

英文 中文
I don't mean to alarm you, 我无意让你们担心
but I think you may have a mold problem. 但你们这里好像发霉了
That sink with the standing water seems especially concerning. 水池里的积水尤其让人担忧
Looking forward to it. 我很期待呢
You have the intel on you? 情报在你身上吗
They know. 他们知道了
They know? 是吗
We have three minutes, Agent Shaw. 我们只有三分钟肖特工
Time to go, agents. 该走了各位特工
- Exit? - Follow me. -从哪撤-跟我走
I was wondering what you guys had been up to. 我还想你们去哪了呢
Go. 你先上
All right.
Um, where are the dogs? 雪橇狗在哪
Don't be ridiculous. 别逗了用不着
I bet you're usually the one holding something like this. 我敢说通常都是你拿着这种东西
Don't worry. 别担心
She knows what she's doing. 她心里有数的
Whatever you do, don't breathe. 不要呼吸哦

That was a joke. 开玩笑啦
You should, of course, feel comfortable breathing if you need to, 如果需要的话你当然可以呼吸
just not through your nose. 别用鼻子就行
And very minimally through your mouth. 用嘴呼吸也要幅度很小
There we are. 拿到了
That's all the intel you recovered? 这是你获取的全部情报吗
I certainly hope so. 希望如此
Well, thank you, Agent Shaw, 谢谢你肖特工
for keeping it safe up there. 安全地保管情报
We'll push this through to the Hub. 我们会把它送回中心
In fact, we're headed there now to drop you off. 事实上我们正飞往那里送你过去
Get you a change of clothes, a proper meal -- 换套衣服吃顿像样的饭
You'll be good as new. 你马上就能精神焕发
The Hub? Really? 中心真的吗
How exciting. It's been ages. 好激动好久没去了
Good. 很好
Done with that paranasal extraction nonsense. 鼻旁取出已经完成了
Do you need me to analyze the data? 需要我分析数据吗
That won't be necessary. 不必
If it's encrypted, I can mine the chip for him. 如果加密了我可以帮他搞定芯片
I'm afraid this mission's classified. 这项任务是机密
Clearance level 8. 需要八级权限
Wait. What? 等等什么
He can just shut us out of the process like that? 他一句话就可以把我们挡在外面吗
Well, he did say the mission is level 8. 他都说任务是八级的了
And we're not, so we can't know about it. 我们没那权限所以我们不能知道
Right, but this is normally the part 但通常这时候
where we all stand around the holocom and we learn about stuff. 我们都围在全息屏前了解任务
I mean, aren't we all on the same team? 我们不是一伙的吗
No need to get started on one of your socialist riffs. 用不着搬出你那套社会主义论调
S.H.I.E.L.D.'s whole infrastructure is based on the hierarchy 神盾局的基础结构是基于等级制度
and compartmentalization of intelligence. 和情报的权限划分
Every agent can't have the intel on every mission. 不能让每个特工都知道每项任务的情报
Makes the entire organization vulnerable. 那会让整个组织变得脆弱
Okay, fine, but if I just fought my way out 好吧但是如果我刚从
of an underground Siberian prison, 西伯利亚的地下监狱打出来
I'd kind of want to know what for. 我会希望知道行动的目的
Coulson's got you used to the plane, 科尔森让你习惯了飞机上的套路
The way we do missions here. 我们这里的行动方式
The Hub is different. 在中心可完全不同

