听力整理–流利说英语L2-U2-P3 懂你英语Level2 Unit2 Part3✔


L2-U2-P3-1 Listening :  Ben's Weekly Schedule

This is Ben’s weekly schedule.

On weekdays, he goes to school from 8:00 until 3:30.

He usually has basketball practice after school.

On Monday, his team practices for 2 hours.

They practice from 3:45 until 5:45.

What does he do from 8:00 until 3:30 on weekdays? -goes to school.

They practice from 3:45 until 5:45.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, they practice for an hour and a half.

They finish practicing around 5:15.

On Wednesdays they practice until 6:00.

On Fridays, they have a short practice.

They finish at 5:00, so he can go home early.

How long do they practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays? -On Tuesdays and Thursdays, they practice for an hour and a half.

When do they finish practicing on Tuesdays and Thursdays?  -around 5:15.

They finish at 5:00, so he can go home early.

They finish at 5:00, so he can go home early.

On Fridays, they have a short practice.

On weekdays, he goes to school from 8:00 until 3:30.

On Saturday, they have their games.

They play against other schools.

The games are in the afternoon.

This year, their team isn't doing well.

Their record is 3 wins and 4 losses.

On Saturday, they have their games.

When do they have their game on Saturday? -in the afternoon.

How well is their team doing? –It isn’t doing well.

Ben never has practice on Sundays.

On Sundays he does homework.

In the afternoon, he and his family spend time together.

Sometimes they watch a movie.

Sometimes they just stay at home.

Ben likes to play chess with his father.

His father is a good chess player.

Does Ben have practice on Sundays? -No, never. He never has practice on Sundays.

What does he do on Sundays? -On Sundays he does homework.

On Sundays, what do he and his family do in the afternoon?  -They watch a movie or just stay at home.

This year, their team isn't doing well.

Their record is 3 wins and 4 losses.

In the afternoon, he and his family spend time together.

How often does he have practice on Sundays? –He never has practice on Sundays.

L2-U2-P3-2 Listening :  Ken's Schedule

Ken is a taxi driver.

He and his wife live in Tokyo.

Ken is 40 years old. His wife, Seiko, is a nurse.

She works in a hospital.

Where does Seiko work? -in a hospital.

Ken owns his own taxi.

His schedule varies.

It changes every day.

On rainy days he works for 8 hours.

It's easy to get passengers on rainy days.

On other days he works for 5 or 6 hours.

He usually works 5 or 6 days a week.

How long does he work on rainy days?  -On rainy days he works for 8 hours.

On other days he works for 5 or 6 hours.

He and his wife live in Tokyo.

It changes every day.

It's easy to get passengers on rainy days.

What do you know about Ken’s schedule? –It varies.

He never works on Sundays.

He prefers to work at night from six until midnight.

There is less traffic at night.

That means there are fewer cars on the road.

He prefers to work at night from six until midnight.

That means there are fewer cars on the road.

He prefers to work at night from six until midnight.

How many days does he usually work a week? –He works five or six days a week.

Why does he prefer to work at night? –There is less traffic at night.

During the day, there is a lot of traffic.

Ken doesn't like driving in heavy traffic.

Too many cars on the road means heavy traffic.

The streets are crowded with too many cars.

During the day, there is a lot of traffic.

Too many cars on the road means heavy traffic.

The streets are crowd with too many cars.

Ken doesn't like driving in heavy traffic.

Too many cars on the road means heavy traffic.

What doesn’t Ken like?–Ken doesn’t like driving in heavy traffic.

Why doesn’t Ken like driving in heavy traffic? –The traffic doesn’t move.

Ken likes being a taxi driver.

He likes to talk to his passengers.

Most passengers are very nice.

Some of them are very interesting.

They come from different countries.

They have different kinds of jobs.

Why does he like to talk to his passengers?  -Some of them are very interesting.

What is not correct about the passengers? –Most passengers are not very nice.

Unfortunately, some passengers are very rude.

They get angry and are not polite.

They never say "please" or "thank you".

They want him to driver fast even in heavy traffic.

It's not possible to drive fast in heavy traffic.

And they don't say "thank you" when they leave.

What isn't possible? -It's not possible to drive fast in heavy traffic.

It's not possible to drive fast in heavy traffic.

They have different kinds of jobs.

Most passengers are very nice.

And they don't say "thank you" when they leave.

What do some passengers want him to do? –They want him to drive fast.

L2-U2-P3-3 Vocabulary : Daily Actions & Emotions

leave: They are leaving home in the morning.

return: They are returning home in the evening.

arrive: He is arriving at work in the morning.

work: She is working at her desk in an office.

talking: He is talking with a friend on his phone.

listening: She is listening to music.

