

YOLO-Pose: Enhancing YOLO for Multi Person Pose Estimation Using Object Keypoint Similarity Loss



The dataset needs to be prepared in YOLO format so that the dataloader can be enhanced to read the keypoints along with the bounding box informations. This repository was used with required changes to generate the dataset in the required format. Please download the processed labels from here . It is advised to create a new directory coco_kpts and create softlink of the directory images and annotations from coco to this directory. Keep the downloaded labels and the files train2017.txt and val2017.txt inside this folder coco_kpts.


│   README.md
│   ...   
│   images
|	└─────train2017
|	       │       └───000000000009.jpg
|	       |       └───
|	       |       '
|	       |       .
|	       └─val2017
|	              └───000000000139.jpg
|	              └───
|	              .
|	               .
│   annotations
|			└───instances_train2017.json
|   		└───instances_val2017.json
|			└───person_keypoints_train2017.json
|   		└───person_keypoints_val2017.json
|   labels
│   └─────train2017
│       │       └───000000000009.txt
|       |       └───
|       |       '
|       |       .
│       └─val2017
|               └───000000000139.txt
|               └───
|               .
|               .
|    train2017.txt
|    val2017.txt


Train: ./images/train2017/000000054301.jpg
val: ./images/val2017/000000345356.jpg


0 0.671279 0.617945 0.645759 0.726859 0.519751 0.381250 2.000000 0.550936 0.348438 2.000000 0.488565 0.367188 2.000000 0.642412 0.354687 2.000000 0.488565 0.395313 2.000000 0.738046 0.526563 2.000000 0.446985 0.534375 2.000000 0.846154 0.771875 2.000000 0.442827 0.812500 2.000000 0.925156 0.964063 2.000000 0.507277 0.698438 2.000000 0.702703 0.942187 2.000000 0.555094 0.950000 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000



四、训练Training: YOLO-Pose

Train a suitable model by running the following command using a suitable pretrained ckpt from the previous section.

python train.py --data coco_kpts.yaml --cfg yolov5s6_kpts.yaml --weights 'path to the pre-trained ckpts' --batch-size 64 --img 960 --kpt-label

五、测试Model Testing

Run the following command to replicate the accuracy number on the pretrained checkpoints:

python test.py --data coco_kpts.yaml --img 960 --conf 0.001 --iou 0.65 --weights "path to the pre-trained ckpt" --kpt-label