The Hub? 中心
What's the Hub? 中心是什么
Didn't realize big brother was this big. 没想到老大哥这么大
Oh, this is nothing. 这不算什么
Wait until you see the Triskelion. 三曲翼总部才叫大呢
Everyone's wearing the same suit. 所有人都穿着同样的服装
Someone tell me why, please. 谁能告诉我为什么
Do I get one? 有我的吗
That's your badge, 那是你的"徽章"
which means you've got a long way to go to even make level one. 意味着你离一级都还差着远呢
Copy that. 收到
Does that also mean no access to any computers here whatsoever? 那我是不是也不能用这里的任何一台电脑
I could run a search on the redacted S.H.I.E.L.D. file on my parents. 我可以搜索一下那份被神盾局编辑过我父母的文件
Skye. 斯凯
But it just -- 我只是...
It seems like the place they'd keep them, right? 那份文件应该就会存在这种地方
I'll look into it. 我会调查的
But right now, we've got more pressing matters at hand. 但现在我们手头上有更紧迫的事
Agent Sitwell. 西特韦尔特工
Agent Coulson. 科尔森特工
Good to see you feeling better. 很高兴你有所好转
Agent Hand's waiting for you in the situation room. 汉德特工在战况室等你
And she doesn't like to wait. 她不太喜欢等人
So you know her? 你认识她吗
Only her reputation. 只是听说过
After you. 你先请
Your level 7s can join us in the briefing. 你的七级特工可以一起听简报
Say cheese. 笑一个
Victoria Hand... 维多利亚·汉德
Is here. 在这里
Is this your subtle way of saying I can't come with? 你这是在委婉地告诉我我不能一起去吗
We'll be back. 我们马上回来
We should probably head over to the tech corridor. 我们应该去技术走廊了
- Oh, I can't wait to see the new chem-kit. -Yeah -我等不及想看新化学装备了-是啊
I don't think it likes me here. 这地方肯定不喜欢我
Agent Hand. 汉德特工
Agent Coulson. 科尔森特工
Nice to finally put a face to the name. 很高兴终于见到本人了
Likewise. 彼此彼此
These are agents May and Ward. 这是梅特工和沃德特工
Well, now that we've gotten that over with, 介绍就到此为止吧
here's what you can know. 以下是你们可以了解的情报
The intel you recovered from agent Shaw 你们从肖特工手上拿到的情报
tells us that a separatist group from South Ossetia 告诉我们一个南奥塞梯的独立派
has built a weapon called Ezbiitometer. 制造了一件叫做"艾斯比图米特"的武器
The overkill device? 超强杀伤性装置吗
A little dramatic for my taste. 以我的口味略显做作
We've intercepted chatter that tells us 我们从拦截到的信号中得知
they plan to use the weapon in the next 24 hours 他们打算在未来24小时内靠这件武器
to declare their independence from Russia and Georgia. 宣布从俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚独立
We believe it creates sonic vibrations 我们认为它能产生声振动
powerful enough to trigger weapons from a great distance -- 其威力足以在远距离触发武器
Anything from the missiles on a helicopter 从直升机上的导弹
to a nuclear warhead sitting in its silo. 到发射井里的核弹头
So if we move on them, 如果我们对他们动武
they could use our own weapons against us. 他们可以用我们的武器来对付我们
Exactly. 没错
That's why I need a two-man team 所以我需要一支二人小队
to sneak across the disputed border undetected, 偷偷穿过争议边界
break into the separatist stronghold, 闯进独立派要塞
and disable the weapon in the next 24 hours. 在24小时内拆除这件武器
And you have two people who fit my bill. 你正好有两个手下适合这工作
Not a problem. 没问题
I was in Georgia during the incursion in '08. 我08年参与过格鲁吉亚战争
I still have contacts on the South Ossetian border. 我在南奥塞梯边境仍有联络人
And you'll have to use them. 那你们要用上他们了
But we don't have specs on the device, 但我们并不了解这件装置
so I need someone on the team 所以我需要你们派一个
who can identify and dismantle it on-site. 能在现场识别出并拆除武器的人
Do you mean... 你的意思是...
I think she does. 我想就是那意思
I found a localized E.M.P., plus a few other party favors. 我找到一个小范围电磁脉冲器和一些其他装置
Oh, come on. What the... 拜托搞什...
Open. 开门啊
It's stuck! 卡住了
The cart's stuck. 小车被卡住了
That's unbelievable. 难以置信
What the hell?! 搞什么啊
Who designed this?! 谁设计的啊
In the hub, of all places. 居然还是在中心
Oh, that's... 这...
Seriously? 当真吗
I just can't believe you're going in 真不敢相信你要去执行任务
dark, 而且一无所知
in hostile territory, without comms, 又是敌方领土不带通讯器
lacking any real physical strength. 而你手无缚鸡之力
I'll be fine. 我不会有事的
Did I give you an antivenin pack? 抗蛇毒素我给你了吗
The caucasus have a plethora of highly endemic spider species. 高加索有很多当地独有的蜘蛛
Jemma, stop. Stop worrying about me. 珍玛行了别再担心我了
I can do this. 我没问题的
Thank you. 谢谢
And don't you do anything rash while I'm gone... 我不在的时候你别做什么傻事
...like jump out of an airplane. 比如从飞机上跳下去什么的
Well, you'll be careful. 你要小心
Yeah, I've handled worse. 更糟糕的情况我都应付过
Oh, I almost forgot. I made you this. 差点忘了我给你做了这个
Your favorite sandwich. 你最爱的三明治
Prosciutto and buffalo mozzarella. 意式熏火腿加水牛芝士
With your homemade pesto aioli? 加你自制的蒜泥蛋黄酱了吗

