【学习笔记】懂你英语 核心课 Level 7 Unit 2 Part 1(IV)Never, ever give up 4

TED Talk     Never, ever give up 永不放弃    Speaker: Diana Nyad     第四课

But the truth is, all those orations that I had practiced just to get myself through some training swims as motivation, it wasn't like that.    但事实是,那些我练习了无数次的演说,只为了激励自己训练的演说,其实不是那样的。

It was a very real moment, with that crowd, with my team.  那是真实的一刻,有人群,有我的团队。

We did it. I didn't do it. We did it.   我们做到了。不是我一个人,我们一起做到了。

And we'll never forget it. It'll alwaysbe part of us.    我们永远不会忘记。这会永远是我们的一部分。

And the three things that I did sort of blurt out when we got there, was first, 'Never, ever give up.'   当我们到达的时候,我脱口而出的说了三件事,第一就是:”永远、永远不要放弃。“    【词义】 To blurt out means to say sth. without thinking.  vt. 未加思索地冲口说出;突然说出

I live it. What's the phrase from today from Socrates? 我经历过了。苏格拉底的那句话今天怎么说来着?

To be is to do.  想要成为什么就要行动起来。

So I don't stand up and say, don't evergive up. 所以我是只站起来说永远不要放弃。

I didn't give up, and there was action behind these words. 我没有放弃,在这些话语背后是有行动的。

【跟读】She is a woman of action and proves herself by never giving up.

The second is: You can chase your dreams at any age; you're never too old.【跟读】 第二,你可以在任何年纪追求你的梦想,你永远不会太老。

Sixty-four, that no one at any age, anygender, could ever do, has done it, and there's no doubt in my mind that I am at the prime of my life today.   【跟读】64岁,没有人在这个年纪,不管男女,可以做,做到了,我没有丝毫怀疑今天我正处于我生命的顶峰。

Yeah. Thank you.   谢谢。

And the third thing I said on that beach was, 'It looks like the most solitary endeavor in the world, and in many ways, of course, it is,   我在那个海滩上说的第三个东西是: '它看起来像世界上最孤独的努力,在许多方面,确实如此。

and in other ways, and the most important ways, it's a team, and if you think I'm a badass, you want to meet Bonnie.' 但在其他方面,最重要的方面,这是一个团队,如果你认为我很厉害,你应该见见邦妮'。

Bonnie, where are you?  Where are you?   你在哪里?   

There's Bonnie Stoll. My buddy.   邦妮·斯托尔在那儿。我的伙伴。

The Henry David Thoreau quote goes,when you achieve your dreams, it's not so much what you get as who you have become in achieving them. 亨利·戴维·梭罗有句名言,当你实现你的梦想的时候,关键并不是你得到了什么,而是在最求的过程中你变成了什么样的人。

And yeah, I stand before you now.    是的,现在我站在你们面前,

In the three months since that swimended, I've sat down with Oprah and I've been in President Obama's Oval Office.   那场游泳结束已经三个月了,我和奥普拉谈过,我去过奧巴马总统的椭圆形办公室。

I've been invited to speak in front ofesteemed groups such as yourselves.   我被受邀给像你们这样受人尊敬的人群演讲。

I've signed a wonderful major bookcontract.  我签了一个出书的合同。

All of that's great, and I don't denigrate it.    这些都很好,我不会贬低它。

I'm proud of it all, but the truth is, I'm walking around tall because I am that bold, fearless person, and I will be,every day, until it's time for these days to be done.   我很自豪这一切,但事实是,我可以挺起腰杆走路,因为我是那勇敢、无畏的人,而我接下来每一天也都会是,直到再无时间可剩。

Thank you very much and enjoy the conference.  谢谢大家。享受会议!

Thank you. 谢谢。

【选择】-What does Nyad's story tell us?    -If you have a dream, find a way to pursue it and never give up.

【跟读】It is what kind of person you become in the process of trying that matters the most.

【跟读】She attributes her success to her perseverance and the team work.

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