     0/299     4.42G   0.07628   0.04749         0    0.3525   0.01376      0.49       124       640    0.2834    0.2275    0.1675   0.04359   0.06725   0.02535         0
     1/299     5.83G   0.04818     0.037         0    0.2862   0.01223    0.3836        67       640    0.7399    0.6585    0.7117    0.3266    0.0398   0.01992         0
     2/299     5.83G   0.04229   0.03425         0    0.2438    0.0111    0.3314       132       640    0.7966     0.679    0.7668    0.3904   0.03674   0.01867         0
     3/299     5.83G    0.0387   0.03338         0    0.2209   0.01014    0.3031       106       640    0.8247    0.7165    0.8094    0.4492   0.03348   0.01764         0
     4/299     5.83G   0.03639   0.03221         0    0.2056  0.009376    0.2836        99       640    0.8163    0.7525    0.8294    0.4775   0.03161   0.01706         0
     5/299     5.83G   0.03505    0.0316         0    0.1957  0.008931    0.2713        92       640    0.8312    0.7633    0.8447    0.4982   0.03057   0.01662         0
     6/299     5.83G   0.03418   0.03107         0     0.188  0.008644    0.2619        82       640    0.8289    0.7764    0.8542    0.5166   0.02961   0.01634         0
     7/299     5.83G   0.03343   0.03072         0    0.1821  0.008456    0.2547       111       640    0.8431    0.7687    0.8586    0.5291   0.02874   0.01607         0
     8/299     5.83G   0.03283   0.03041         0    0.1769    0.0083    0.2485       116       640     0.863    0.7628     0.866      0.54   0.02813   0.01578         0
     9/299     5.83G   0.03248   0.03021         0    0.1734  0.008208    0.2443       102       640    0.8569    0.7752    0.8697    0.5489   0.02765   0.01562         0
    10/299     5.83G   0.03212   0.03003         0    0.1705  0.008114    0.2408       102       640    0.8483    0.7873    0.8735    0.5558   0.02724   0.01551         0
    11/299     5.83G   0.03178   0.03004         0    0.1674  0.008038    0.2372        85       640    0.8535     0.786    0.8745     0.561   0.02693    0.0154         0
    12/299     5.83G   0.03151   0.02972         0    0.1643   0.00798    0.2335        86       640    0.8682    0.7749     0.876    0.5651   0.02669    0.0153         0
    13/299     5.83G   0.03149   0.02995         0    0.1639  0.007939    0.2333       107       640     0.839    0.7948    0.8742    0.5656   0.02669   0.01534         0
    14/299     5.83G   0.03109   0.02958         0     0.161   0.00788    0.2295       125       640    0.8428     0.792    0.8753    0.5677   0.02656   0.01529         0
    15/299     5.83G   0.03071   0.02941         0    0.1575  0.007818    0.2254       129       640    0.8539    0.7884    0.8771    0.5729   0.02631   0.01518         0
    16/299     5.83G   0.03064   0.02945         0    0.1566  0.007787    0.2245        90       640    0.8676    0.7798    0.8786    0.5748   0.02621   0.01512         0
    17/299     5.83G   0.03068   0.02946         0    0.1563  0.007777    0.2242        93       640    0.8678    0.7823    0.8801    0.5771   0.02614   0.01509         0
    18/299     5.83G   0.03039   0.02924         0    0.1541  0.007732    0.2214       110       640    0.8712    0.7816     0.881    0.5776    0.0261   0.01507         0
    19/299     5.83G   0.03034    0.0292         0    0.1523  0.007722    0.2196        89       640    0.8731    0.7824    0.8823    0.5779    0.0261   0.01506         0
    20/299     5.83G   0.03033   0.02917         0    0.1498  0.007695     0.217       137       640    0.8727    0.7826    0.8828    0.5783   0.02612   0.01505         0
    21/299     5.83G   0.03024   0.02923         0    0.1493  0.007669    0.2164        90       640    0.8751    0.7807    0.8835    0.5788   0.02613   0.01506         0
    22/299     5.83G   0.02996   0.02912         0     0.147   0.00763    0.2137        71       640    0.8741    0.7838    0.8863    0.5801   0.02615   0.01506         0
    23/299     5.83G   0.02991   0.02897         0    0.1467  0.007619    0.2132       100       640    0.8903    0.7711    0.8866    0.5811    0.0262   0.01508         0
    24/299     5.83G   0.02973    0.0288         0    0.1445  0.007574    0.2106        84       640    0.8921    0.7717    0.8873    0.5825   0.02625    0.0151         0
