进入网站(自己想办法),找到之前哨兵影像对应的区块,我之前下载的是位于巴西的70W 0N and 60W 0N两个图幅,只需点击相应的数据块,然后选择下方出现的出现链接即可。
下载数据后,我们就可以使用 rasterio 打开这两张图。此外,我们还将使用之前文章中定义的 load_landsat_image 加载图像,但只需做一个非常简单的修改。我们将返回一个包含数据集的字典,而不是仅仅以数组形式返回包含波段的图像字典,使用 matplotlib 的 subplots 函数来显示最近加载的图像
import rasterio
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def load_landsat_image(img_folder, bands):
# initialize the dictionaries
image = {}
ds = {}
path = Path(img_folder)
# loop through the given bands to load
for band in bands:
# considering the landsat images end with *_SR_B#.TIF, we will use it to locate the correct file
file = next(path.glob(f'*{band}.tif'))
print(f'Opening file {file}')
ds.update({band: rasterio.open(file)})
image.update({band: ds[band].read(1)})
return image, ds
# load the image
img, image_ds = load_landsat_image('D:/Images/Input/Landsat/LC08_L2SP_231062_20201026_20201106_02_T1/', ['B2', 'B3', 'B4'])
# create the RGB for the image
rgb = np.stack([img['B4'], img['B3'], img['B2']], axis=2)
rgb = rgb / rgb.max()
# load the water masks
water1_ds = rasterio.open('D:/Images/Input/Landsat/occurrence_70W_0Nv1_1_2019.tif')
water2_ds = rasterio.open('D:/Images/Input/Landsat/occurrence_60W_0Nv1_1_2019.tif')
water1_array = water1_ds.read(1)
water2_array = water2_ds.read(1)
# Plot the 3 images
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(20, 6))