1、MPICH2 1.0.3中之所以出现了mpd这样的东西,MPICH的开发者声称这是将mpi程序的通讯和计算分开。在MPICH1中,我们直接用mpirun来执行 一个任务,此时,要先用rsh这些东西通讯,然后再启动进程,对出错调试、程序启动速度等都有影响。所以,在MPICH2中,将通讯这部分单独做出来,那 就是mpd了,而且用Python书写,简单易懂,从而解决上面的问题。
mpiexec -n 1 -host loginnode master : -n 32 -host smp slave
mpiexec可以针对不同的节点,做不同的任务发布策略。上述命令可以看到,我们要在loginnode上发布一个进程,该进程的可执行文件是 master,并且在一个名为smp的机器上发布32个进程(很显然这台hostname为smp的机器是一台32个CPU的机器)。不同的参数之间用冒 号隔开就OK了。
3、通过上面的例子,就可以看到,mpiexec中可以针对节点做很多定制。比如-n, -path,-wdir, -host, -file, -configfile这些参数都是常用的,比如-wdir就可以定制working directory。而且,mpiexec还支持环境变量的定制,这是非常实用的,也就是说,可以针对不同的进程,给他们定义不同的环境变量列表。比如这 个例子:
mpiexec -n 1 -env FOO BAR a.out : -n 2 -env BAZZ FAZZ b.out
mpiexec -genv FOO BAR -n 2 a.out : -n 4 b.out
使用genv(global env),可以让这个环境变量在所有进程中生效。
使用-envall, -genvall这两个option可以将执行mpiexec这个程序所在机器上的环境变量列表发布到指定的进程中去(全部进程中去)。
使用-envnone, -genvnone可以将指定进程(全部进程)的环境变量都清空。这样可以让我们定义一个干净的环境变量列表,如:
mpiexec -genvnone -env FOO BAR -n 50 a.out
mpiexec -genvnone -envlist PATH,LD_SEARCH_PATH -n 50 a.out
这个例子说明,将mpiexec所在机器上的PATH, LD_SEARCH_PATH这两个环境变量发布到a.out进程上,其他的环境变量都清空。
-l: provides rank labels for lines of stdout and stderr.
# comment line
hostc ifhn=hostc-gige
hostd:4 ifhn=hostd-gige
-s: can be used to direct the stdin of mpiexec to specific processes in a parallel job.
mpiexec -s all -n 5 a.out # 把输入传给所有的进程
mpiexec -s 4 -n 5 a.out # 输入传给rank为4的进程
mpiexec -s 1,3 -n 5 a.out # 传给1,3进程
mpiexec -s 0-3 -n 5 a.out #传给0, 1, 2, 3进程
mpd提供了其他一些比较实用的命令,如mpdsigjob,这个命令可以让我们对进程发出signal,这 就比我们以前在MPICH1的时候,要终止一个进程,狂按ctrl+C好多了,这就是将通讯单独做成一个模块的好处啊。现在我们可以用 mpdsigjob,对一个或一批进程发布指定的signal,如SIGINT就相当于ctrl+C哦。
5、MPICH2支持用gdb调试并行程序了。不过不知道支持的如何,可以看user guide中的这个例子,可以看到,在gdb调试的过程中,会显示出当前执行的这个代码将在哪些进程中执行。而且,通过使用z命令,可以进入到指定的单个 进程中进行调试。设置断点、单步执行也都是availalable的。
(1)What is the difference between mpd & smpd process manager?
MPD is the default process manager for MPICH2 on Unix platforms. It is written in Python. SMPD is the primary process manager for MPICH2 on Windows. It is also used for running on a combination of Windows and Linux machines. It is written in C.
(2)When I use the g95 Fortran compiler on a 64-bit platform, some of the tests fail
A: The g95 compiler incorrectly defines the default Fortran integer as a 64-bit integer while defining Fortran reals as 32-bit values (the Fortran standard requires that INTEGER and REAL be the same size). This was apparently done to allow a Fortran INTEGER to hold the value of a pointer, rather than requiring the programmer to select an INTEGER of a suitable KIND. To force the g95 compiler to correctly implement the Fortran standard, use the -i4 flag. For example, set the environment variable F90FLAGS before configuring MPICH2:
setenv F90FLAGS "-i4"
G95 users should note that there (at this writing) are two distributions of g95 for 64-bit Linux platforms. One uses 32-bit integers and reals (and conforms to the Fortran standard) and one uses 32-bit integers and 64-bit reals. We recommend using the one that conforms to the standard (note that the standard specifies the ratio of sizes, not the absolute sizes, so a Fortran 95 compiler that used 64 bits for both INTEGER and REAL would also conform to the Fortran standard. However, such a compiler would need to use 128 bits for DOUBLE PRECISION quantities).
(3)Q: How do I pass environment variables to the processes of my parallel program when using the mpd process manager?
A: By default, all the environment variables in the shell where mpiexec is run are passed to all processes of the application program. (The one exception is LD LIBRARY PATH when the mpd’s are being run as root.) This default can be overridden in many ways, and individual environment variables can be passed to specific processes using arguments to mpiexec.
注意哦,上面说过了,mpiexec可以定制环境变量,不过这里提到了,LD_LIBRARY_PATH在root启动的mpd ring里面有例外哦。