    25/299     5.83G   0.02974   0.02887         0    0.1446  0.007568    0.2108       105       640     0.889    0.7744    0.8875    0.5836   0.02631   0.01513         0
    26/299     5.83G   0.02966   0.02881         0    0.1438  0.007543    0.2098        93       640    0.8581    0.8004     0.888    0.5844   0.02638   0.01517         0
    27/299     5.83G   0.02979   0.02904         0    0.1452  0.007569    0.2115        80       640    0.8457    0.8119    0.8883    0.5853   0.02645   0.01522         0
    28/299     5.83G   0.02963   0.02891         0    0.1432  0.007529    0.2093       105       640    0.8412    0.8158    0.8878    0.5862   0.02652   0.01527         0
    29/299     5.83G   0.02948   0.02872         0     0.142  0.007504    0.2077        72       640    0.8504    0.8074     0.888     0.587   0.02658   0.01531         0
    30/299     5.83G   0.02943   0.02876         0    0.1415   0.00748    0.2072        86       640    0.8587    0.8002    0.8884    0.5875   0.02663   0.01534         0
    31/299     5.83G   0.02942   0.02867         0     0.141  0.007485    0.2066        91       640    0.8549    0.8043    0.8887    0.5878   0.02669   0.01539         0
    32/299     5.83G   0.02952   0.02881         0     0.141  0.007461    0.2068        98       640     0.858    0.8028    0.8891    0.5873   0.02674   0.01545         0
    33/299     5.83G   0.02933   0.02885         0    0.1409  0.007456    0.2065        99       640    0.8561    0.8056    0.8895    0.5883   0.02678    0.0155         0
    34/299     5.83G    0.0292   0.02851         0    0.1397   0.00744    0.2048       110       640    0.8533    0.8094    0.8896     0.588   0.02678   0.01554         0
    35/299     5.83G   0.02912   0.02848         0    0.1383  0.007409    0.2034       100       640    0.8474    0.8166    0.8901    0.5889   0.02676   0.01556         0
    36/299     5.83G    0.0292   0.02859         0     0.139  0.007416    0.2042        80       640    0.8611    0.8037    0.8899     0.589   0.02675   0.01557         0
    37/299     5.83G   0.02911   0.02853         0    0.1388  0.007408    0.2038        67       640    0.8801    0.7878    0.8902    0.5895   0.02672   0.01558         0
    38/299     5.83G   0.02905   0.02852         0    0.1377  0.007371    0.2026        78       640    0.8779      0.79    0.8901    0.5901   0.02667   0.01559         0
    39/299     5.83G   0.02898   0.02854         0    0.1376   0.00739    0.2025        95       640    0.8504    0.8144    0.8905    0.5913   0.02661   0.01559         0
    40/299     5.83G   0.02899   0.02846         0    0.1374   0.00736    0.2022       121       640    0.8713    0.7961    0.8908    0.5922   0.02655   0.01558         0
    41/299     5.83G   0.02902   0.02854         0    0.1371  0.007363     0.202       114       640    0.8793     0.789    0.8907    0.5936   0.02648   0.01556         0
    42/299     5.83G   0.02896   0.02868         0    0.1371  0.007361    0.2021        96       640    0.8839    0.7853    0.8913    0.5946   0.02641   0.01554         0
    43/299     5.83G   0.02887   0.02848         0     0.136  0.007331    0.2006        83       640    0.8814    0.7886    0.8921    0.5945   0.02633   0.01551         0
    44/299     5.83G   0.02893   0.02852         0    0.1366  0.007333    0.2014        99       640     0.874    0.7952    0.8919    0.5959   0.02623   0.01547         0
    45/299     5.83G   0.02883   0.02847         0    0.1353  0.007304    0.1999        86       640    0.8675     0.802    0.8921    0.5967   0.02615   0.01543         0
    46/299     5.83G   0.02854   0.02825         0    0.1337  0.007291    0.1978        90       640    0.8652    0.8055    0.8926    0.5978   0.02604   0.01538         0
    47/299     5.83G   0.02871   0.02844         0    0.1349  0.007289    0.1994       120       640    0.8693    0.8009    0.8926    0.5989   0.02592   0.01534         0
    48/299     5.83G   0.02871   0.02842         0    0.1348  0.007288    0.1992        92       640    0.8555    0.8118    0.8928    0.5997    0.0258    0.0153         0
    49/299     5.83G   0.02868   0.02845         0    0.1344  0.007278    0.1988        75       640    0.8784    0.7936    0.8933    0.6005   0.02569   0.01525         0
