20190412 流利阅读:Burnout: a modern malaise

Burnout: a modern malaise


Burnout n.燃料燃尽

malaise n.不舒服;心神不宁

term n.词

toss around 泛滥(使用()

The big three symptoms are emotional exhaustion, cynicism and feeling ineffective,


insomnia n.失眠

alleviate v.减轻,缓解

in unhealthy way  以不健康的方式

too much alcohol 过量饮酒

pinpoint v.查明,指明(这里指判定)

nonmedical term 非医学名词

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders doesn't list it as an illness.


Denmark 丹麦 sweden 瑞典

legitimate adj.合法的;正当的;合理的

take a sick day 休病假

fancy n.幻想;想象力


mind-set 心态

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