



evo_res no_l.zip l.zip

evo_res no_l.zip l.zip  -v 


evo_res no_l.zip l.zip   -p

evo_res no_l.zip l.zip  -p --plot_markers

evo_res no_l.zip l.zip --save_plot ./plot.pdf

evo_res no_l.zip l.zip --serialize_plot ./serial

evo_res no_l.zip l.zip  --save_table ./table.txt

evo_res no_l.zip l.zip  --logfile ./log


evo_res no_l.zip l.zip   --use_filenames

evo_res no_l.zip l.zip   --ignore_title

evo_res no_l.zip l.zip  --silent

evo_res no_l.zip l.zip --debug


evo_res no_l.zip l.zip --use_rel_time

evo_res no_l.zip l.zip --no_warnings





evo_res --help
usage: evo_res [-h] [--merge] [--use_rel_time] [--use_filenames]
               [--ignore_title] [-p] [--plot_markers] [--save_plot SAVE_PLOT]
               [--serialize_plot SERIALIZE_PLOT] [--save_table SAVE_TABLE]
               [--logfile LOGFILE] [--no_warnings] [-v] [--silent] [--debug]
               [-c CONFIG]
               result_files [result_files ...]

tool for processing one or multiple result files (c) evo authors

positional arguments:
  result_files          one or multiple result files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --merge               merge the results into a single one
  --use_rel_time        use relative timestamps if available
  --use_filenames       use the filenames to label the data
  --ignore_title        don't try to find a common metric title

output options:
  -p, --plot            show plot window
  --plot_markers        plot with circle markers
  --save_plot SAVE_PLOT
                        path to save plot
  --serialize_plot SERIALIZE_PLOT
                        path to serialize plot (experimental)
  --save_table SAVE_TABLE
                        path to a file to save the results in a table
  --logfile LOGFILE     Local logfile path.

usability options:
  --no_warnings         no warnings requiring user confirmation
  -v, --verbose         verbose output
  --silent              don't print any output
  --debug               verbose output with additional debug info
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        .json file with parameters (priority over command line

evo_res --help
usage: evo_res [-h] [--merge] [--use_rel_time] [--use_filenames]
               [--ignore_title] [-p] [--plot_markers] [--save_plot SAVE_PLOT]
               [--serialize_plot SERIALIZE_PLOT] [--save_table SAVE_TABLE]
               [--logfile LOGFILE] [--no_warnings] [-v] [--silent] [--debug]
               [-c CONFIG]
               result_files [result_files ...]

tool for processing one or multiple result files (c) evo authors

positional arguments:位置参数:
  result_files          one or multiple result filesresult_file一个或多个结果文件

optional arguments:可选参数:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit 显示此帮助消息并退出
  --merge               merge the results into a single one将结果合并为一个结果
  --use_rel_time        use relative timestamps if available可以的话请使用相对时间戳
  --use_filenames       use the filenames to label the data使用文件名标记数据
  --ignore_title        don't try to find a common metric title不尝试查找通用度量标题

output options:输出选项:
  -p, --plot            show plot window绘图显示绘图窗口
  --plot_markers        plot with circle markers使用圆形标记打印
  --save_plot SAVE_PLOT
                        path to save plot保存绘图的路径
  --serialize_plot SERIALIZE_PLOT
                        path to serialize plot (experimental)序列化绘图的路径(实验)
  --save_table SAVE_TABLE
                        path to a file to save the results in a table将结果保存在表中的文件的路径
  --logfile LOGFILE     Local logfile path.本地日志文件路径。

usability options:可用性选项:
  --no_warnings         no warnings requiring user confirmation无需用户确认的警告
  -v, --verbose         verbose output详细输出
  --silent              don't print any output不打印任何输出
  --debug               verbose output with additional debug info使用附加调试信息调试详细输出
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        .json file with parameters (priority over command line带有参数的.json文件(优先级高于命令行




evo_res no_l.zip l.zip

$ evo_res no_l.zip l.zip

APE w.r.t. translation part (m)
(with Sim(3) Umeyama alignment)

                           max      mean    median        min      rmse  \
vins_result_no_lo...  0.438398  0.148959  0.131542  0.0218703  0.170383   
vins_result_loop.txt  0.384438  0.156007  0.141948  0.0109087  0.185972   

                           sse        std  
vins_result_no_lo...   3.33851  0.0827144  
vins_result_loop.txt  0.795467    0.10123 

evo_res no_l.zip l.zip  -v 

  -v, --verbose         verbose output详细输出

$ evo_res no_l.zip l.zip  -v
Loading result from no_l.zip ...
Loading result from l.zip ...
Aggregated dataframe:
                             vins_result_no_loop.txt vins_result_loop.txt
info      est_name            vins_result_no_l...     vins_result_loop...
          label                           APE (m)                 APE (m)
          ref_name                         gt.txt                  gt.txt
          title               APE w.r.t. trans...     APE w.r.t. trans...
np_arrays error_array         [0.2435494878540...     [0.2465613955623...
          seconds_from_start  [0.0, 0.13390660...     [0.0, 0.53564167...
          timestamps          [1627729515.8364...     [1627729518.7817...
stats     max                            0.438398                0.384438
          mean                           0.148959                0.156007
          median                         0.131542                0.141948
          min                           0.0218703               0.0109087
          rmse                           0.170383                0.185972
          sse                             3.33851                0.795467
          std                           0.0827144                 0.10123

