import numpy as np
import cv2
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class GeoMatch:
def __init__(self):
self.noOfCordinates=0 # 坐标数组中元素的个数
self.cordinates = [] # 坐标数组存储模型点
self.modelHeight=0 # 模型高
self.modelWidth=0 # 模型宽
self.edgeMagnitude = [] # 梯度大小
self.edgeDerivativeX = [] # 在X方向的梯度
self.edgeDerivativeY = [] # 在Y方向的梯度
self.centerOfGravity = [] # 模板重心
# 创建模版maxContrast,minContrast为滞后处理的阈值。
def CreateGeoMatchModel(self, templateArr, maxContrast, minContrast):
Ssize = []
src = templateArr.copy()
# 设置宽和高
Ssize.append(src.shape[1]) # 宽
Ssize.append(src.shape[0]) # 高
self.modelHeight = src.shape[0] # 存储模板的高
self.modelWidth = src.shape[1] # 存储模板的宽
self.noOfCordinates = 0 # 初始化
self.cordinates = [] #self.modelWidth * self.modelHeight # 为模板图像中选定点的联合分配内存
self.edgeMagnitude = [] # 为选定点的边缘幅度分配内存
self.edgeDerivativeX = [] # 为选定点的边缘X导数分配内存
self.edgeDerivativeY = [] # 为选定点的边缘Y导数分配内存
## 计算模板的梯度
gx = cv2.Sobel(src, cv2.CV_32F, 1, 0, 3)
gy = cv2.Sobel(src, cv2.CV_32F, 0, 1, 3)
MaxGradient = -99999.99
orients = []
nmsEdges = np.zeros((Ssize[1], Ssize[0]))
magMat = np.zeros((Ssize[1], Ssize[0]))
# 该for循环可以得到 1、梯度图magMat 2、方向列表orients
for i in range(1, Ssize[1]-1):
for j in range(1, Ssize[0]-1):
fdx = gx[i][j] # 读x, y的导数值
fdy = gy[i][j]
MagG = (float(fdx*fdx) + float(fdy * fdy))**(1/2.0) # Magnitude = Sqrt(gx^2 +gy^2)
direction = cv2.fastAtan2(float(fdy), float(fdx)) # Direction = invtan (Gy / Gx)
magMat[i][j] = MagG # 把梯度放在图像对应位置
if MagG > MaxGradient:
MaxGradient = MagG # 获得最大梯度值进行归一化。
# 从0,45,90,135得到最近的角
if (direction > 0 and direction < 22.5) or (direction > 157.5 and direction < 202.5) or (direction > 337.5 and direction < 360):
direction = 0
elif (direction > 22.5 and direction < 67.5) or (direction >202.5 and direction <247.5):
direction = 45
elif (direction >67.5 and direction < 112.5) or (direction>247.5 and direction<292.5):
direction = 90
elif (direction >112.5 and direction < 157.5) or (direction>292.5 and direction<337.5):
direction = 135
direction = 0
orients.append(int(direction)) # 存储方向信息
count = 0 # 初始化count
# 非最大抑制
# 这个for循环可以保留边缘点
# 请问什么是图像的梯度?这里的图像梯度来自于gx和gy的矢量相加。
for i in range(1, Ssize[1]-1): # 图像边缘像素点没有包含在内
for j in range(1, Ssize[0]-1):
if orients[count] == 0:
leftPixel = magMat[i][j-1]
rightPixel = magMat[i][j+1]
elif orients[count] == 45:
leftPixel = magMat[i - 1][j + 1]
rightPixel = magMat[i+1][j - 1]
elif orients[count] == 90:
leftPixel = magMat[i - 1][j]
rightPixel = magMat[i+1][j]
elif orients[count] == 135:
leftPixel = magMat[i - 1][j-1]
rightPixel = magMat[i+1][j+1]
if (magMat[i][j] < leftPixel) or (magMat[i][j] < rightPixel):
nmsEdges[i][j] = 0
