文章名 | 期刊 | 影响因子 |
Lung cancer immunotherapy: progress, pitfalls, and promises | Mol Cancer | 37.3 |
常见治疗手段有surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted drug therapy 。Medical management易由于治疗抵抗性增加而复发。免疫治疗可生成 immunological memory generation(免疫学记忆),从而克服该缺点。adoptive cell therapy (CAR T, TCR, TIL)将会在本文中被讨论。没有原癌基因驱动的病人通过阻断PD1/PDL1检查点也能取得良好疗效。疫苗联合ICI(免疫检查抑制剂)能实现很好治疗效果。
文章目的:the present article encompasses a detailed overview of the recent developments in the immunotherapeutic landscape in targeting small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Additionally, the review also explores the implication of nanomedicine in lung cancer immunotherapy as well as the combinatorial application of traditional therapy along with immunotherapy regimens. Finally, ongoing clinical trials, significant obstacles, and the future outlook of this treatment strategy are also highlighted to boost further research in the field.
非小细胞分为两种亚型,预后都很差(a limited disease SCLC (LD-SCLC) and an extensive disease SCLC (ED-SCLC)),中位生存期只有7-12个月。
肿瘤免疫治疗的目标:The goal of cancer immunotherapy is to elicit (or re-elicit) a cellular immune response, especially the T-cell-mediated tumor-specific antigen (TSA) and tumor-associated antigens (TAA)-directed cytotoxicity that can selectively destroy a tumor 。
The immune-modulatory drugs can also counter cancer cells by increasing the concentration of tumor-specific antibodies, natural killer (NK) cells, dendritic cells (DCs,树突状细胞), macrophages (MΦ,巨噬细胞), and cytokines in the blood plasma。
lung cancer reduce the overall immunological response by modulating the T-cell mediated cytotoxicity, secretion of immune-suppressive cytokines, and loss of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) expression。
免疫治疗的方式:Immunotherapy treatment types include therapeutic vaccines, immune modulators, autologous cellular therapies, and monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed against checkpoint inhibitor signals associated with activated T-cells and/or with cancer cells。
癌型 | 主要特点 | 生存期(月) |
LUAD | 1.独立年龄、性别、吸烟史 2.发展慢,易发现 | 45 |
LUSC | 1.与吸烟史强相关 2.跟吸烟相关的体细胞基因、通路改变 | 44 |
LCC | 1.与吸烟史相关 2.非前两种即为该类型 | 34 |
若为腺鳞癌仅有26个月 | 若为非常见的LUAD有95个月 |
KRAS、ALK、C-MET、RET、BRAF V1E、ROS53、NTRK、TP2 和 ERBB2 (HER40),肿瘤细胞上特异抗原或新抗原上的基因突变,来躲避t细胞适应性免疫反应。
信号1:APC通过与naive t cell 同源的 TCR(t细胞受体) 将MHC(主要组织相容性复合物:哺乳动物中一组基因,编码细胞表面的多态性糖蛋白分子,这些分子展示抗原肽片段以供T细胞识别,并帮助免疫系统区分自身和非自身) I 分子上的抗原肽传递给naive t cell。
新号2:interaction of DC-specific CD80/86 and T cells-specific CD28 receptor ,对t细胞的激活很重要
信号3:DCs further secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines (signal 3) to induce T cells toward antigen-specific antitumor response
细胞 | 主要特点 |
B细胞 | |
记忆B细胞 | 可变成浆细胞 |
浆细胞 | 可产生抗体 |
NK细胞 | 先天免疫,识别异体,功效较差 |
T细胞 | |
记忆T细胞 | 可变 |
T毒性细胞 | 特异免疫,杀伤力强 |
T辅助细胞 | 生成细胞因子,活化B细胞 |
细胞 | 主要特点 |
中性粒细胞 | |
嗜酸性粒细胞 | 杀伤寄生虫 |
单核细胞 | |
树突细胞 | 弥合先天与适应免疫 |
巨噬细胞 | 清理残渣 |
肥大细胞 | 变态反应 |
类型 | 问题 |
CD4+T细胞减少 | 常见于恶性肿瘤、 遗传性免疫缺陷症、艾滋病、 应用免疫抑制剂等 |
CD8+T细胞 | 增多见于系统性红斑狼疮、慢性活动性肝炎、 传染性单核细胞增多症、 恶性肿瘤及其他病毒感染等。降低见于类风湿性关节炎、 糖尿病等。 |
CD4+T/CD8+T比值 | 降低见于传染性单核细胞增多症、急性巨细胞病毒感染、 再生障碍性贫血、 骨髓移植恢复期、 肾病等,艾滋病患者的 CD4/CD8比值多在0.5以下。增高见于移植后发生排异反应、 类风湿性关节炎 、 糖尿病等。 |
应用领域有:CEA(Carcinoembryonic antigen),MUC1蛋白,CD276,PD-L1-targeting,MSLN、HER2、GPC3、ROR1和EGFR
PD-1 和 PD-L1 :Nivolumab、Pembrolizumab、Durvalumab、Atezolizumab 和 Avelumab、Tiragolumab