APE w.r.t. translation part (m)
(with Sim(3) Umeyama alignment)

                           max      mean    median        min      rmse  \
vins_result_no_lo...  0.438398  0.148959  0.131542  0.0218703  0.170383   
vins_result_loop.txt  0.384438  0.156007  0.141948  0.0109087  0.185972   

                           sse        std  
vins_result_no_lo...   3.33851  0.0827144  
vins_result_loop.txt  0.795467    0.10123 


evo_res no_l.zip l.zip   -p

  -p, --plot            show plot window绘图显示绘图窗口 

$ evo_res no_l.zip l.zip   -p

APE w.r.t. translation part (m)
(with Sim(3) Umeyama alignment)

                           max      mean    median        min      rmse  \
vins_result_no_lo...  0.438398  0.148959  0.131542  0.0218703  0.170383   
vins_result_loop.txt  0.384438  0.156007  0.141948  0.0109087  0.185972   

                           sse        std  
vins_result_no_lo...   3.33851  0.0827144  
vins_result_loop.txt  0.795467    0.10123 



evo_res no_l.zip l.zip  -p --plot_markers

  --plot_markers        plot with circle markers使用圆形标记打印

$ evo_reso_l.zip l.zip  -p --plot_markers

APE w.r.t. translation part (m)
(with Sim(3) Umeyama alignment)

                           max      mean    median        min      rmse  \
vins_result_no_lo...  0.438398  0.148959  0.131542  0.0218703  0.170383   
vins_result_loop.txt  0.384438  0.156007  0.141948  0.0109087  0.185972   

                           sse        std  
vins_result_no_lo...   3.33851  0.0827144  
vins_result_loop.txt  0.795467    0.10123 



evo_res no_l.zip l.zip --save_plot ./plot.pdf

  --save_plot SAVE_PLOT                        path to save plot保存绘图的路径

$ evo_res no_l.zip l.zip   --save_plot ./plot.pdf

APE w.r.t. translation part (m)
(with Sim(3) Umeyama alignment)

                           max      mean    median        min      rmse  \
vins_result_no_lo...  0.438398  0.148959  0.131542  0.0218703  0.170383   
vins_result_loop.txt  0.384438  0.156007  0.141948  0.0109087  0.185972   

                           sse        std  
vins_result_no_lo...   3.33851  0.0827144  
vins_result_loop.txt  0.795467    0.10123  

Plots saved to ./plot.pdf


evo_res no_l.zip l.zip --serialize_plot ./serial

 --serialize_plot SERIALIZE_PLOT

                        path to serialize plot (experimental)序列化绘图的路径(实验)

$ evo_res no_l.zip l.zip    --serialize_plot ./serial

APE w.r.t. translation part (m)
(with Sim(3) Umeyama alignment)

                           max      mean    median        min      rmse  \
vins_result_no_lo...  0.438398  0.148959  0.131542  0.0218703  0.170383   
vins_result_loop.txt  0.384438  0.156007  0.141948  0.0109087  0.185972   

                           sse        std  
vins_result_no_lo...   3.33851  0.0827144  
vins_result_loop.txt  0.795467    0.10123 


evo_res no_l.zip l.zip  --save_table ./table.txt

--save_table SAVE_TABLE
                        path to a file to save the results in a table将结果保存在表中的文件的路径

$ evo_res no_l.zip l.zip    --save_table ./table.txt

APE w.r.t. translation part (m)
(with Sim(3) Umeyama alignment)

                           max      mean    median        min      rmse  \
vins_result_no_lo...  0.438398  0.148959  0.131542  0.0218703  0.170383   
vins_result_loop.txt  0.384438  0.156007  0.141948  0.0109087  0.185972   

                           sse        std  
vins_result_no_lo...   3.33851  0.0827144  
vins_result_loop.txt  0.795467    0.10123 



evo_res no_l.zip l.zip  --logfile ./log

 --logfile LOGFILE     Local logfile path本地日志文件路径

$ evo_res no_l.zip l.zip  --logfile ./log

APE w.r.t. translation part (m)
(with Sim(3) Umeyama alignment)

                           max      mean    median        min      rmse  \
vins_result_no_lo...  0.438398  0.148959  0.131542  0.0218703  0.170383   
vins_result_loop.txt  0.384438  0.156007  0.141948  0.0109087  0.185972   

