每日一词 66 | universal

3. 从认识到会用(作业)



* be, seem 普遍;好像共通

* become 變得普遍

* remain 仍然普遍


* truly 確實普遍

* 的by no means, far from 絕非尋常;完全不普遍:Some of the teachers are technical specialists, but this is far from universal. 有些老師是技術方面的專家, 但這絕不是普遍現象。

* almost, near, nearly, virtually

幾乎是普遍的; 接近共通;實際上通用

* pretty 頗爲普遍

* apparently 顯然普遍

* supposedly 一般認爲通用:supposedly universal standards 據稱通用的標準


* among 在… 中普遍:These practices remain universal among the islanders. 這些依然是島上居民慣常的做法。

* in 在…方面普遍:a scheme that is universal in scope 在應用範圍上很普遍的計劃



(参考翻译:China has made remarkable progress toward/towards universal literacy. 或者 China has made giant strides in universal access to education.)



造句:It's the universal rule that knowledge is power.

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