Section 1.Digital Communication and signal processing (30059)- MSc assignment 2018-19The assignment forms 50% of the final mark.1. Each student should prepare a brief essay presented in a scientific paper format and style on a specifictopic of statistical signal generation and processing in communication systems. The format of the essayis formulated in the Section 4 of this document2. Each student will have an individual task, taken from the Section 2 of this document.3. All the assignment shall have the same structure:4. Introduction: To formulate the gaol of the study and to draw the system/sub-system block diagram.Section 1: To explain the system operational principles including a small literature review andmathematical description of the signal and noise presented in your system as well as an analyticalequations for the system performance evaluation.Section 2: To draw the system model chart and explain the meaning of all blocks in the chart as wellas show the main signals at the blocks input and output in time domain and frequency domains. Forall random signals shall be presented figures with their power spectral density and probability densityfunction. For all deterministic signals shall be presented graphs with their spectrum and time domainwaveform.Section 3: Comparison of analytical and modelling results.Conclusion 4: Based on Section 3 results.Appendix: Appendix with the programme codes is compulsory for all students.The main text of the essay length should be between 2000 (minimum) and 3000 (maximum) wordsplus Tables (not more than 4), Figures (not more than 12) and, if necessary, appendixes whichshould not exceed 3 pages in total. All shall be prepared in accordance to IEEE paper presentationstandard presented in the Section 4 of this document.5. Students are expected to show their ability to understand the subject area and the specified problem aswell as to demonstrate their technical communication and computer modelling skills. The essay shouldbe self-sufficient for readers.6. The assessment criteria are at the last page of this documentPlagiarism, which includes, but is not limited to, a failure to acknowledge sources will be penalised.Submission: Please use an electronic submission. The assignment should be converted in PDF. Latesubmission will be penalised at 5% per day late. A schedule for the demonstrations will be arranged to suiteach person once the summer term timetable for revision lectures has been published.The main recommended book: “Wireless Communications – Principles and Practice”, T. Rappaport,Prentice Hall, 1996 and later edition as well as the lecture notes.P a g e | 2Section 2.The topics are:1. 1977317Analysis and simulation of a communication system with 8-ary Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM). BER vsBit/Noise ratio should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated Additive White Gaussian Noise.Symbol rate 4.8 KS/s.2. 1906728Analysis and simulation of a communication system with 16-ary Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM). BER vsBit/Noise ratio should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated Additive White Gaussian Noise.Symbol rate 2.4 KS/s, carrier.3. 1908270Analysis and simulation of a communication system with 4-ary Phase Shift Keying (PSK) modulation. BER vsBit/Noise ratio should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated Additive White Gaussian Noise.Bit rate 16 Kbit/s.4. 1891765Analysis and simulation of a communication system with 8-ary Phase Shift Keying Modulation (PSK).BER vs Bit/Noise ratio should be analytically obtained and be simulated for BER 10-3for computer generatedAdditive White Gaussian Noise; 16 K samples per second. It shall be generated the noise and shown itscharacteristics in time and frequency domain at the input and output of matched filter. In addition the simulated 8-ary PSK signal in time and frequency domain shall be shown for the sequence 0010 1110 0101 0100 01110.5. 1918928Analysis and simulation of a communication system with Minimum Phase Shift Keying (MSK) modulation. BER vsBit/Noise ratio should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated Additive White Gaussian Noisewithout pulse shaping. Bit rate 4.8 Kbit/s6. 1971022Analysis and simulation of a communication system with Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) modulation.BER vs Bit/Noise ratio should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated Additive WhiteGaussian Noise without pulse shaping. Bit rate 4.8 Kbit/s7. 1887218Analysis and simulation of a communication system with Gaussian pulse shaping technique for Minimum PhasedShift Keying (MSK) modulation for the shape factors α=0.2. BER vs Bit/Noise ratio should be simulated for BER10-2 and 10-3for computer generated Additive White Gaussian Noise. Bit rate 24 Kbit/s8. 1964710Analysis and simulation of a communication system with Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) modulation withRaised Cosine Rolloff Filter with α=0.5. BER vs Bit/Noise ratio should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3forcomputer generated Additive White Gaussian Noise. Bit rate 4.8 Kbit/s9. 