nmsEdges[i][j] = int(magMat[i][j]/MaxGradient*255)
count = count + 1
RSum = 0
CSum = 0
flag = 1
# 做滞后阈值
# 将阈值再筛选一遍
for i in range(1, Ssize[1]-1):
for j in range(1, Ssize[0]-1):
fdx = gx[i][j]
fdy = gy[i][j]
MagG = (fdx*fdx + fdy*fdy)**(1/2) # Magnitude = Sqrt(gx^2 +gy^2)
DirG = cv2.fastAtan2(float(fdy), float(fdx)) # Direction = tan(y/x)
flag = 1
if float(nmsEdges[i][j]) < maxContrast: # 边缘小于最大阈值
if float(nmsEdges[i][j]) < minContrast: # 边缘小于最小阈值
nmsEdges[i][j] = 0
flag = 0
else: # 如果8个相邻像素中的任何一个不大于maxContrast,则从边缘删除
if float(nmsEdges[i-1][j-1]) < maxContrast and \
float(nmsEdges[i-1][j]) < maxContrast and \
float(nmsEdges[i-1][j+1]) < maxContrast and \
float(nmsEdges[i][j-1]) < maxContrast and \
float(nmsEdges[i][j+1]) < maxContrast and \
float(nmsEdges[i+1][j-1]) < maxContrast and \
float(nmsEdges[i+1][j]) < maxContrast and \
float(nmsEdges[i+1][j+1]) < maxContrast:
nmsEdges[i][j] = 0
flag = 0
# 保存选中的边缘信息
curX = i # 坐标值
curY = j
if(flag != 0): # float(nmsEdges[i][j]) > maxContrast
if fdx != 0 or fdy != 0: # 所有有效的梯度值
RSum = RSum+curX # 重心的行和和列和;为了求取重心
CSum = CSum+curY
self.cordinates.append([curX, curY]) # 边缘点的坐标列表
# handle divide by zero 归一化
if MagG != 0:
self.edgeMagnitude.append(1/MagG) # 建立归一化后的梯度向量
self.noOfCordinates = self.noOfCordinates+1 # 记录梯度向量的个数
self.centerOfGravity.append(RSum//self.noOfCordinates) # 重心 = 边缘坐标值累加//总边缘点数
self.centerOfGravity.append(CSum // self.noOfCordinates) # 重心
# 改变坐标以反映重心 这里将边缘点坐标变成了相对于重心的坐标。
for m in range(0, self.noOfCordinates):
temp = 0
temp = self.cordinates[m][0]
self.cordinates[m][0] = temp - self.centerOfGravity[0]
temp = self.cordinates[m][1]
self.cordinates[m][1] = temp - self.centerOfGravity[1]
self.modelDefined = True
return 1
# 模版匹配 srcarr图像 minScore最小分数
def FindGeoMatchModel(self, srcarr, minScore, greediness):
Ssize = []
Sdx = []
Sdy = []
resultScore = 0
partialSum = 0
sumOfCoords = 0
resultPoint = []
src = srcarr.copy()
if not self.modelDefined:
return 0
Ssize.append(src.shape[1]) # 高
Ssize.append(src.shape[0]) # 宽
matGradMag = np.zeros((Ssize[1], Ssize[0]))
Sdx = cv2.Sobel(src, cv2.CV_32F, 1, 0, 3) # 找到X导数
Sdy = cv2.Sobel(src, cv2.CV_32F, 0, 1, 3) # 找到Y导数
normMinScore = minScore/ self.noOfCordinates # 预计算minScore
normGreediness = ((1- greediness*minScore)/(1-greediness)) / self.noOfCordinates # 预计算greediness
for i in range(0, Ssize[1]):
for j in range(0, Ssize[0]):
iSx = Sdx[i][j] # 搜索图像的X梯度
iSy = Sdy[i][j] # 搜索图像的Y梯度
gradMag = ((iSx*iSx)+(iSy*iSy))**(1/2) # Magnitude = Sqrt(dx^2 +dy^2)
if gradMag != 0:
matGradMag[i][j] = 1/gradMag # 1/Sqrt(dx^2 +dy^2)
matGradMag[i][j] = 0
height = Ssize[1]
wight = Ssize[0]
Nof = self.noOfCordinates # 模版边缘点的总数
for i in range(0, height):
