Fire in Erfurt: Germany’s far right

  • Erfurt 埃尔富特〔德国城市〕

The fire ignited in the small state of Thuringia is consuming German politics.

  • the state of Thuringia 图林根州
  • consume 消耗

On February 5th, amid extraordinary maneuvering, Thomas Kemmerich of the liberal Free Democratic Party was unexpectedly elected state premier with votes from the far-right Alternative for Germany.

No state leader had previously taken office with AfD support. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) added fuel by voting with the AfD in Thuringia.

To try to extinguish the flames, Mr Kemmerich resigned on February 8th.

To no avail.

Now the leadership of Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the CDU’s boss once thought a shoo-in to succeed Mrs Merkel, has gone up in smoke, too.

  • shoo-in 〈非正式〉十拿九稳的候选人;稳操胜券的人
  • go up in smoke 成为泡影;烧光;化为乌有

Today she announced her intention to resign in the summer, thus throwing German politics into disarray.

  • disarray 混乱;紊乱

The gaffe-prone Ms Kramp-Karrenbauer had been unable to impose her authority on the CDU’s restive state branches.

  • restive adj. 难驾驭的;焦躁不安的;不耐烦的(unable to stay still, or unwilling to be controlled, especially because you feel bored or not satisfied)

In premierless Thuringia, meanwhile, the embers are smouldering.

  • ember 余火,余尽
  • smoulder 慢燃;熏烧;(愤怒等)在心中燃烧;表现出闷在心里的愤怒[仇恨]

Expect more people to get burned.

Feb 10th 2020

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