1967289Analysis and simulation of a communication system with Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). Simulate signalreception at a background of N interferences using M-sequences for signal spreading with the length M=1023. P a g e | 3BER vs N (Number of Interferences) should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated Msequences,presumably 410. 1892870Analysis and simulation of a communication system with Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). Simulate signalreception at a background of N interferences using M-sequences for signal spreading with the length M=511. BERvs N (Number of Interferences) should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated M-sequences,presumably 211. 1914977Analysis and simulation of a communication system with Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). Simulate signalreception at a background of N interferences using M-sequences for signal spreading with the length M=255. BERvs N (Number of Interferences) should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated M-sequences,presumably 112. 1466307Analysis and simulation of synchronization channel operating with 13 Barker code Phase Shifted Signal 0.02microseconds per chip with 5 GHz carrier frequency at the background of Additive White Gaussian Noise for thefalse alarm rate 10-3 and 10-4.13. 1950646Analysis and simulation and of one channel of Direct Satellite TV systems. BER vs Bit/Noise ratio should besimulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated Additive White Gaussian Noise.14. 1971449Analysis and simulation of one channel (satellite to ground) in Low Earth Orbiting Satellite mobile communicationsystem IRIDIUM. BER vs Bit/Noise ratio should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generatedAdditive White Gaussian Noise.15. 1692710Analysis and simulation of spread spectrum technique in GPS navigation system. One channel with 1023 Msequencespreading should be simulated at a background of Additive White Gaussian Noise and N=4interferences for BER 10-2 and 10-3.16. 1906577Analysis and simulation of one channel of Zig Bee transceivers. BER vs Bit/Noise ratio should be simulated forBER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated Additive White Gaussian Noise.17. 1964341Analysis and simulation of a communication system with Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (D-QPSK)modulation. BER vs Bit/Noise ratio should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated AdditiveWhite Gaussian Noise without pulse shaping. Bit rate 2.4 Kbit/s 18. 1899925Analysis and simulation and of one channel of Direct Satellite TV systems. BER vs Bit/Noise ratio should besimulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated Additive White Noise with uniform probability densityfunction19. 1904633 P a g e | 4Analysis and simulation of a communication system with Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying (DBPSK)modulation. BER vs Bit/Noise ratio should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated AdditiveWhite Gaussian Noise without pulse shaping. Bit rate 4.8 Kbit/s20. 1922963Analysis and simulation of a communication system with Binary Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) modulation andcoherent signal processing. BER vs Bit/Noise ratio should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computergenerated Additive White Gaussian Noise without pulse shaping. Bit rate 128 Kbit/s21. 1800899Analysis and simulation of one channel of Bluetooth wireless connection. BER vs Bit/Noise ratio should besimulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated Additive White Gaussian Noise.22. 1896859Analysis and simulation of a communication system with Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) M=32. BER vsBit/Noise ratio should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated Additive White Gaussian Noise.Bit rate 32 Kbit/s.23. NON – see exampleAnalysis and simulation of a communication system with Binary Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) modulation andnon-coherent (post detector) signal processing. BER vs Bit/Noise ratio should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated Additive White Gaussian Noise without pulse shaping. Bit rate 64 Kbit/s24. 1721956Analysis and modelling of a baseband communication system with Manchester - 2 coding – decoding. By meansof computer simulation evaluate the BER for computer generated Additive White Noise with uniform probabilitydensity function. Data rate 1028 Kbit/s.25. 1892829Analysis and modelling of a baseband communication system with Manchester - 1 coding – decoding. By meansof computer simulation evaluate the BER for computer generated Additive White Gaussian Noise. Data rate 4.8Kbit/s.26. 1967052Analysis and simulation of one channel (satellite to ground) in Inmarsat Satellite mobile communication systemIRIDIUM. BER vs Bit/Noise ratio should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated AdditiveWhite Gaussian Noise27. 