

Message from the International President

2017-2018年头马全球主席是斯里兰卡大叔Mr. Balraj Arunasalam, DTM。本期他给全球头马小伙伴的Message是“Achieving Your Potential”。在卷首语,他说道,

Making difficult changes for the better is called personal growth.

三P原则,即Patience, Persistence and Perseverance

头马俱乐部是什么?Donot think your club as just a club, but a laboratory in which you can experiment with ways to learn and grow.

Have you got inspired? Make a comment.

Member Stories

1. Reflections of a Pathways Guide

    作为Pathways大使,Juan Carlos Velazquez, DTM一开始并不十分乐意,但后来他意识到Pathways的魅力。“I discovered that learning the Pathways program is very much like driving a new car.”, which is more like “hosting an experience”. After all, the program is called the Pathways learning experience.


2. “Chocolate Queen” Charts New Terrain

    不得不说头马小伙伴中藏龙卧虎,除了演讲达人之外,有运动、科技、美食等等达人。什么把我们联系起来?Public Speech。会员Doreen Pendgracs就是“巧克力”达人,她对巧克力的热爱和投入,我想,一定会感染到你。她的经历也非常传奇哟。

3. Turning Trauma into Triumph

John Mabry

    不得不说John Mabry, TM的故事充满了传奇,有泪水,但更加励志。在车祸中失去好友和一条腿,之后又沉浸在药物中不可自拔。从好莱坞的特技演员到无家可归的流浪汉,人生的过山车不过如此吧。绝地反击,John控制了他的药物依赖。之后在三次犹豫之后,他加入了头马。从一个不善言谈的人,到用自己的故事拯救别人的英雄。我想这就是正能量吧。

“Many substance abuse issues result from deeply rooted problem”。

    其实,失去与他人的effective connection才是真正的可怕,药物只不过是为了弥补这种connection的缺失。


Speech Skills

1. Say it with flair

    还记得CC手册中的Project 4吗?对啦,Rhetorical Devices。快来看看Bill Brown, DTM的这篇文章,教你如何用修辞使你的演讲更加powerful。

    Triads, Anaphora, Alliteration, Rhyme, Metaphors, Similes, Hyperbole,Antithesis, Contrapuntal turnarounds...

    “The spoken word, just like a song, has a certain melody. And each of these is enhanced by using rhetorical devices. Learn them, master them and use them – often.”

2. 5 Great Ways to Begin a Speech

    如何在10秒之内吸引听众?Anne Barab, DTM, AS教给你五招。

1) Tell a story

2) Make a bold statement of your unique point of view

3) Ask a question

4) Get the audience to laugh

5) Ask the audience to visualize something

3. What Should I Talk About?

    有没有思路枯竭的时候?要讲什么啊?来听听Rosie Wolf Williams, CC给你的小建议

1) Expand on your ice breaker

2) Take a walk

3) Use random online searches

4) Start with a quote or a famous saying


About 2017 International Convention


1. 评选出了六位AS,Accredited Speaker。只知道DTM的你,是不是该了解一下AS?

“Accredited Speaker is an elite title reserved for those who combine expert knowledge in a particular subject with a mastery of public speaking”.

2. 修正头马章程

3. Smedley基金5 km Run/Walk

4. 新任总部官员,Balraj Arunasalam, DTM,斯里兰卡人

5. 教育环节的主旨演讲

6. 演讲比赛,第一名来自新加坡的Monoj Vasudevan和他的“Pull Less, Bend More”,还记得吗?





“READ and SHARE Toastmaster Magazine”是19-20年度D88大区的LEAD (Leadership Experience for Advanced Development)项目之一。本活动旨在通过阅读和分享头马杂志内容,更加了解头马国际发展、认识全球优秀头马伙伴,学习演讲和领导力,达到更好的个人成长并宣传头马带来的好处。

欢迎关注,一起Read and Share,留下你的Comments吧~


President of Datang Advanced TMC (19.7-19.12)
PRO of D88 Div. H (19.7-20.6)
