Psychology n.心理学; 心理; 心理特征; 心理影响;
One of the most important human emotions is love.
However, there are many different kinds of love.
Romantic love is certainly one of the most interesting kinds of love.
It can be beautiful, wonderful and heart breaking, sometimes all at the same time.
Romantic love can make our lives full and meaningful, but it can also be an escape from loneliness and suffering. 但他也可以逃避孤独和痛苦
Romantic adj.浪漫的; 爱情的; 情爱的; 多情的; 表达爱情的; 富有情调的; 美妙的;
heartbreaking adj.令人心碎的; 使人悲痛的;
sometimes adv.副词, 有时
at the same time同时
lives life的复数 n.生命; 人命; 性命; 人的存活; 生物; 活物;
full and meaningful 充实而有意义 两个词是形容词
escape n.逃跑; 逃脱; 逃避; 逃避现实;
loneliness n.孤独; 寂寞;
suffering n.疼痛; 痛苦; 折磨; 苦难; 苦恼;
If romantic love has a purpose, neither psychology nor biology has discovered it.
However, throughout history, philosophers have offered opinions about it.
The Greek philosopher, Plato, said love makes us complete.
He relates a comic story in which humans are originally had four arms, four legs and two faces.
Then, when they angered the gods, they were cut in half. v.使发怒; 激怒;
Since then every person has been searching for their soulmate, the other half of his or her self.
psychology n.心理学; 心理; 心理特征; 心理影响;
biology n.生物学; 生理;
neither nor 两者都不
throughout prep.各处; 遍及; 自始至终; 贯穿整个时期;
philosopher n.哲学家; 深思的人; 善于思考的人;
relates v.联系; 使有联系; 把…联系起来; 叙述; 讲述; 讲(故事);
comic adj.滑稽的; 使人发笑的; 喜剧的;
originally adv.原来; 起初;
anger v.使发怒; 激怒;
cut in half 切成两半
since then 前后一般接现在完成时,表示从那以后
the other half 另一半
self n.(自己的) 通常的行为方式,本来面目,惯常心态; 个性; 自我; 个人利益; 一己的享乐; 私心;
Another philosopher believed that love is an illusion.
In his view, people fall in love because they believe the other person can make them happy.
But in fact, this is just an illusion designed to make us have children. designed 做定语?
Once we have children, we are right back to where we were, still searching for happiness.
For nature this is a success, because we have children to maintain our species.
But it leaves us still searching for something more.
illusion n.错误的观念; 幻想; 幻想的事物; 错觉;
fall in love 坠入爱河
the other person 另一个人
species n.种,物种(分类上小于属);
Leave Sb Doing 指让某人保持某动作或状态,
According to this philosopher, what is the real purpose of life?(It's designed to maintain our species.)
(If something is an illusion, it isn't what it seems to be.)
(Some people say love can be a disguise for our sexual desires or a biological trick to make us have children.)
disguise n.伪装物; 化装用具; 假扮; 装扮; 伪装;
sexual 性行为的;性的;生殖的;有性繁殖的
sexual desires 性欲
trick n.诡计; 花招; 骗局; 把戏; 引起错觉(或记忆紊乱)的事物; 戏法;
biological trick 生物把戏
In Buddhism, romantic love is seen as an attempt to satisfy our desires.
This desires are a defect, something we need to overcome.
The way to free ourselves from suffering is to remove desires.
Once free of desires we can reach a state of peace and wisdom.
This state of being is called nirvana.
Buddhism n.佛教;
attempt n.企图; 试图; 尝试; 杀人企图; (为超越某事物的) 尝试,努力;
satisfy v.使满意; 使满足; 满足(要求、需要等); 向…证实; 使确信;
defect n.缺点; 缺陷; 毛病;
free somebody from doing 把。。从。。解脱出来
wisdom n.智慧; 才智; 精明; 明智; (社会或文化长期积累的) 知识,学问;
nirvana n.湼盘(超脱一切烦恼的境界);
this state of being 这种存在状态
(Other kinds of love include the love between a parent and child.)