1902931Analysis and simulation of one channel of Bluetooth transceivers. BER vs Bit/Noise ratio should be simulated forBER 10-2to 10-3for computer generated Additive White Gaussian Noise.28 1917093Analysis and simulation of a communication system with 8-ary Phase Shift Keying (PSK) modulation. BER vsBit/Noise ratio should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated Additive White Gaussian Noise.Bit rate 32 Kbit/s.29 1897594Analysis and simulation of a communication system with 16-ary Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM). BER vsBit/Noise ratio should be analytically obtained and be simulated for BER 10-3for computer generated AdditiveWhite Gaussian Noise; 4 M samples per second. It shall be generated the noise and shown its characteristics in P a g e | 5time and frequency domain at the input and output of matched filter. In addition the simulated 16-ary QAM signalin time and frequency domain shall be shown for the sequence 1100 0101 0010 1101 0101 0000 1100.30 1883446Analysis and modelling of a baseband communication system with Manchester - 2 coding – decoding. By meansof computer simulation evaluate the BER (10-3 – 10-4) for computer generated Additive White Gaussian Noise.Data rate 256 Kbit/s.31 1891833Analysis and simulation of a communication system with Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) M=64. BER vsBit/Noise ratio should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated Additive White Gaussian Noise.Bit rate 2048 Kbit/s.32 1934273Analysis and simulation of a communication system with π/2 Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (π/2-QPSK)modulation. BER vs Bit/Noise ratio should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated AdditiveWhite Gaussian Noise without pulse shaping. Bit rate 1024 Kbit/s33 1896155Analysis and simulation of a communication system with Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK). BER vsBit/Noise ratio should be analytically obtained and be simulated for BER 10-3for computer generated AdditiveWhite Gaussian Noise. It shall be generated the noise and shown its characteristics in time and frequency domainat the input and output of matched filter. In addition the simulated GMSK signal in time and frequency domainshall be shown for the sequence 1000 0101 1110 1101 0101 0101 1101.34 1894313Analysis and simulation of a communication system with Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying (DBPSK)modulation. BER vs Bit/Noise ratio should be simulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated AdditiveWhite Gaussian Noise without pulse shaping. Bit rate 64 Kbit/s. In addition the simulated DBPSK signal in timeand frequency domain shall be shown for the sequence 1110 1101 0101 0101 1101 1010 0001 1110.35 1974007Comparative analysis of spectrum and waveforms (time domain) of Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) and OffsetQuadrature Shift Keying (QPSK) modulations. It shall be estimated BER vs Bit/Noise ratio computer simulatedfor BER 10-3for computer generated Additive White Gaussian Noise.36 1903035Analysis and simulation and of one channel of Direct Satellite TV systems. BER vs Bit/Noise ratio should besimulated for BER 10-2 and 10-3for computer generated Additive White Noise with Gaussian probability densityfunction and data rate 1,200 Kbit/sec37 1874515Analysis and simulation of a communication system with Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). Simulate signalreception at a background of N interferences using M-sequences for signal spreading with the length M=4,095.BER vs N (Number of Interferences) should be simulated for BER 10-2 for computer generated M-sequences,presumably 838 1934982Analysis and simulation of a communication system with Binary Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) and Raised CosineRolloff Filter modulation (with α factor 0, 0.5 and 1) and coherent signal processing. BER vs Bit/Noise ratio P a g e | 6should be simulated for BER 10-2for computer generated Additive White Gaussian Noise without pulse shaping.Bit rate 32 Kbit/s39Analysis and simulation of one channel of Bluetooth transceivers. BER vs Bit/Noise ratio should be simulated forBER 10-2for computer generated Additive White Gaussian Noise. Generate and show in time (waveform) andfrequency (spectrum) domain this signal for the code: 1110 1101 0101 0101 1101 1010 0001 1110.P a g e | 7Section 3. Example of the contents:Typical example of an essay topic – Analysis and simulation of communication system with AmplitudeShift Keying modulation, which may include:1. Definition of ASK and an area of applications2. Analytical equations which describe ASK signal3. Definition of baseband and bandpass signals in the system.4. The modulation and demodulation processes description.5. Examples of ASK signal with time domain and frequency domain presentations6. Analytical equations which describe BER in ASK based systems.7. Calculations of BER using the equations8. Signal modelling (Signal generation using computer).9. Show the signal waveform and spectrum10. Noise modelling (Gaussian noise generation using computer).11. Show the noise Power Spectral Density (PSD)12. Signal and noise processing in the demodulator (with matched filter)13. BER modelling for 10-2 and 10-314. Comparisons of modelling (m) and calculation (g) results15. ConclusionsThis is an example only!!! Students should not expect any detailed instruction and are free howto present thMSc留学生作业代做、代写C/C++课程设计作业、代做C/C++实验作业、代写Digital Communicatione specified problem. P a g e | 8Section 4.Template: (one column!) of the MSc assignment Communication Signal Processing – Principles ofcommunications, corresponds to the template of papers submission to IEEE transactions journal.Abstract—(Arial 9) These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS. Usethis document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 6.0 or later. Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. Theelectronic file of your paper will be formatted further at IEEE. Define all symbols used in the abstract. Do not cite references in theabstract. Do not delete the blank line immediately above the abstract; it sets the footnote at the bottom of this column.Keywords – (Arial 9) e.g. communication systems, bit error rate, etc.I Introduction (from this point all the text body is in Aerial 10, titles Aerial 11, bold, subtitles Aerial 11,Italic )HIS document is a template for Microsoft Word versions 6.0 or later.If your paper is intended for a conference, please contact your conference editor concerning acceptable wordprocessor formats for your particular conference. When you open TRANS-JOUR.DOC, select “Page Layout” from the“View” menu in the menu bar (View | Page Layout), which allows you to see the footnotes. Then, type over sections ofTRANS-JOUR.DOC or cut and paste from another document and use markup styles. The pull-down style menu is at theleft of the Formatting Toolbar at the top of your Word window (for example, the style at this point in the document is“Text”). Highlight a section that you want to designate with a certain style, then select the appropriate name on the stylemenu. The style will adjust your fonts and line spacing. Do not change the font sizes or line spacing to squeeze moretext into a limited number of pages. Use italics for emphasis; do not underline.To insert images in Word, position the cursor at the insertion point and either use Insert | Picture | From File or copy theimage to the Windows clipboard and then Edit | Paste Special | Picture (with “float over text” unchecked).All pages should be numerated starting with 1.II Procedure for the submissionA. FiguresFormat and save your graphic images using a suitable graphics processing program that will allow you to create theimages as PostScript (PS), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), or Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), sizes them, and adjuststhe resolution settings. If you created your source files in one of the following you will be able to submit the graphicswithout converting to a PS, EPS, or TIFF file: Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, or PortableDocument Format (PDF).III Electronic Image Files (Optional)Import your source files in one of the following: Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, or PortableDocument Format (PDF); you will be able to submit the graphics without converting to a PS, EPS, or TIFF files. ImageManuscript received October 9, 2001. (Write the date on which you submitted your paper for review.) This work was supported in part by the U.S. Department ofCommerce under Grant BS123456 (sponsor and financial support acknowledgment goes here). Paper titles should be written in uppercase and lowercase letters, not alluppercase. Avoid writing long formulas with subscripts in the title; short formulas that identify the elements are fine (e.g., Nd–Fe–B). Do not write “(Invited)” in thetitle. Full names of authors are preferred in the author field, but are not required. Put a space between authors’ initials.F. A. Author is with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO 80305 USA (corresponding author to provide phone: 303-555-5555; fax: 303-555-5555; e-mail: author@ B. Author, Jr., was with Rice University, Houston, TX 77005 USA. He is now with the Department of Physics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523USA (e-mail: [email protected]).T. C. Author is with the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309 USA, on leave from the National Research Institute forMetals, Tsukuba, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]).ASSIGNMENT TITLEStudent name, ID number and the date of submissionTP a g e | 9quality is very important to how yours graphics will reproduce. Even though we can accept graphics in many formats, wecannot improve your graphics if they are poor quality when we receive them. If your graphic looks low in quality on yourprinter or monitor, please keep in mind that cannot improve the quality after submission.If you are importing your graphics into this Word template, please use the following steps:Under the option EDIT select PASTE SPECIAL. A dialog box will open, select paste picture, then click OK. Your figureshould now be in the Word Document.If you are preparing images in TIFF, EPS, or PS format, note the following. High-contrast line figures and tables shouldbe prepared with 600 dpi resolution and saved with no compression, 1 bit per pixel (monochrome), with file names in theform of “fig3.tif” or “table1.tif.”Photographs