    50/299     5.83G   0.02863   0.02841         0    0.1341  0.007263    0.1984       108       640    0.8813    0.7923    0.8934    0.6013   0.02557   0.01519         0
    51/299     5.83G   0.02854   0.02826         0    0.1338  0.007257    0.1978        80       640    0.8852     0.789    0.8933     0.602   0.02545   0.01513         0
    52/299     5.83G   0.02874   0.02845         0    0.1346  0.007259    0.1991       111       640    0.8577    0.8108    0.8938    0.6025   0.02533   0.01508         0
    53/299     5.83G   0.02859   0.02832         0    0.1331   0.00724    0.1973       108       640    0.8612    0.8098     0.894    0.6039    0.0252   0.01503         0
    54/299     5.83G    0.0285   0.02832         0    0.1332  0.007225    0.1972        80       640    0.8597    0.8112    0.8943    0.6045   0.02509   0.01497         0
    55/299     5.83G   0.02846   0.02824         0    0.1324  0.007212    0.1963        80       640    0.8604    0.8105     0.894    0.6054   0.02497   0.01492         0
    56/299     5.83G   0.02861   0.02828         0    0.1335  0.007236    0.1976        79       640    0.8672    0.8051    0.8941    0.6059   0.02487   0.01488         0
    57/299     5.83G   0.02846   0.02822         0    0.1321  0.007217     0.196       106       640    0.8698    0.8038    0.8949    0.6067   0.02477   0.01484         0
    58/299     5.83G   0.02849   0.02828         0    0.1324  0.007208    0.1964       101       640    0.8657    0.8067    0.8949    0.6081   0.02469    0.0148         0
    59/299     5.83G   0.02846   0.02837         0    0.1328  0.007218    0.1969        87       640    0.8717    0.8024    0.8952    0.6083   0.02461   0.01475         0
    60/299     5.83G   0.02843   0.02834         0    0.1318  0.007189    0.1958        94       640    0.8696     0.804     0.895     0.609   0.02453   0.01471         0
    61/299     5.83G   0.02837   0.02816         0     0.132  0.007192    0.1957        77       640    0.8731    0.8002    0.8959    0.6094   0.02444   0.01467         0
    62/299     5.83G   0.02827   0.02823         0    0.1313  0.007169    0.1949        94       640    0.8765    0.7968    0.8955    0.6111   0.02436   0.01463         0
    63/299     5.83G    0.0285   0.02835         0    0.1319   0.00718     0.196        99       640    0.8705    0.8019    0.8962    0.6115   0.02429    0.0146         0
    64/299     5.83G   0.02835   0.02821         0    0.1318   0.00716    0.1955        87       640    0.8857    0.7895     0.896    0.6118   0.02423   0.01458         0
    65/299     5.83G   0.02826   0.02809         0    0.1309  0.007151    0.1944        88       640    0.8824    0.7917     0.896    0.6124   0.02417   0.01454         0
    66/299     5.83G    0.0283   0.02826         0    0.1315  0.007174    0.1953       125       640    0.8759    0.7977    0.8958    0.6132    0.0241   0.01452         0
    67/299     5.83G   0.02833   0.02823         0    0.1316  0.007162    0.1953        83       640    0.8839     0.792    0.8966    0.6131   0.02404   0.01449         0
    68/299     5.83G   0.02804     0.028         0    0.1297  0.007135    0.1928        92       640    0.8818    0.7947     0.897    0.6142   0.02398   0.01446         0
    69/299     5.83G   0.02823   0.02815         0    0.1307  0.007125    0.1942        99       640    0.8839    0.7914    0.8968    0.6142   0.02393   0.01442         0


AttributeError: Cant get attribute SPPF on module models.common

class SPPF(nn.Module):
    # Spatial Pyramid Pooling - Fast (SPPF) layer for YOLOv5 by Glenn Jocher
    def __init__(self, c1, c2, k=5):  # equivalent to SPP(k=(5, 9, 13))
        c_ = c1 // 2  # hidden channels
        self.cv1 = Conv(c1, c_, 1, 1)
        self.cv2 = Conv(c_ * 4, c2, 1, 1)
        self.m = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=k, stride=1, padding=k // 2)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.cv1(x)
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter('ignore')  # suppress torch 1.9.0 max_pool2d() warning
            y1 = self.m(x)
            y2 = self.m(y1)
            return self.cv2(torch.cat([x, y1, y2, self.m(y2)], 1))




