To get a rebate you must buy an additional "
    Const strmsg2 = "Price must equal $7.00"
    units = Range("B1").Value
    price = Range("B2").Value
    If price = 7 AND units >= 50 Then
        rebate = (price * units) * 0.1
        Range("A4").Value = "The rebate is: $" & rebate
    End If
    If price = 7 AND units < 50 Then
        Range("A4").Value = strmsg1 & 50 - units & " unit(s)."
    End If
    If price <> 7 AND units >= 50 Then
        Range("A4").Value = strmsg2
    End If
    If price <> 7 AND units < 50 Then
        Range("A4").Value = "You didn't meet the criteria."
    End If
End Sub


If condition Then
End If
If condition Then
End If

