
Folks … my dearest colleagues and friends,

Tomorrow will be 10,182 days of employment for me under OOCL, which is really a blessed speedy journey went through; liked yesterday being the day 1 when I stepped into 27/F of Harbour Centre with just >120 staff in ISD. I started working on IRIS Booking, Documentation, CM, TEMPO ... and then, EDI, CargoSystem, Stowage Bank, NAVIS, IES/IRIS-2 … CAMPS2, CAPS2, IOCM, EUC, InfoNet-2, HCMS … CS-2, ACZone … IRIS-4, EDW, CA, CX, … going from 3090, MVS, CICS, DB2, OfficeVision … DI/MVS, PS2, Win3.0, Macintosh, PowerBuilder, FoxPro, Crystal Report … SmallTalk/GS, Design Pattern, RUP/Rational, … VisualStudio, Java, C/C++, JSF, ASP.Net, SQL/Server, OLAP, EA, … Agile, BC, IoT, DataAnalytic. We went from 1 into 5 ISDCs with ~1K IT staff for now equipped with our own fresh graduate training programme and ITA facility. It’s really an amazing journey from IT excellency perspective. And it all coming down into having the precious opportunity and blessing for me to closely work with around 7 supervisors and 500+ colleagues in various locations … literally changing project or working scope in every 2-3 years, under the 27+ years span in total.

Year 1990 seems to be an ancient number but I really love this job and treat every day as a new one to learn and contribute continuity. Apart from having the opportunity reaching the latest technological advancement, the most enjoyable thing is to see each of us to be able to fit into his/her most effective position to contribute / improve / evolve continuously together as a team, as an organization.

Let me use a metaphor from Bible to illustrate: Salt and Light. For cooking, we use salt to bring out fresh taste of each materials (the material itself needs to be in good quality first), so as to make the whole dish even more delicious. Such concept can be applied to our team work when we don’t hesitate to appreciate and encourage the good side of each other in contributing to the team success. It can also re-enforce the good quality of each of us; liked using salt to preserve food from decomposition. Light means to bring out the truth and not be shy to share his/her believe in front of others. There’s only one single truth and we continue to explore / enrich it under collective effort along different aspects or level of details. Core concept or model are being evolved in our mind and re-applied in different areas. The passion amongst us to articulate the truth has never been deteriorated (learning on abstraction is critical). We continue to break through and innovate; and the most fruitful moment is to realize that things get connected and integrated with everyone sharing the same truth to contribute. We do accept failure (I did fail badly once) but the key is to improve. I may be the “glue” to put things together in some cases, but it’s really the substances that matter most to really achieve and deliver. That’s the culture and spirit that carry me through all these years; and be enjoyable to work with you all in every single day.

My learning and faith under Christianity is giving me strong support, insight and wisdom to handle various challenges in the most optimal and effective way. For now, I do find myself at the right moment to pursue further to equip deeper Bible knowledge in a full time manner in preparing to serve Him more, catching the period of time when I’m still capable and productive. It’s quite emotional for me to make such a hard decision, but it becomes quite simple, easy and obvious on the outcome when the path / door is being signalled, prepared and opened by Him.

Organization is people and people make up the culture collectively. I’m honourable and treasure to work with you all. Special thank to Steve, Belinda and Warren to have eromous patient and full support on my work; and rectify my problems as well. I wish everyone to be even more successful, healthy and always be enjoyable at work or personal life.

At last, I’d like to end such sharing with a prayer:

Dear Father God, You are the Mighty Lord creating the nature and nurturing every being in the prosperous way under Your governance. You restore and enrich my life. Every breath and all the capabilities for me are originated from Your mercy. There is no other thing that I can rely upon apart from You. Thank You for accommodating me working under such a great company, having the precious opportunity to work with so many talented and kind colleagues. We learn and respect each other. Overcome every challenges under collective effort. Be supportive and contributing to the overall success. My little achievement is all coming from the collective effort and indeed, Your great mercy. It’s not by chance but by Your strong will to let us learn and develop more under each single incident. And build up the relationship with You eventually. For now, I’m leaving the big family. Wish You to continue taking good care of us to stay healthy and having stable environment to demonstrate or exercise the talent and skill You giving us. There are even bigger challenge ahead but trust that You will (and only You can) bring us further just as You carrying us before. May we always have the peaceful and joyful mindset to start every new day. Able to realize and appreciate Your blessing along the way. In the name of our Loving Savior, Jesus Christ we pray. Amen !


Keep in touch. You just don’t see me in the office and our relationship continue … as a big family. Love you all !

Cheers, Elvis .