for j in range(0, wight):
partialSum = 0 # 初始化partialSum
for m in range(0, Nof):
curX = i + self.cordinates[m][0] # 模板X坐标 从模版坐标推导出待测图像的坐标
curY = j + self.cordinates[m][1] # 模板Y坐标
iTx = self.edgeDerivativeX[m] # 模板X的导数
iTy = self.edgeDerivativeY[m] # 模板Y的导数
if curX < 0 or curY < 0 or curX > Ssize[1] - 1 or curY > Ssize[0] - 1:
iSx = Sdx[curX][curY] # 从源图像得到相应的X导数
iSy = Sdy[curX][curY] # 从源图像得到相应的Y导数
if (iSx != 0 or iSy != 0) and (iTx != 0 or iTy != 0):
# //partial Sum = Sum of(((Source X derivative* Template X drivative) + Source Y derivative * Template Y derivative)) / Edge magnitude of(Template)* edge magnitude of(Source))
# self.edgeMagnitude(列表)归一化之后的梯度
# 这里matGradMag表示待测图片的梯度图
# 求解相似度度量
partialSum = partialSum + ((iSx*iTx)+(iSy*iTy))*(self.edgeMagnitude[m] * matGradMag[curX][curY])
sumOfCoords = m+1
partialScore = partialSum/sumOfCoords # 求解相似度量的平均值
# 检查终止条件
# 如果部分得分小于该位置所需的得分
# 在那个坐标中断serching。
# 此处使用了贪心算法
if partialScore < min((minScore - 1) + normGreediness*sumOfCoords, normMinScore*sumOfCoords):
if partialScore > resultScore:
resultPoint = []
resultScore = partialScore # 匹配分;匹配分会随着匹配个数,慢慢变化,得到最后的匹配分。但不是一直在增大
resultPoint.append(i) # 结果X坐标
resultPoint.append(j) # 结果Y坐标
return resultPoint, resultScore
def DrawContours(self, source, color, lineWidth):
for i in range(0, self.noOfCordinates):
point = []
point.append(self.cordinates[i][1] + self.centerOfGravity[1])
point.append(self.cordinates[i][0] + self.centerOfGravity[0])
point = map(int, point)
point = tuple(point)
cv2.line(source, point, point, color, lineWidth)
def DrawSourceContours(self, source, COG, color, lineWidth):
for i in range(0, self.noOfCordinates):
point = [0, 0]
point[1] = self.cordinates[i][0] + COG[0]
point[0] = self.cordinates[i][1] + COG[1]
point = map(int, point)
point = tuple(point)
cv2.line(source, point, point, color, lineWidth)
if __name__ == '__main__':
GM = GeoMatch()
lowThreshold = 10 # deafult value
highThreashold = 100 # deafult value
minScore = 0.4 # deafult value
greediness = 0.8 # deafult value
total_time = 0 # deafult value
score = 0 # deafult value
templateImage = cv2.imread("Template.jpg") # 读取模板图像
searchImage = cv2.imread("Search2.jpg") # 读取待搜索图片
templateImage = np.uint8(templateImage)
searchImage = np.uint8(searchImage)
# ------------------创建基于边缘的模板模型------------------------#
if templateImage.shape[-1] == 3:
grayTemplateImg = cv2.cvtColor(templateImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
grayTemplateImg = templateImage.copy()
print("\nEdge Based Template Matching Program")
if not GM.CreateGeoMatchModel(grayTemplateImg, lowThreshold, highThreashold):
print("ERROR: could not create model...")