and grayscale figures should be prepared with 300 dpi resolution and saved with no compression, 8 bitsper pixel (grayscale).A. Sizing of GraphicsMost charts graphs and tables are one column wide (3 1/2 inches or 21 picas) or two-column width (7 1/16 inches, 43picas wide). We recommend that you avoid sizing figures less than one column wide, as extreme enlargements maydistort your images and result in poor reproduction. Therefore, it is better if the image is slightly larger, as a minorreduction in size should not have an adverse affect the quality of the image.B. Size of Author Photographs (Compulsory for all students)The final printed size of an author photograph is exactly 1 inch wide by 1 1/4 inches long (6 picas × 7 1/2 picas). Pleaseensure that the author photographs you submit are proportioned similarly. If the author’s photograph does not appear atthe end of the paper, then please size it so that it is proportional to the standard size of 1 9/16 inches wide by 2 incheslong (9 1/2 picas × 12 picas). JPEG files are only accepted for author photos.C. How to create a PostScript FileFirst, download a PostScript printer driver from (for Windows) orfrom pdrvmac.htm (for Macintosh) and install the “Generic PostScript Printer”definition. In Word, paste your figure into a new document. Print to a file using the PostScript printer driver. File namesshould be of the form “” Use Open Type fonts when creating your figures, if possible. A listing of the acceptablefonts are as follows: Open Type Fonts: Times Roman, Helvetica, Helvetica Narrow, Courier, Symbol, Palatino, AvantGarde, Bookman, Zapf Chancery, Zapf Dingbats, and New Century Schoolbook.D. Print Color Graphics RequirementsIEEE accepts color graphics in the following formats: EPS, PS, TIFF, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and PDF. Theresolution of a RGB color TIFF file should be 400 dpi.When sending color graphics, please supply a high quality hard copy or PDF proof of each image. If we cannot achievea satisfactory color match using the electronic version of your files, we will have your hard copy scanned. Any of the filestypes you provide will be converted to RGB color EPS files.E. Web Color GraphicsIEEE accepts color graphics in the following formats: EPS, PS, TIFF, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and PDF. Theresolution of a RGB color TIFF file should be at least 400 dpi.Your color graphic will be converted to grayscale if no separate grayscale file is provided. If a graphic is to appear inprint as black and white, it should be saved and submitted as a black and white file. If a graphic is to appear in print or onIEEE Xplore in color, it should be submitted as RGB color.F. Graphics Checker ToolThe IEEE Graphics Checker Tool enables users to check graphic files. The tool will check journal article graphic filesagainst a set of rules for compliance with IEEE requirements. These requirements are designed to ensure sufficientimage quality so they will look acceptable in print. After receiving a graphic or a set of graphics, the tool will check thefiles against a set of rules. A report will then be e-mailed listing each graphic and whether it met or failed to meet therequirements. If the file fails, a description of why and instructions on how to correct the problem will be sent. The IEEEGraphics Checker Tool is available at more Information, contact the IEEE Graphics H-E-L-P Desk by e-mail at [email protected]. You will then receivean e-mail response and sometimes a request for a sample graphic for us to check.IV MATHIf you are using Word, use either the Microsoft Equation Editor or the MathType add-on ( for P a g e | 10equations in your paper (Insert | Object | Create New | Microsoft Equation or MathType Equation). “Float over text” shouldnot be selected.V UnitsUse either SI (MKS) or CGS as primary units. (SI units are strongly encouraged.) English units may be used assecondary units (in parentheses). This applies to papers in data storage. For example, write “15 Gb/cm2(100 Gb/in2).”An exception is when English units are used as identifiers in trade, such as “3-in disk drive.” Avoid combining SI andCGS units, such as current in amperes and magnetic field in oersteds. This often leads to confusion because equationsdo not balance dimensionally. If you must use mixed units, clearly state the units for each quantity in an equation.The SI unit for magnetic field strength H is A/m. However, if you wish to use units of T, either refer to magnetic fluxdensity B or magnetic field strength symbolized as μ0H. Use the center dot to separate compound units, e.g., “A·m2.”VI Helpful HintsA. Figures and TablesBecause IEEE will do the final formatting of your paper, you do not need to position figures and tables at the top andbottom of each column. In fact, all figures, figure captions, and tables can be at the end of the paper. Large figures andtables may span both columns. Place figure captions below the figures; place table titles above the tables. If your figurehas two parts, include the labels “(a)” and “(b)” as part of the artwork. Please verify that the figures and tables you mentionin the text actually exist. Please do not include