SCXI-1104C 美国NI数据采集卡

SCXI-1104C是美国NI(National Instruments,国家仪器公司)生产的数据采集卡。


  1. 高性能:能够实现对模拟信号、数字信号的高精度采集和处理,适用于各种复杂的测量任务。
  2. 多功能:可以配置为不同的采集模式,如单点、多点、扫描等,还可以根据需要配置不同的信号输入范围和增益。
  3. 灵活性:支持多种不同的信号类型,如电压、电流、电阻等,还可以通过软件进行自定义配置和控制。
  4. 可靠性:采用高品质的硬件和软件技术,能够在恶劣的工作环境下稳定运行,具有较高的可靠性和稳定性。
  5. 可扩展性:可以通过添加其他NI公司的模块和设备,实现更复杂的数据采集和处理任务。

SCXI-1104C 美国NI数据采集卡_第1张图片


  1. 高性能:采用高性能的处理器和算法,可以快速采集、处理和分析数字信号。
  2. 多通道采集:可以同时采集多个通道的数字信号,适用于多种应用场景。
  3. 实时处理和分析:该数据采集卡支持实时处理和分析采集到的数字信号,可以快速响应各种变化和异常情况。
  4. 可编程性:支持各种编程语言和开发工具,用户可以根据自己的需求编写自定义的控制程序。
  5. 高精度测量:SCXI-1104C提供高精度的测量,通常以位数或百分比的形式来表示。
  6. 采样率可调节:该模块通常具有可调节的采样率,允许用户根据应用需求选择不同的采样速率。
  7. 支持不同的输入范围:以适应各种信号幅度。
  8. 具有螺纹端子或其他类型的连接器:用于接入外部传感器或信号源。
  9. 具有标准接口:以便与其他仪器或计算机连接,如PCI接口或以太网接口。
  10. 兼容性:这些模块通常与国家仪器的其他硬件和软件产品兼容,使其成为一个完整的数据采集解决方案的一部分。
  11. 应用领域广泛:SCXI-1104C模块通常用于科学实验、测试和测量、自动化控制、数据记录和监测等应用领域。


The advantages of SCXI-1104C US NI data acquisition card are mainly reflected in the following aspects:
High performance: Using high-performance processors and algorithms, it can quickly collect, process, and analyze digital signals.
Multi channel acquisition: It can simultaneously collect digital signals from multiple channels, suitable for various application scenarios.
Real time processing and analysis: This data acquisition card supports real-time processing and analysis of collected digital signals, and can quickly respond to various changes and abnormal situations.
Programmability: Supports various programming languages and development tools, allowing users to write custom control programs according to their own needs.
High precision measurement: SCXI-1104C provides high-precision measurements, usually expressed in digits or percentages.
Adjustable sampling rate: This module usually has an adjustable sampling rate, allowing users to choose different sampling rates according to application requirements.
Support different input ranges to adapt to various signal amplitudes.
Connectors with threaded terminals or other types: used to connect to external sensors or signal sources.
Having standard interfaces: for connecting with other instruments or computers, such as PCI interfaces or Ethernet interfaces.
Compatibility: These modules are typically compatible with other hardware and software products of national instruments, making them part of a complete data collection solution.
Widely applicable: The SCXI-1104C module is commonly used in scientific experiments, testing and measurement, automation control, data recording and monitoring, and other application fields.
In summary, the SCXI-1104C American NI data acquisition card has advantages such as high performance, multi-channel acquisition, real-time processing and analysis, programmability, high-precision measurement, adjustable sampling rate, support for different input ranges, threaded terminals or other types of connectors, standard interfaces, strong compatibility, and wide application fields, which can meet the needs of different fields.