assert 0
GM.DrawContours(templateImage, (255, 0, 0), 1)
print("Shape model created..with Low Threshold = {} High Threshold = {}".format(lowThreshold, highThreashold))
# ------------------找到基于边缘的模板模型------------------------#
# 转换彩色图像为灰色图像。
if searchImage.shape[-1] == 3:
graySearchImg = cv2.cvtColor(searchImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
graySearchImg = searchImage.copy()
print("Finding Shape Model..Minumum Score = {} Greediness = {}".format(minScore, greediness))
start_time1 = time.time()
result, score = GM.FindGeoMatchModel(graySearchImg, minScore, greediness)
finish_time1 = time.time()
total_time = finish_time1 - start_time1
if score > minScore:
print("Found at [{}, {}]\nScore = {} \nSearching Time = {} s".format(result[0], result[1], score, total_time))
GM.DrawSourceContours(searchImage, result, (0, 255, 0), 1)
print("Object Not found")
plt.figure("template Image")
plt.figure("search Image")
for i in range(0, height):
for j in range(0, wight):
start_time4 = time.time()
partialSum = 0 # 初始化partialSum
for m in range(0, Nof):
curX = i + self.cordinates[m][0] # 模板X坐标 从模版坐标推导出待测图像的坐标
curY = j + self.cordinates[m][1] # 模板Y坐标
iTx = self.edgeDerivativeX[m] # 模板X的导数
iTy = self.edgeDerivativeY[m] # 模板Y的导数
if curX < 0 or curY < 0 or curX > Ssize[1] - 1 or curY > Ssize[0] - 1:
iSx = Sdx[curX][curY] # 从源图像得到相应的X导数
iSy = Sdy[curX][curY] # 从源图像得到相应的Y导数
if (iSx != 0 or iSy != 0) and (iTx != 0 or iTy != 0):
# //partial Sum = Sum of(((Source X derivative* Template X drivative) + Source Y derivative * Template Y derivative)) / Edge magnitude of(Template)* edge magnitude of(Source))
# self.edgeMagnitude(列表)归一化之后的梯度
# 这里matGradMag表示待测图片的梯度图
# 求解相似度度量
partialSum = partialSum + ((iSx*iTx)+(iSy*iTy))*(self.edgeMagnitude[m] * matGradMag[curX][curY])
sumOfCoords = m+1
partialScore = partialSum/sumOfCoords # 求解相似度量的平均值
# 检查终止条件
# 如果部分得分小于该位置所需的得分
# 在那个坐标中断serching。
# 此处使用了贪心算法
if partialScore < min((minScore - 1) + normGreediness*sumOfCoords, normMinScore*sumOfCoords):
if partialScore > resultScore:
resultPoint = []
resultScore = partialScore # 匹配分;匹配分会随着匹配个数,慢慢变化,得到最后的匹配分。但不是一直在增大
resultPoint.append(i) # 结果X坐标
resultPoint.append(j) # 结果Y坐标
start_time41 = time.time()
return resultPoint, resultScore
Searching Time = 78.99114680290222s。
来解决。 for i in range(0, height):
for j in range(0, wight):
for m in range(0, Nof):
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main(int agrc, char** argv) {
Mat src = imread("E:/Template Matching/Template.jpg");
imshow("input", src);
Mat gray;
cvtColor(src, gray, COLOR_RGB2GRAY);
goodFeaturesToTrack(gray, corners, 50, 0.015, 5);
for (size_t t = 0; t < corners.size(); t++)
circle(src, corners[t], 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0);
imshow("角点检测", src);
return 0;
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main(int agrc, char** argv) {
Mat src = imread("E:/Template Matching/Template.jpg");
imshow("input", src);
auto orb = ORB::create(100);
Mat result;
orb->detect(src, kypts);
cout << kypts.size() << endl;
drawKeypoints(src, kypts, result, Scalar::all(-1), DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT);
imshow("关键点检测", result);
return 0;