Who is leaving home?  -They are leaving home in the morning.

They are leaving home in the morning.

Who is working at her desk?  -She is working at her desk in an office.

She is working at her desk in an office.

Who is arriving at work? -He is arriving at work in the morning.

He is arriving at work in the morning.

They are leaving home in the morning.

He is arriving at work in the morning.

She is working at her desk in an office.

a happy face: She is smiling because she's happy.

a sad face: She has a sad face because she's sad.

an angry face: This person is angry.

afraid: This man is afraid of something.

tired: This man is tired because he does't get enough sleep.

Who is smiling?  -She is smiling because she's happy.

Who is sad? -She has a sad face because she's sad.

This person is angry.

Who is afraid of something?  -This man is afraid of something.

This man is afraid of something.

She has a sad face because she's sad.

This man is afraid of something.

This man is tired because he does't get enough sleep.

L2-U2-P3-4 Vocabulary :  Measure

a box: This box has three dimensions: length, width and height.

Its length and width are both 1 centimeter.

Its height is 1.5 centimeters.

a grey ball: This ball weighs 1 kilogram or 2.2 pounds.

a moving car: This car's speed is 60 miles per hour, or about 97 kilometers an hour.

two moving cars: These two cars are moving in the opposite direction.

The red car is going west and the green car is going east.

two purses: These two purses look the same, but their cost is quite different.

The purse on the left costs 100 dollars more than the purse on the right.

What is moving at 60ml/h?  -This car's speed is 60 miles per hour, or about 97 kilometers an hour.

How fast is the car going?  -This car's speed is 60 miles per hour, or about 97 kilometers an hour.

What is 1cm long and 1.5cm high?  -This box is 1cm long and 1.5cm high.

How much is the purse on the left cost?  -The purse on the left costs 100 dollars more than the purse on the right.

How much does the more expensive purse cost?  -The purse on the left costs 100 dollars more than the purse on the right.

This ball weighs one kilogram or 2.2 pounds.

These two cars are moving in the opposite direction.

The purse on the left costs 100 dollars more than the purse on the right.

These two cars are moving in the opposite direction.

The red car is going west and the green car is going east.

These two purses look the same, but their cost is quite different.

This box is 1centimeter long and 1.5 centimeters high.

L2-U2-P3-5 Dialogue :  Taxi Chat

Driver: Good evening, where do you want to go?

Man: I want to go to the train station. I'm in a hurry. My train leaves in an hour.

Driver: Which train station? The east station or the west station?

Man: It's the east station.

Where does he want to go?  -I want to go to the train station.

When does his train leave? –His train leaves in an hour.

Driver: Oh, the traffic is very bad now. It's going to take time.

Man: How much time?

Driver: Maybe 40 minutes.

Man: Please hurry. I don't want to miss my train.

How is the traffic? -The traffic is very bad.

Why is he in a hurry? –He doesn’t want to miss his train.

Man: Driver, can you go any faster?

Driver: Sorry, sir. As you can see, the traffic isn't moving. Sorry, but you are going to miss your train.

Man: OK. Let me out at that subway stop. Maybe I can get there by subway. How much do I owe you?

Driver: Just a minute. The fare is 15 dollars. Do you want a receipt?

Man: No, thanks. I don't need a receipt.

Why can't they go faster?  -They can't go faster because the traffic is very heavy.

I want to go to the train station.

How much do I owe you?

Let me out at that subway stop.

As you can see, the traffic isn't moving.

They can't go faster because the traffic is very heavy.

L2-U2-P3-6 Dialogue :  Steven's New Friend

W: What do you think of Steve's new friend?

M: She is very pretty. But I don't like her.

W: Why not?

M: She just talks about herself. She talks and talks, but she never listens.

Why doesn't he like Steve's new friend? -She talks and talks, but she never listens.

What does she talk about? –herself.

M: I don't know why Steve likes her so much.

W: Well, she is pretty.

M: Yes, she is pretty and boring. Don't you agree?

W: Yes, I see what you mean. She is boring.

What do they think of Steve's friend? -She's pretty but boring.

Why do they think Steve likes his girlfriend? –She’s pretty.

W: But maybe she isn't always boring.

M: What do you mean?

W: Maybe she just doesn't know how to be around other people.

M: Maybe you are right. Steve really likes her, so she must be nice.

W: Right. We still don't know her very well. Let's give her more time.

M: OK. At least she is nice to look at.

How well do they know Steve's friend? -They don't know her very well.

What do you mean?

They don't know her very well.

Yes, I see what you mean.

I don't know why Steve likes her so much.

Maybe she just doesn't know how to be around other people.

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