                           sse        std  
vins_result_no_lo...   3.33851  0.0827144  
vins_result_loop.txt  0.795467    0.10123 



evo_res no_l.zip l.zip   --use_filenames

  --use_rel_time        use relative timestamps if available可以的话请使用相对时间戳

$ evo_res no_l.zip l.zip   --use_filenames

APE w.r.t. translation part (m)
(with Sim(3) Umeyama alignment)

               max      mean    median        min      rmse       sse  \
no_l.zip  0.438398  0.148959  0.131542  0.0218703  0.170383   3.33851   
l.zip     0.384438  0.156007  0.141948  0.0109087  0.185972  0.795467   

no_l.zip  0.0827144  
l.zip       0.10123 

evo_res no_l.zip l.zip   --ignore_title

  --ignore_title        don't try to find a common metric title不尝试查找通用度量标题

$ evo_res no_l.zip l.zip   --ignore_title
                           max      mean    median        min      rmse  \
vins_result_no_lo...  0.438398  0.148959  0.131542  0.0218703  0.170383   
vins_result_loop.txt  0.384438  0.156007  0.141948  0.0109087  0.185972   

                           sse        std  
vins_result_no_lo...   3.33851  0.0827144  
vins_result_loop.txt  0.795467    0.10123 

evo_res no_l.zip l.zip  --silent

  --silent              don't print any output不打印任何输出

$ evo_res no_l.zip l.zip  --silent 

evo_res no_l.zip l.zip --debug

  --debug               verbose output with additional debug info使用附加调试信息调试详细输出

$ evo_res no_l.zip l.zip --debug
[DEBUG][2023-12-12 20:39:55,923][log.configure_logging():114]
System info:
Python 2.7.17

[DEBUG][2023-12-12 20:39:55,923][main_res.run():132]
main_parser config:
{'config': None,
 'debug': True,
 'ignore_title': False,
 'logfile': None,
 'merge': False,
 'no_warnings': False,
 'plot': False,
 'plot_markers': False,
 'result_files': ['no_l.zip', 'l.zip'],
 'save_plot': None,
 'save_table': None,
 'serialize_plot': None,
 'silent': False,
 'use_filenames': False,
 'use_rel_time': False,
 'verbose': False}

[DEBUG][2023-12-12 20:39:55,924][file_interface.load_res_file():358]
Loading result from no_l.zip ...
[DEBUG][2023-12-12 20:39:55,928][file_interface.load_res_file():358]
Loading result from l.zip ...
[DEBUG][2023-12-12 20:39:55,933][main_res.run():202]
[DEBUG][2023-12-12 20:39:55,936][main_res.run():204]
Aggregated dataframe:
                             vins_result_no_loop.txt vins_result_loop.txt
info      est_name            vins_result_no_l...     vins_result_loop...
          label                           APE (m)                 APE (m)
          ref_name                         gt.txt                  gt.txt
          title               APE w.r.t. trans...     APE w.r.t. trans...
np_arrays error_array         [0.2435494878540...     [0.2465613955623...
          seconds_from_start  [0.0, 0.13390660...     [0.0, 0.53564167...
          timestamps          [1627729515.8364...     [1627729518.7817...
stats     max                            0.438398                0.384438
          mean                           0.148959                0.156007
          median                         0.131542                0.141948
          min                           0.0218703               0.0109087
          rmse                           0.170383                0.185972
          sse                             3.33851                0.795467
          std                           0.0827144                 0.10123
[DEBUG][2023-12-12 20:39:55,936][main_res.run():207]
[INFO][2023-12-12 20:39:55,936][main_res.run():209]

APE w.r.t. translation part (m)
(with Sim(3) Umeyama alignment)

[INFO][2023-12-12 20:39:55,938][main_res.run():210]
                           max      mean    median        min      rmse  \
vins_result_no_lo...  0.438398  0.148959  0.131542  0.0218703  0.170383   
vins_result_loop.txt  0.384438  0.156007  0.141948  0.0109087  0.185972   

                           sse        std  
vins_result_no_lo...   3.33851  0.0827144  
vins_result_loop.txt  0.795467    0.10123 



evo_res no_l.zip l.zip --use_rel_time


$ evo_res no_l.zip l.zip --use_rel_time

APE w.r.t. translation part (m)
(with Sim(3) Umeyama alignment)

                           max      mean    median        min      rmse  \
vins_result_no_lo...  0.438398  0.148959  0.131542  0.0218703  0.170383   
vins_result_loop.txt  0.384438  0.156007  0.141948  0.0109087  0.185972   

                           sse        std  
vins_result_no_lo...   3.33851  0.0827144  
vins_result_loop.txt  0.795467    0.10123 

evo_res no_l.zip l.zip --no_warnings

  --no_warnings         no warnings requiring user confirmation无需用户确认的警告

$ evo_res no_l.zip l.zip --no_warnings

APE w.r.t. translation part (m)
(with Sim(3) Umeyama alignment)

                           max      mean    median        min      rmse  \
vins_result_no_lo...  0.438398  0.148959  0.131542  0.0218703  0.170383   
vins_result_loop.txt  0.384438  0.156007  0.141948  0.0109087  0.185972   

                           sse        std  
vins_result_no_lo...   3.33851  0.0827144  
vins_result_loop.txt  0.795467    0.10123 




evo_res  no_l.zip l.zip result3.zip  -p 



evo_res no_l.zip l.zip -p

 保存图片使用  --save_plot SAVE_PLOT参数。