captions as part of the figures. Do not put captions in “text boxes”linked to the figures. Do not put borders around the outside of your figures. Use the abbreviation “Fig.” even at thebeginning of a sentence. Do not abbreviate “Table.” Tables are numbered with Roman numerals.Color printing of figures is available, but is billed to the authors. Include a note with your final paper indicating that yourequest and will pay for color printing. Do not use color unless it is necessary for the proper interpretation of your figures.If you want reprints of your color article, the reprint order should be submitted promptly. There is an additional charge forcolor reprints. Please note that many IEEE journals now allow an author to publish color figures on Xplore andblack and white figures in print. Contact your society representative for specific requirements.Figure axis labels are often a source of confusion. Use words rather than symbols. As an example, write the quantity“Magnetization,” or “Magnetization M,” not just “M.” Put units in parentheses. Do not label axes only with units. As in Fig.1, for example, write “Magnetization (A/m)” or “Magnetization (Am1),” not just “A/m.” Do not label axes with a ratio ofquantities and units. For example, write “Temperature (K),” not “Temperature/K.”Multipliers can be especially confusing. Write “Magnetization (kA/m)” or “Magnetization (103 A/m).” Do not write“Magnetization (A/m) ? 1000” because the reader would not know whether the top axis label in Fig. 1 meant 16000 A/m or0.016 A/m. Figure labels should be legible, approximately 8 to 12 point type.B. ReferencesNumber citations consecutively in square brackets [1]. The sentence punctuation follows the brackets [2]. Multiplereferences [2], [3] are each numbered with separate brackets [1]–[3]. When citing a section in a book, please give therelevant page numbers [2]. In sentences, refer simply to the reference number, as in [3]. Do not use “Ref. [3]” or“reference [3]” except at the beginning of a sentence: “Reference [3] shows ... .” Please do not use automatic endnotes inWord, rather, type the reference list at the end of the paper using the “References” style.Number footnotes separately in superscripts (Insert | Footnote).1 Place the actual footnote at the bottom of the columnin which it is cited; do not put footnotes in the reference list (endnotes). Use letters for table footnotes (see Table I).Please note that the references at the end of this document are in the preferred referencing style. Give all authors’names; do not use “et al.” unless there are six authors or more. Use a space after authors’ initials. Papers that have notbeen published should be cited as “unpublished” [4]. Papers that have been accepted for publication, but not yet specifiedfor an issue should be cited as “to be published” [5]. Papers that have been submitted for publication should be cited as“submitted for publication” [6]. Please give affiliations and addresses for private communications [7].Capitalize only the first word in a paper title, except for proper nouns and element symbols. For papers published intranslation journals, please give the English citation first, followed by the original foreign-language citation [8].C. Abbreviations and AcronymsDefine abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text, even after they have already been defined inthe abstract. Abbreviations such as IEEE, SI, ac, and dc do not have to be defined. Abbreviations that incorporate periodsshould not have spaces: write “C.N.R.S.,” not “C. N. R. S.” Do not use abbreviations in the title unless they are1It is recommended that footnotes be avoided (except for the unnumbered footnote with the receipt date on the first page). Instead, try to integrate the footnoteinformation into the text.P a g e | 11unavoidable (for example, “IEEE” in the title of this article).D EquationsNumber equations consecutively with equation numbers in parentheses flush with the right margin, as in (1). First usethe equation editor to create the equation. Then select the “Equation” markup style. Press the tab key and write theequation number in parentheses. To make your equations more compact, you may use the solidus ( / ), the exp function,or appropriate exponents. Use parentheses to avoid ambiguities in denominators. Punctuate equations when they are partof a sentence, as inexp( | |) ( ) ( ) .( , ) [ /(2 )](1)Be sure that the symbols in your equation have been defined before the equation appears or immediately following.Italicize symbols (T might refer to temperature, but T is the unit tesla). Refer to “(1),” not “Eq. (1)” or “equation (1),” exceptat the beginning of a sentence: “Equation (1) is ... .”VII Other RecommendationsUse one space after periods and colons. Hyphenate complex modifiers: “zero-field-cooled magnetization.” Avoiddangling participles, such as, “Using (1), the potential was calculated.” [It is not clear who or what used (1).] Write instead,“The potential was calculated by using (1),” or “Using (1), we calculated the potential.”Use a zero before decimal points: “0.25,” not “.25.” Use “cm3,” not “cc.” Indicate sample dimensions as “0.1 cm 0.2cm,” not “0.1 0.2 cm2.” The abb转自: